function Get-GCRawFlow { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [DateTime] $StartTime, [DateTime] $EndTime, [System.Array] $SourceProcess, [System.Array] $DestinationProcess, [System.Array] $AnySideProcess, [System.Array] $SourceAsset, [System.Array] $DestinationAsset, [System.Array] $AnySideAsset, [System.Array] $SourceLabel, [System.Array] $DestinationLabel, [System.Array] $AnySideLabel, [Switch] $SourceInternet, [Switch] $DestinationInternet, [Int32] $Limit = 20, [Int32] $Offset, [Switch] $Raw, [PSTypeName("GCApiKey")] $ApiKey ) if ( GCApiKey-present $ApiKey ) { if ( $ApiKey ) { $Key = $ApiKey } else { $Key = $global:GCApiKey } $Uri = "/connections?sort=slot_start_time" } # Handling default time values if ( -not $StartTime ) { $StartTime = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-1) } if ( -not $EndTime ) { $EndTime = Get-Date } # Building the request body $Body = @{ from_time = (ConvertTo-GCUnixTime $StartTime) to_time = (ConvertTo-GCUnixTime $EndTime) offset = $Offset limit = $Limit } # Removing empty keys $RequestBody = Remove-EmptyKeys $Body # Legacy URI building ### Source ### if ( $SourceProcess -or $SourceAsset -or $SourceLabel -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SourceInternat") ) { $Uri += "&source=" } if ( $SourceInternet -eq $true ) { $Uri += "address_classification:Internet" } elseif ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SourceInternet") -and ($SourceInternet -eq $false) ) { $Uri += "address_classification:Private" } if ( $SourceProcess ) { $Uri += "processes:" $Uri += $SourceProcess -Join "," } if ( $SourceAsset ) { $Uri += "assets:" $Uri += $ -Join "," } if ( $SourceLabel ) { #2D array; outer group is OR, inner groups are AND $Uri += "labels:" foreach ($Group in $SourceLabel) { $Uri += $ -Join ">" $Uri += "|" } $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-1) #Removing last "|" } ### Destination ### if ( $DestinationProcess -or $DestinationAsset -or $DestinationLabel -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DestinationInternet") ) { $Uri += "&destination=" } if ( $DestinationInternet -eq $true ) { $Uri += "address_classification:Internet" } elseif ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DestinationInternet") -and ($DestinationInternet -eq $false) ) { $Uri += "address_classification:Private" } if ( $DestinationProcess ) { $Uri += "processes:" $Uri += $DestinationProcess -Join "," } if ( $DestinationAsset ) { $Uri += "assets:" $Uri += $ -Join "," } if ( $DestinationLabel ) { $Uri += "labels:" foreach ($Group in $DestinationLabel) { $Uri += $ -Join ">" $Uri += "|" } $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-1) #Removing last "|" } ### Any Side ### if ( $AnySideProcess -or $AnySideAsset -or $AnySideLabel ) { $Uri += "&any_side=" } if ( $AnySideProcess ) { $Uri += "processes:" $Uri += $AnySideProcess -Join "," } if ( $AnySideAsset ) { $Uri += "assets:" $Uri += $ -Join "," } if ( $AnySideLabel ) { $Uri += "labels:" foreach ($Group in $AnySideLabel) { $Uri += $ -Join ">" $Uri += "|" } $Uri = $Uri.SubString(0,$Uri.Length-1) #Removing last "|" } if ( $Raw ) { pwsh-GC-get-request -Raw -Uri $Uri -Body $RequestBody -ApiKey $Key } else { pwsh-GC-get-request -Uri $Uri -Body $RequestBody -ApiKey $Key | foreach {$_.PSTypeNames.Clear(); $_.PSTypeNames.Add("GCRawFlow"); $_} } } |