.ExternalHelp pwsh-GC-help.xml #> function New-GCDynamicLabel { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [System.String] $LabelKey, [System.String] $LabelValue, [System.String] $Argument, [ValidateSet("name","numeric_ip_addresses","id")] [System.String] $Field, [ValidateSet("STARTSWITH","ENDSWITH","EQUALS","CONTAINS","SUBNET","WILDCARDS")] [System.String] $Operation, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Array] $Criteria, [Switch] $Raw, [PSTypeName("GCApiKey")] $ApiKey ) begin { if ( GCApiKey-present $ApiKey ) { if ( $ApiKey ) { $Key = $ApiKey } else { $Key = $global:GCApiKey } $Uri = "/visibility/labels" } $Body = [PSCustomObject]@{ id = $null key = $LabelKey value = $LabelValue criteria = @() #This is an array of "criteria objects" that can be specified by an array of these objects from the pipeline, via the $Criteria parameter. You can also create a rule with just a single criteria by directly specifying Argument, Field, and Operation. } } process { if ( -not ($LabelKey -and $LabelValue -and (($Argument -and $Field -and $Operation) -or $Criteria)) ) { throw "Parameters required: LabelKey, LabelValue, and either one or more Criteria objects, an Argument, Field, and Operation, or a label object" } if ( $Criteria ) { $Body.criteria += $Criteria } else { $Body.criteria += [PSCustomObject]@{ argument = $Argument field = $Field op = $Operation } } } end { $Should = $Body.key + ": " + $Body.value if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Should, "pwsh-GC-get-request -Raw -Uri $Uri -ApiKey $Key") ) { pwsh-GC-post-request -Raw -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -ApiKey $Key } } } |