#requires -Version 3 Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Get-EnvironmentVariable{ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets information about the current Environment Variable. .DESCRIPTION The Get-EnvironmentVariable cmdlet gets an object that represents the current Environment Variable. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-EnvironmentVariable GOPATH Name Value ---- ----- GOPATH C:\Users\example\gocode .EXAMPLE PS /home/vagrant> Get-EnvironmentVariable GO* Name Value ---- ----- GOPATH /home/vagrant/gocode GOROOT /home/vagrant/go .EXAMPLE PS /home/vagrant> Get-EnvironmentVariable GO* -ValueOnly /home/vagrant/gocode /home/vagrant/go .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-EnvironmentVariable -LiteralName "A*B*C" Name Value ---- ----- A*B*C Z*Y*Z #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName="Env")] [OutputType("PwshEnvironment.Entry")] Param( # Specifies a Name of the Environment Variable. [Parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName="Env", ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]]$Name , # Specifies a Name of the Environment Variable. [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName="LiteralName", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]]$LiteralName , # Indicates that this cmdlet gets only the value of the Environment Variable. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Env")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="LiteralName")] [switch]$ValueOnly = $false ) Begin{ } Process{ $isLiteralName = $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LiteralName" if($isLiteralName){ $names = $LiteralName }else{ $names = $Name } if(($null -eq $names)){ $names = ,"*" } $names | ForEach-Object { $pattern = $_ if($isLiteralName){ $params = @{ LiteralPath = (Join-Path -Path "${script:EnvDriveName}:" -ChildPath $pattern) } }else{ $params = @{ Path = "${script:EnvDriveName}:*" Include = $pattern } } Get-ChildItem @params | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object { if($ValueOnly){ $_.Value }else{ New-InternalEntry $_.Name $_.Value $_.PSPath } } # if(($null -eq $pattern) -or ("" -eq $pattern)){ # $pattern = "*" # } # Get-ChildItem Env: | ForEach-Object { # $psPath = $_.PSPath # $envName = $_.Name # $envValue = $_.Value # if($isLiteralName){ # if($script:IsCaseSensitive){ # $hit = $envName -ceq $pattern # }else{ # $hit = $envName -ieq $pattern # } # }else{ # if($script:IsCaseSensitive){ # $hit = $envName -clike $pattern # }else{ # $hit = $envName -ilike $pattern # } # } # if($hit){ # if($ValueOnly){ # $envValue # }else{ # New-InternalEntry $envName $envValue $psPath # } # } # } } } } |