
$modules = @{}
$settingsPath = "~\.pwshrun.json"

if (!(Test-Path $settingsPath)) {
    Write-Host "PwshRun: Initializing..."
    Write-Host "PwshRun: Creating $settingsPath"
    @{} | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $settingsPath

    Loads the PwshRun settings file that contains all the runner definitions

function Load-Settings {
    $settings = @{}
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $settingsPath)) {
        Write-Error "Missing settings file $settingsPath"
    } else {
        $settings = Get-Content $settingsPath | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
    return $settings

    Creates dynamic runner modules - one module for each runner - with the pwshrun-bootstrap.ps1 script
    loading the runner tasks.

function Create-Modules {
    $settings = Load-Settings

    $settings.Keys | ForEach-Object {
        $alias = $_
        $options = $settings[$alias]
        $moduleName = "pwshrun-$alias"
        $module = New-Module -Name $moduleName -ArgumentList @($alias, $options) -ScriptBlock {
                [string] $alias,

            . "$PSScriptRoot/pwshrun-bootstrap.ps1"
        Import-Module -Global -Force $module
        $modules[$moduleName] = $module

    Creates a new PwshRun runner with the given name by adding a new runner definition to the settings file.

function New-PwshRunner {
        [string] $alias

    $settings = Load-Settings
    $settings[$alias] = @{
        "load" = @("`$PWSHRUN_HOME\utility")
    $settings | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $settingsPath
    $runnerSettingsPath = "~/.pwshrun.$alias.json"
        "locations" = @{
            "windir" = $env:WINDIR
    } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $runnerSettingsPath
    Invoke-Expression $runnerSettingsPath


    Removes all runner modules from the current session.

function Uninstall-PwshRunModules {
    $modules.Keys | ForEach-Object {
        Remove-Module $_

    Reloads all runner modules, refreshing the settings for each.

function Reset-PwshRunModules {

Export-ModuleMember -Function Uninstall-PwshRunModules,Reset-PwshRunModules,New-PwshRunner
