function Debug-Args { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $args.Length; $i++) { $v = $args[$i] Write-Output "[$i]: ($($v.GetType().FullName))" $v } } function Expand-Vars { Param( [string] $str, $vars = @{} ) PwshRun-ExpandVariables $str $vars } function Check-State { if ((Get-Item "function:prompt").Source -eq "pwshrun") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "'function:prompt': OK" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "'function:prompt': Seems to have been overwritten after the pwshrun module was loaded. Prompt hooks will not work in this constellation." } } PwshRun-RegisterTasks "debug" @( @{ Alias = "args"; Command = "Debug-Args"; Description = "Lists all the arguments given to the task with type information"; Example = "`$RUNNER args [a1] [a2]"; }, @{ Alias = "expand"; Command = "Expand-Vars"; Description = "Lists all the arguments given to the task with type information"; Example = "`$RUNNER expand 'some ```$x of string with ```$variables' @{'x' = 'type';'variables' = 'VARS'}"; }, @{ Alias = "check"; Command = "Check-State"; Description = "Checks the configuration and reports issues"; Example = "`$RUNNER check"; } ) |