#requires -Version 5 Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Import-Dotenv { <# .SYNOPSIS Reads a dotenv-formatted file and returns it in Hashtable format. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet converts a dotenv(.env) formatted string into either a Hashtable or a EnvEntry array. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-Dotenv .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-Dotenv ".test.env" -PassThru ---- ----- ABC 1 DEF 3 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType([hashtable], ParameterSetName = "Hashtable")] Param( # Specifies a Path Name of the .env. [Parameter(Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$Path, # Enables the behavior to OVERRIDE environment variables. [Parameter()] [switch]$AllowClobber, # Specifies the encoding type for .env. The default value is UTF-8. [Parameter()] [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, # Ignore errors if the file does not exist. [Parameter()] [switch]$SkipReadErrorCheck, # Returns an hashtable representing the imported dotenv. By default, this cmdlet doesn't generate any output. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Hashtable")] [switch]$PassThru ) Begin { $dotenv_files = @() } Process { $dotenv_files += @($Path) } End { $envs = Read-Dotenv -Path $dotenv_files -AllowClobber:$AllowClobber -Encoding $Encoding -SkipReadErrorCheck:$SkipReadErrorCheck foreach ($name in $envs.Keys) { $env_path = Join-Path -Path "${script:EnvDriveName}:" -ChildPath $name $value = $envs[$name] if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set ${env_path}=${value}")){ Set-Content -LiteralPath $env_path -Value $value -Confirm:$false Write-Verbose "Set ${env_path}=${value}" } } if($PassThru){ $envs } } } |