
2018-11-15 Version
Added cmdlets Start-SQLServerStoredProcedure - Utility cmdlet to run a stored procedure if you have a valid connection string to a SQL database
2018-11-15 Version
Added cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingRFIsWithProperties - returns IncomingRFIs with Templateable properties objects populated
2018-11-14 Version
Added cmdlets Get-PWDMServiceAccountToken - returns a string suitable for use as the -ConnectToken parameter in the below cmdlets
Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs, Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - added -ConnectToken parameter and "since" date parameter
2018-11-12 Version
Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals - changed internal logic a bit
2018-11-12 Version
Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals - added -UseCheckProject switch and changed to no longer require ProjectWise DI login to run.
2018-11-11 Version
Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs, Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - add -UseCheckProject switch
2018-11-07 Version
Added cmdlets Get-PWProjectForConnectedProjectId - Pass in Connected Project ID and get corresponding ProjectWise Project object.
                    Enable-PWTitleBlockUpdate - Will make the appropriate registry changes required to make the title block update work if configured
Updated cmdlets Get-PWAuditTrailSettings - will now return secondary table name if one is configured
                    New-PWDocumentAbstract - added -DoNotAddSuffix switch
2018-11-01 Version
Changed cmdlets Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Added progress reporting and parameters -FolderProgressInterval and -DocumentProgressInterval.
2018-10-24 Version
Changed cmdlets Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Fixed bug when file names varied in the version stack. Was generating false positives.
2018-10-13 Version
Added cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentsToDatatable - convert list of document objects to the datatable format used by other cmdlets.
                    Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Dedicated search for documents with missing files in storage area.
Changed cmdlets Get-PWStorageAreaReport - Added -SkipFileSizeCheck and -SkipOrphanFileCheck switches to improve performance.
2018-10-16 Version
Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWEmptyFolders - now returns list of deleted paths.
                    Set-PWUserLicenseSource - Changed parameters.
                    Copy-PWFolder - now allows copying to ROOT.
                    Add-PWMemberToUserList - fixed help.
                    Get-PWStorageAreaReport - added columns, cleaned up returned data.
2018-10-11 Version
General: Added Owner Types and Names to Document and Folder objects.
                    Added FolderCreator and FolderUpdater properties to Folder object.
                    Changed User object to update IMSProvider and IMSName by default.
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWUsersInUserList - now recurses all contained groups and user lists to build comprehensive list of users.
                    Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs, Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - now returning more data about the RFIs.
                    Remove-PWEmptyFolders - now returns a list of the folder objects that were deleted.
                    Copy-PWInterface - now requires -Create switch to create a new interface, otherwise updates if interface exists
2018-10-04 Version
General: Updated to use latest Deliverables Management libraries ( Dan Williams found a way to greatly speed up our spreadsheet reading for Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet.
                    Updated all dependent libraries to latest versions.
Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet - added -WriteBackLinks and -DeleteFilesOnImport switches.
2018-09-09 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWValidationQRCode - If you have the QR Code Validation Add-In, use this cmdlet to automate the process of stamping your drawings. One advantage of this approach
                                             is that you can run this as 64-bit process. Some customers have reported problems stamping large PDFs with the iCS Add-In because it's 32-bit.
                    Add-PWPDFLink - Add a link to a PDF in ProjectWise. Use -MakeFriendlyProjectWiseLink to add an https:// link that will work like a pw:// link. Use -URL for a generic URL.
                                    Use -WSGURL to add a WSG link.
2018-09-06 Version
Added cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentFilesFromZip - Import document files directly from a zip file. Long paths in zip are supported.
                    Export-PWDocumentFilesToZip - Exports document files directly to a zip file. Writing long paths to zip are supported.
                    Copy-PWInterface - Create a copy of an existing interface
Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocuments - Now supports importing from long paths on disk (Export-PWDocuments already supports writing to long paths on disk.)
2018-08-30 Version (thought the Exchange/Office365 email support and Project Share support deserved an incremented version)
Added cmdlets: Copy-PWMailMessagesFromExchange - Bulk copy email messages from Exchange mailbox to ProjectWise
                    New-PWProjectShareFolder - Create a new folder in the Project Share area of the CONNECTed Project
                    New-PWProjectShareFileFromDisk - Upload a file from disk to a Project Share folder
                    New-PWProjectShareFileFromProjectWise - Upload a document file from ProjectWise to a Project Share folder
                    Get-PWConnectURL - Get CONNECT web service endpoints
                    Remove-PWDocumentSheet - Remove attributes from document
Changed cmdlets: Add-PWConnectedProject - Now supports Industry, Asset Type, Country Code and Data Locations on creation
                    Changed most of the CONNECTed project manipulation cmdlets to NOT require an active ProjectWise login. Still requires Connection Client login.
2018-07-27 Version
Changed cmdlets: Set-PWWorkflowByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter
                    Clear-PWWorkflowByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter
                    Update-PWFolderNameProps - Now works with FolderID as default parameter
                    Set-PWEnvironmentByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter
                    Clear-PWEnvironmentByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter
2018-07-25 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWAllOwnedConnectedProjects - Gets a list of all your owned connected projects
                    Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - Gets a list of all the incoming RFIs. Can filter by Company Name (partial) or Email (partial)
                    Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - Gets a list of all the RFI response. Can filter by Email (partial)
                    Save-PWDMIncomingRFIs - Saves the files attached to the incoming RFIs
                    Save-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - Saves the files attached to the RFI responses
2018-07-13 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWProjectShareConnection - Add Project Share connection to existing Connected Project
Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject - Template no longer required
                    Export-PWDocumentsToArchive - added -NoAuditTrail parameter
                    Add-PWConnectedProject - now will link back the Connected project to the PWDI project by adding a connection in Project Share
                    General - added CreateDateTime and UpdateDateTime properties to the folder object
2018-07-02 Version
Added cmdlets: Remove-PWDocumentGroupAccess, Remove-PWDocumentUserListAccess
Changed cmdlets: Various bug fixes.
2018-06-21 Version
Added cmdlets: Import-PWDataTableValues - import datatable values into lookup tables.
Changed cmdlets: Connected project cmdlets - fixed issue where deliverables management assemblies weren't loading properly for non-IMS logins.
2018-06-14 Version
Added cmdlets: Update-PWUserProperties - allows setting of name, description and email.
                    Get-PWFoldersByGUIDs - return folder objects for a list of guids.
                    Get-PWDocumentsByGUIDs - return document objects for a list of guids.
                    New-PWScanForReferences, New-PWEnumFolders
Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - updated help, fixed issue with -DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch.
                    Get-PWError, Get-PWVersion no longer require an active login to run.
                    Reset-PWFolderSecurity - fixed issue with workflows.
2018-05-30 Version
General Note: Regular users can now log in via New-PWLogin and use the cmdlets if they are members of a group called "PowerShell Users".
                    Use -NonAdminLogin switch with New-PWLogin.
Changed cmdlets: Export-DataTableToSQLiteDB now supports -Append and -Overwrite switches.
                    All SQLite DB cmdlets should now support 64-bit.
2018-05-20 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWStorageAreaReport - Added SQLite output option.
                    New-PWLogin - Adjusted behavior of DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch. Works a bit more logically now.
2018-05-17 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyCheckoutsByProject - reports using audit trail document checkouts per user per project per month.
                    Get-PWDMOutgoingTransmittals - reports all outgoing transmittals for the given projects.
                    Save-PWDMOutgoingTransmittal - Save transmittal to disk.
                    Get-PWDMIncomingSubmittals - reports all incoming submittals for the given projects.
                    Save-PWDMIncomingSubmitals - Save submittal to disk.
                    Set-PWDocumentUserListAccess - Apply access mask for a user list to a set of documents
2018-05-15 Version
General Note: User must be in Admin or Restricted Admin group. Our intent has always been that PowerShell manipulation of datasources
                    required a user with elevated privileges.
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDSConfigEntry does not require a login.
                    Get-PWCurrentDatasource does not require a login.
2018-05-11 Version
Added cmdlets: Remove-PWFolderSecurity -
                    Update-PWStatistics - Update the stored statistics
Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - now records datasource statistics
                    Get-PWStatistics - Now returns all the datasource statistics
                    Various help file fixes
2018-04-18 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PDFQRCode - Stamp a file from disk with QR Code.
                    Set-PWFolderOwner - reset folder owner
                    Remove-PWFolderSecurity - remove folder security
Changed cmdlets: Add-PWPDFQRcode - added parameters
2018-04-18 Version
Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentGroupAccess - sets group access for an array of documents.
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWFolderSecurity, Update-PWFolderSecurity and Remove-PWFolderSecurity updated to include datasource default security.
                    New-PWFolder will now use storage from existing parent and does not require storage to be passed.
2018-04-10 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWMembers - list members of a group or userlist.
                    Get-PWManagedWorkspaceConfigBlocks - returns configuration settings blocks for all or a selected managed workspace type
                    Set-PWManagedWorkspaceForFolders - adds configuration settings block associations for selected managed workspace type to input folder(s)
                    Remove-PWManagedWorkspaceAssociationFromFolders - removes the specified configuration settings block of specified managed workspace type from input folder(s)
                    Remove-PWManagedWorkspaceAssociationsFromSubFolders - removes ALL configuration settings block associations from all sub-folders of the input folder(s)
                    Set-PWApplicationExtensions - set extensions for applications.
                    Copy-PWDocumentSecurity - copy document security from a template to a set of input documents
Changed cmdlets: New-PWFolder - added -Description parameter.
                    Copy-PWFolder - added -IncludeDocumentAttributes switch.
2018-04-07 Version
General Notes: Added logic to attempt to prevent fatal errors when running in 64-bit as we know certain things won't work (like anything to do with CONNECTED projects).
Added cmdlets: Copy-PWDocumentsBetweenDatasources - copy documents from one datasource to another.
2018-04-05 Version
General Notes: This module should now load in both 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell. Some functionality is not yet supported in 64-bit and we're adding warnings as we
                    discover what is not supported. General functionality seems to be there (thus change of minor version to 1.5).
Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - added -LoadWRE switch to support loading Workflow Rules Engine. Made change to NOT load WRE by default.
Added cmdlets: Set-PWSession - switch between active login sessions.
                    Get-PWSessions - list the active sessions.
                    Get-PWFoldersImmediateChildren - Gets the immediate child folders for the specified folder.
                    Convert-PWRichProjectToFolder - Converts a rich project (WorkArea) and sub-rich projects to folders.
2018-03-26 Version
Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - added -BentleyIMS switch to support IMS logins
                    Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport - change output to data table array in addition to spreadsheet
                    Merge-PWPDFs, Split-PWPDFs, Add-PWPDFQRCode - changed underlying PDF library (thus change of minor version to 1.4)
2018-03-16 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWDocumentCaptionFromAI - use Microsoft's Computer Vision AI Service to label photos
2018-03-06 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWRichProjectReport and New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet - now support exporting and importing CONNECTed Project links.
                    Convert-PWAccessMaskToString - added additional mask values.
                    Remove-PWEmptyFolders - added a -RemoveRichProjects switch to control rich project removal. Will now leave empty rich projects by default.
2018-03-06 Version
Changed cmdlets: New-PWPowerShellScript - Added three more common script types (Archive Full, Archive Export and Archive Import) in addition to the Default.
                    Export-PWAccessControlToExcel - fixed bug with resolving projectstructure.xlsx
Added cmdlets: New-PWView, Get-PWRichProjectProperties, Get-PWStandardViewColumns, Get-PWEmptyLeafFolders, Remove-PWEmptyFolders
2018-03-01 Version
Added functions: ConvertTo-DataTable - converts arrary of DataRows (or any object type) to a DataTable.
Changed cmdlets: Updated all the Audit Trail cmdlets to clean up the output, include options to support pipeline input of documents and folders and support XLSX and SQLite output.
2018-02-22 Version
Added cmdlets: Set-PWAttributeGeneralSettings, Set-PWAttributeDefaultValueSettings, Set-PWAttributeUpdateValueSettings, Get-PWAttributeValueListFixedList,
                    Set-PWAttributeValueListSettings, Set-PWAttributeEditingSettings, Set-PWAttributeExtraValuesSettings, New-PWInterface,
                    Get-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition, Add-PWAttributeToInterface, Set-PWInterfaceGUILabel, Set-PWInterfaceGUILabelFont,
                    Set-PWInterfaceGUIPrompt, Show-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition, Get-PWFonts
Changed cmdlets: Update-PWDocumentFile (added -RemoveFile switch), Get-PWEnvironments, New-PWEnvironment, Add-PWEnvironmentColumn, Copy-PWEnvironmentColumn,
                    Get-PWEnvironmentColumns, Export-PWAccessControlToExcel (fixed bug with SS3/SS4 support)
2018-02-12 Version
Changed functions: Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile - Changed to enhance secure handling of the clear-text password.
2018-02-09 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWConnectorToken - Generates token for use with WSG and PW Connector web service
                    New-PWDocumentViaWSG – Uses PW Connector which is a web service that wraps WSG to create a new document. No support for attributes yet.
Added functions: Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile, Save-SecureStringToEncryptedFile, Get-SecureStringFromEncryptedFile, Get-ClearTextFromEncryptedFile - utility
                    functions for managing PowerShell secure password storage.
2018-02-06 Version
Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - BIG BUG FIX: the -FileSizeK parameter was getting ignored (was defaulting to 1K), but is working now.
                        Added -NoCleanup switch if you want to look at the files yourself.
                    Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords – Added action description.
                    Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords – Added action description.
2018-02-06 Version
Added cmdlets: Copy-PWConnectedProjectSettings - copies settings from on connected project to another emulating what you can do on the DM copy settings page
                    Show-PWFolderBrowserDialog – Show a dialog to select a folder. Selected folder can be stored in a variable or used on the pipeline.
                    Show-PWDocumentSelectiongDialog – Show a dialog to select one or more documents. Selected documents can be stored in variable or used on the pipeline.
                    Show-PWDatasources – Shows a list of the avilable datasources.
2018-02-01 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition – returns the GUI definition(s) for the specified environment/interface combination.
                    Set-PWInterfaceGUILabel – Adds a label to the specified environment/interface/attribute combination.
                    Set-PWInterfaceGUILabelFont – Sets the label font for the specified environment/interface/attribute combination.
                    Set-PWInterfaceGUIPrompt – Adds a prompt to the specified environment/interface/attribute combination.
                    Get-PWFonts – returns a list of available fonts on the current system.
Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet (added -ProjectTypes parameter to allow for processing of subset of worksheets)
2018-01-29 Version
Changed cmdlets: Add-PWEnvironmentColumn (fixed problem where Administrator didn't work right after adding column)
2018-01-26 Version
Changed cmdlets: New-PWDocumentComment (more bug fixes and help update), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (bug fixes),
                    Add-PWSavedSearch (added support in -SearchName for naming searches with full path (e.g. Search Folder\Sub-Folder\SearchName), changed manifest
2018-01-25 Version
(manifest file changes)
2018-01-25 Version
Added cmdlets: New-PWWorkflowWithStates, New-PWPowerShellScript
Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWFolder (added help and fixed support for -FolderPath parameter), New-PWDocumentComment (bug fixes and added support for documents objects from pipeline),
                    New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (reports results to a web service now, use -OptOutOfCentralReporting if you don't want to participate. Idea is to collect performance
                    data centrally and allow users to report on their results), Set-PWFolderView (added -PreviewPaneVies parameter), Get-PWFolders (added View and PreviewPaneView properties)
2018-01-22 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed another bug with Oracle and backup audit trail table),
                    Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed assembly loading), Get-PWReferenceFiles (now uses -ReferenceLevel parameter)
2018-01-10 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with Oracle and backup audit trail table),
                    Update-PWSQL (changed -SecretPassword to SecureString), Export-PWAccessControlToExcel (fixed bug when template not in standard location)
2018-01-05 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWStorageAreaReport, Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with SQL Server and backup audit trail table),
                    Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog (added -ShowAll switch, now only shows top 20 lines by default)
2017-12-20 Version
Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentApplication
Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentColumnWidth (changed to use VARCHAR2 for Oracle and NVARCHAR for SQL instead of NCHAR), Get-PWMonthlyLogins (add -WholeYear switch, always includes backup audit trail table now)
                    Export-PWDocuments (made some tweaks), Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet (now supports the case where file names were changed in the version stack. Still requires that document names be the same through the stack.)
2017-12-18 Version
Changed cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution (Fixed service installer link in help. Should be
2017-12-18 Version
Added cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution
Changed cmdlets: New-PWDocument (Added -Application switch for creating new documents)
2017-12-12 Version
Added cmdlets: Save-PWEnvironmentViewScript
2017-12-08 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-ReferencedByReportForDocuments, Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns, Get-PWFolderDocumentSize
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDocumentsBySearch (add -ReturnDataTable switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added support for testing a subset of storages)
2017-11-21 Version
Added cmdlets: Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog, Get-PWUserListByMember
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDSConfigEntry (bug fix), Copy-PWFolder (added -IncludeWorkspaceProfile switch)
2017-11-21 Version
Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive and Export-PWDocumentsToArchive -- added support for empty folders and folder descriptions.
2017-11-21 Version
Changed cmdlets: Fixed bug where paths to searches were not respected.
2017-11-21 Version
General Change: Updated to be delivered via PowerShell Gallery.
Add cmdlets: Get-PWSavedSearches
Changed cmdlets: Generally updated the cmdlets that take Saved Search names as parameters to support using a path and the -Personal switch for personal searches.
2017-11-09 Version
Add cmdlets: New-PWDocumentComment
Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (Added -AppendToXLSX switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (changed dates to be formatted consistently across worksheets).
2017-10-26 Version
Changed cmdlets: Updated Excel file support.
2017-10-24 Version
Changed cmdlets: Bug fixes with regard to the folder object. Update-PWFolderSecurity should work now.
2017-10-18 Version
Changed cmdlets: Added -DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch for New-PWLogin. (was creating issues for users managing a lot of different datasources from the same machine).
2017-10-16 Version
Add cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceCountReportForDocuments (simpler report than Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments where just the master document details and the
                    count of its unique references are returned).
Changed cmdlets: Added NestedReferenceCount member to the document object. All of the cmdlets that return document objects and support the -GetAttributes switch will
                    now return the count of references if you include the -GetAttributes switch. (Get-PWDocumentsBySearch).
2017-10-13 Version
Add cmdlets: Add-PWSavedSearch.
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceFiles, Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments, Get-PWReferenceReportForFolder (fixed all of these to get all nested reference, support SQLite and DataTable output).
                    Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive (fixed a problem with imports to Oracle datasources)
2017-10-11 Version
Add cmdlets: Submit-PWDocumentToPrint, Merge-PWPDFs, Split-PWPDFs, and Add-PWPDFQRCode.
Changed cmdlets: Export-PWDocuments (added pipeline support for documents. This is really a copy-out with metadata).
2017-10-04 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments and Get-PWReferenceFiles (fixed to resolve nested references correctly).
                    Set-PWRichProjectResource (added support for setting rendition profiles)
2017-10-04 Version
Added cmdlets: Export-PWTagMappings, Import-PWTagMappings, Get-PWTagSets, Remove-PWTagSet
Changed cmdlets: Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute (updated type handling and format string generation)
2017-10-02 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWTagSet, Add-PWTags, Add-PWTagDocumentProperty, Add-PWTagFolderProperty, Add-PWTagProjectProperty, Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute
2017-09-27 Version
Added cmdlets: Remove-PWSavedSearch
Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added Verbose messaging, added a column to the storage performance report table)
                    Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords (added IncludeSecondaryTable switch)
2017-09-17 Version
New example scripts: ScanRefs.ps1, CreateDatasource2.ps1 (updated), CreateODBC64.ps1, ImportData.ps1
Added cmdlets: Set-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Get-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Add-PWUserToGroup, Get-PWUsersInGroup, Get-PWGroupName, Get-PWUserListNames,
                    Get-PWUsersInUserList, Add-PWUserToUserList, Remove-PWUserFromUserList, Remove-PWUserFromGroup, New-PWUserSimple, Set-PWUserAdminRights,
                    Import-PWAAMFile, Export-PWAAMFile
2017-09-11 Version
Changed cmdlets: CheckOut-PWDocuments (changed copy out behavior to always include references unless -NoReferences flag is set)
                    Update-PWPropagateProjectPropertiesToSubProjects (allows passing regular folder. Rich project not required. Added verbose messages.)
                    New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added table with individual storage area i/o details)
2017-09-06 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed another possible bug)
2017-09-05 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWPicklist, Get-PWPickList, Export-PWPickList, Import-PWPickList, Get-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickList
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed possible bug)
                    Access control cmdlets reworked to accept pipeline input of an array of folders as returned from Get-PWFolders, etc.
2017-08-23 Version
Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (made more changes to workflow inheritance)
2017-08-23 Version
Added cmdlets: Get-PWError (Takes Error Number gives, description)
                    Get-PWProjectTemplates (List the Project Templates)
Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (updated all 3 to replicate workflow security properly and create new, project-specific user lists)
2017-08-22 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWDocumentsWithCode (Create abstract documents with document code applied)
Changed cmdlets: Update-PWDocumentFile (Added -NewFileName and -UseDocumentName parameters to rename file when replacing it)
2017-08-21 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWFileTypeAssociation (For Indexing, Property extraction and thumbnails)
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWUserByLastLogin (updated to use audit trail truncation table in addition to active audit trail table)
                    New-PWRichProject (updated to replicate workflow security)
2017-08-18 Version
Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (fixed date handling for AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters)
2017-08-15 Version
Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentFileUpdateTimeToNow, Add-PWMemberToGroup, Add-PWMemberToUserList
Changed cmdlets: Add-PWConnectedProject (updated to support Connected Project creation without connecting to PW Project),
                    New-PWDMTransmittal (updated help)
2017-08-09 Version
Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentCopyData, Update-PWEnironmentColumnName, Update-PWEnvronmentColumnWidth
                    - Changed column name validation logic because this was found to be unreliable
                    Get-PWEnvironments, Get-PWEnvironmentColumns, Add-PWEnvironmentColumn
                    - Changed column name display logic to support the above changes
2017-08-08 Version
Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentsReport
                    - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters
                    - Added support for SQLite output. Will output SQLite database for any extension that's not .xlsx
                    - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters
2017-07-28 Version
Changed cmdlets: Export-PWAccessControlToExcel
                    - Added better help information.
                    - Added better error / verbose messaging.
                    - Added ValidateSet for ExportFileExtension to limit input to xlsx or csv.
                    - Added better help information.
                    - Added better error / verbose messaging.
                    - Added better error / verbose messaging.
                    - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, ul, user, and userlist.
                    - Added better error / verbose messaging.
                    - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, g, ul.
2017-07-26 Version
Added cmdlets: Set-PWFolderRenditionProfile, Get-PWFolderRenditionProfile.
Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWDocuments (added -UserSoftDelete parameter).
2017-07-24 Version
Changed cmdlets: Update-PWFolderSecurity (changed some document security handling), Copy-PWDocumentsBySearch & Remove-PWDocumentsBySearch
                    (added help), CheckIn-PWDocumentsOrFree (added 0 file size check), Get-PWFolderTreeDocumentSize (fixed a bug)
2017-07-19 Version
Added cmdlets: Add-PWTestDocuments, Add-PWTestDocumentsInFolders, Export-PWDocumentsToArchive, Export-PWDocumentsToDataSet,
                    Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive, New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport, Select-PWSQLDataTableToSQLite
Changed cmdlets: New-PWEnvironmentsReport (added SQLite output support), CheckOut-PWDocuments (-CopyOut now defaults to working directory,
                    added -NoReferences and -RemoveCopies switch),
                    Update-PWDocumentProperies and Update-PWDocumentAttributes (added -ReturnBoolean switch to test for failed updates),
                    Update-PWFolderSecurity (internal fixes)