$environment = PwshRun-GetSettings "environment" $currentEnv = @{ "location" = $null "reverse" = $null "current" = $null } function Env-LocateConfig { $path = $pwd.ProviderPath while ($path) { $file = Join-Path $path ".env" if (Test-Path $file) { if ($currentEnv.location -ne $file) { Env-Reset Env-Update $file } return } $path = Split-Path $path } Env-Reset } function Env-Log { Param( [string] $message ) if ($environment.logUpdate) { Write-Host $message } } function Env-Set { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $vars ) Env-Log "Updating environment..." $vars.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($null -eq $vars[$_]) { Env-Log "remove $_" Remove-Item -Path "env:$_" } else { Env-Log "$_ => $($vars[$_])" Set-Item -Path "env:$_" -Value $vars[$_] } } } function Env-Update { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $envFile ) $vars = Get-Content $file | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $currentEnv.location = $file $currentEnv.reverse = @{} $currentEnv.current = @{} $vars.Keys | ForEach-Object { $currentEnv.reverse[$_] = if (Test-Path "env:$_") { (Get-Item -Path "env:$_").Value } else { $null } $currentEnv.current[$_] = PwshRun-ExpandVariables $vars[$_] } Env-Set $currentEnv.current } function Env-Reset { if ($currentEnv.reverse) { Env-Set $currentEnv.reverse } $currentEnv.location = $null $currentEnv.reverse = $null $currentEnv.current = $null } function Env-Show { if ($currentEnv.current) { $currentEnv.current | Out-String | Write-Output } else { Write-Output "no custom environment" } } function Env-Reload { Env-Reset Env-LocateConfig } PwshRun-RegisterPromptHook "env" { Env-LocateConfig } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove += { PwshRun-RemovePromptHook "env" Env-Reset } PwshRun-RegisterTasks "env" @( @{ Alias = "env:show"; Command = "Env-Show"; Description = "Shows the current custom environment variables"; Example = "`$RUNNER env:show"; }, @{ Alias = "env:reload"; Command = "Env-Reload"; Description = "Reloads the custom environment from the '.env' file"; Example = "`$RUNNER env:reload"; } ) |