function Task-List { Param( [string] $bundle ) $bundles = if ($bundle) { @($bundle) } else { $config.bundles.Keys } $bundles | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { $bundleName = "[$_]".PadRight(15) $config.bundles[$_] | Sort-Object -Property Alias | ForEach-Object { $task = $_ $description = PwshRun-ExpandVariables $task.Description $example = PwshRun-ExpandVariables $task.Example Write-Output "$bundleName $($task.Alias) - $description" Write-Output " > $example" } } } function Task-Metadata { $config.tasks } function Task-ShowVars { $config.vars } function Task-ShowSettings { $config.settings } function Task-ShowTypes { $config.types } function Task-Log { Param( [LogLevel] $level = [LogLevel]::Information, [string] $message ) if ([int]$level -ge [int]$config.vars.LOGLEVEL) { Write-Host $message } } PwshRun-RegisterTasks "core" @( @{ Alias = "task:list"; Command = "Task-List"; Description = "List all available tasks and their descriptions"; Example = "`$RUNNER task:list"; }, @{ Alias = "task:metadata"; Command = "Task-Metadata"; Description = "Get metadata of all available tasks"; Example = "`$RUNNER task:metadata"; }, @{ Alias = "task:vars"; Command = "Task-ShowVars"; Description = "Show all task variables"; Example = "`$RUNNER task:vars"; }, @{ Alias = "task:settings"; Command = "Task-ShowSettings"; Description = "Show all task settings"; Example = "`$RUNNER task:settings"; }, @{ Alias = "task:types"; Command = "Task-ShowTypes"; Description = "Show all types defined by pwshrun"; Example = "`$RUNNER task:types"; } ) |