
##############################| |####################################################################################################################################################################################
##############################| |#
############## ########| |# Name : ScanRef.ps1
########### #####| |# Type : Script
######### ####### ####| |# Purpose : Run Scan for References on selected folders/documents
######## ############ ####| |# Author : Brian M. Flaherty
####### ##### ##### ####| |# Creation Date : 09/14/2017
############## ##### #####| |# Modified By :
############# ### ######| |# Modified Date :
########## #######| |# Script Version : 0.1
######## ##########| |# PowerShell Version : 5.0.10586.672
######## ##############| |# ProjectWise Version :
######### #########| |# PWPS Module Version :
######## ###### ########| |# PWPS_DAB Module Version :
####### ######### #######| |#
####### ########## #######| |# Requirements:
###### ######### ########| |# -
###### #### ########| |# -
###### ##########| |# -
######### #############| |# -
##############################| |# -
##############################| |#
## Description/Notes:
## - This script will run the Scan for References on specified folders/documents.
## - Read notes as the syntax is very specific.
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$logfilePath = "c:\temp"
$logfile = "$logfilePath\ScanRef06.log"

# -d datasource Datasource name to connect to.
$dsname = 'brumd09515rem:Test06'

# The following retrieves the ProjectWise path information from the registry.
$execpath = Get-PWPath

# Stops processing if the path information is not found.
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($execpath)) {
    Write-Error("Failed to get ProjectWise path.")

# Verify the scanrefs executable exists on the current machine. Stops processing if not found.
#$executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\scanrefs.exe" #(Get-PWScanRefsPath) + "\scanrefs.exe"

$executable = ((Get-PWPath) + "\scanrefs.exe")

if(-not (Test-Path -Path $executable))
    Write-Error ("Could not find " + $executable)
} else {
    "Found scanrefs.exe file."

# -mode scanmode Specifies a list of scanning modes to use.
# If this option is absent, the tool will operate in "references;linksets" mode.
# Possible modes:
# references - scan for references.
# linksets - scan DGN documents for link sets.
# urfcs - update references from current set - no attempt will be made at creating new sets,
# only existing reference sets will be updated.
# If this mode is enabled, priority or proximity reference search paths will be ignored.
# This option is intended to be used after upgrading a datasource from a pre-V8.1 version.
# Note that this mode disables other modes.
# Modes can be combined:
# references;linksets - scan for reference documents and for DGN link sets.
# NOTE: Do not add spaces between mode labels. This will cause an error (Unrecognized scanning mode:)
$scanmode = 'references'

# -masters documentlist A list of documents to scan for references and/or linksets.
$masterdocuments = ""

# -masterfolders folderlist A list of folders to scan for references and/or linksets. "r:" prefix means recursive
$masterfolders = "r:Documents\Import Testing"

# -priority folderlist Enable priority search for reference files in the specified folders.
# Prefix folder path with "r:" to recurse through the folder and sub-folders.
# NOTE: Ensure the folder path does NOT end with a backslash "\". This will cause an error.
# NOTE: Do not add spaces between folder paths. This will cause an error.
$priority = "r:Documents\Import Testing"

# -proximity [r:]number Enable proximity search for reference files <number> levels above the master file's folder.
# r: switch enables recursive search (includes subfolders).
# Examples:
# -proximity 0 - look for references in the master's folder.
# -proximity 1 - look for references in the parent folder of the master.
# -proximity r:1 - look for references in the master's folder's parent folder and its subfolders.
$proximity = "r:1"

# -order orderlist Order in which the proximity and priority searches will be done (if both are enabled).
# If this parameter is not specified, proximity search will take precedence.
# Examples:
# -order proximity;priority - proximity first.
# -order priority;proximity - priority first.
# NOTE: Do not add spaces between order label. This will cause an error (Input error: Unknown search type:).
$order = "priority;proximity"
#$order = "proximity"

# -af applicationlist Application filter for the lists of documents to scan - only the documents with matching application names will be scanned.
# Example:
# -af "MicroStation;AutoCad;Bentley Navigator"
# NOTE: This is case sensative, so ensure the names are listed exactly as they are in ProjectWise Administrator.
# NOTE: Do not add spaces between application names. This will cause an error (Collecting data... Failure).
$applications = "AutoCAD;MicroStation"

# -l logfile Log file path.

# -lv Use verbose logging - write more details to the log file.

# Test to determine if the log folder exists. If not, create.
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $logfilePath)) {
    New-Item -Path $logfilePath -ItemType "directory"

& $executable -d $dsname -mode $scanmode -masterfolders $masterfolders -af $applications -priority $priority -proximity $proximity -order $order -l $logfile -lv

# Opens log file
explorer $logfile