
    .ExternalHelp pwsh-GC-help.xml

function Get-GCIncident{
    param (



        [ValidateSet("Incident","Deception","Network Scan","Reveal","Experimental")]









        $Limit = 20,

        $Offset = 0,




    if ( GCApiKey-present $ApiKey ) {
        if ( $ApiKey ) {
            $Key = $ApiKey
        } else {
            $Key = $global:GCApiKey
        # This sort is required for legacy URI building
        $Uri = "/incidents?sort=-start_time" 

    # Handling start and end time defaults

    if ( -not $StartTime ) {
        $StartTime = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
    if ( -not $EndTime ) {
        $EndTime = Get-Date
    [Int64]$StartTime = $StartTime | ConvertTo-GCUnixTime
    [Int64]$EndTime = $EndTime | ConvertTo-GCUnixTime
    # Building request body with parameters
    $Body = @{
        from_time = $StartTime
        to_time = $EndTime
        severity = $Severity
        incident_type = $IncidentType
        tag = $IncludeTag -join ","
        tags__not = $ExcludeTag -join ","
        id = $ID
        limit = $Limit
        offset = $Offset

    # Removing empty keys

    $RequestBody = Remove-EmptyKeys $Body

    # This legacy URI building is actually necessary,
    # due to the complicated way in which the URI needs to be structured.
    ### SOURCE ###
    $Uri += "&source="
    if ( $SourceLabel ) {
        $Uri += "labels:"
        $Uri += $ -join "|"
    if ( $SourceAsset ) {
        $Uri += "assets:"
        $Uri += $SourceAsset -join ","
    if ( $Uri[$Uri.length-1] -eq "=" ) {
        $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-8)
    ### DESTINATION ###
    $Uri += "&destination="
    if ( $DestinationLabel ) {
        $Uri += "labels:"
        $Uri += $ -join "|"
    if ( $DestinationAsset ) {
        $Uri += "assets:"
        $Uri += $DestinationAsset -join ","
    if ( $Uri[$Uri.length-1] -eq "=" ) {
        $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-13)
    ### ANY SIDE ###
    $Uri += "&any_side="
    if ( $AnySideLabel ) {
        $Uri += "labels:"
        $Uri += $ -join "|"
    if ( $AnySideAsset ) {
        $Uri += "assets:"
        $Uri += $AnySideAsset -join ","
    if ( $Uri[$Uri.length-1] -eq "=" ) {
        $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-10)

    # Making the call

    if ( $Raw ) {
        pwsh-GC-get-request -Raw -Uri $Uri -Body $RequestBody -ApiKey $Key
    } else {
        pwsh-GC-get-request -Uri $Uri -Body $RequestBody -ApiKey $Key | foreach {$_.PSTypeNames.Clear(); $_.PSTypeNames.Add("GCIncident"); $_}