$settings = PwshRun-GetSettings "git" function Git-GetRoot { return $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -replace "/","\" } function Git-GetBranchName { return git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD } function Git-CheckBranch { Param( [string] $branch ) if ($branch -eq "HEAD") { Write-Error "Cannot determine branch name - you may be in a detached head state" return $false } return $true } function Git-FindMerge { Param( [string] $commit, [string] $targetBranch = $null, [switch] $show = $false ) $targetBranch = if ($targetBranch -eq $null) { $settings.defaultBranch } else { $targetBranch } $merge = git rev-list $targetBranch ^$commit --ancestry-path --merges --reverse | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Host $args if ($show) { git show $merge } else { $merge } } function Git-BranchCleanup { Write-Host "Removing fully merged and deleted (on remote) branches" git fetch --prune Write-Host "The following local branches are fully merged" git branch --list --format "%(refname:short)" --merge Write-Host "The following remote branches have not been updated in a month" $min = Get-Date -Format "s" -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) git branch -r --format "%(refname:short)" | ForEach-Object { $cDate = git show -s --format=%cI $_ if ($cDate -lt $min) { Write-Output $_ Write-Output $(git show -s --format="%cI %ce <%cn>") Write-Output "" } } } |