
function Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile ($Password, $FileName) 
    #$secureStringPwd = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    $secureStringPwd = New-Object PSCredential ("Dummy User", $Password) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Password
    $secureStringText = $secureStringPwd | ConvertFrom-SecureString 
    Set-Content $FileName $secureStringText

function Save-SecureStringToEncryptedFile ($FileName, $Prompt) 
    if ($Prompt -eq $null) {$Prompt = "Enter Password:"}
    $secureStringPwd = Read-Host -Prompt $Prompt -AsSecureString
    $secureStringText = $secureStringPwd | ConvertFrom-SecureString 
    Set-Content $FileName $secureStringText

function Get-SecureStringFromEncryptedFile ($FileName)
    $pwdTxt = Get-Content $FileName
    $securePwd = $pwdTxt | ConvertTo-SecureString 
    Write-Output $securePwd

function Get-ClearTextFromEncryptedFile ($FileName)
    $pwdTxt = Get-Content $FileName
    $securePwd = $pwdTxt | ConvertTo-SecureString 
    $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($securePwd)
    $clearText = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
    Write-Output $clearText

function ConvertTo-DataTable {
            Convert regular PowerShell objects to a DataTable object.
            Convert regular PowerShell objects to a DataTable object.
            $myDataTable = $myObject | ConvertTo-DataTable
            # using the SqlServer PowerShell module to connect to SQL Server and query for and return data
            # returns data as an array of DataRow objects
            $drs=Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "ServerName" -Database Databasename -Username UserName -Password Password -Query "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DrawingValidation] where Owner='None' and UpToDate=1 order by stamptime desc"
            # use this function to Convert the DataRow array to a DataTable
            $dt=ConvertTo-DataTable $drs
            # use PWPS_DAB cmdlet to output the DataTable into a spreadsheet
            New-XLSXWorkbook -InputTables $dt -OutputFileName c:\temp\Output.xlsx

    param (
        # The object to convert to a DataTable
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PSObject[]] $InputObject,

        # Override the default type.
        [string] $DefaultType = 'System.String'

    begin {
        # create an empty datatable
        try {
            $dataTable = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Data.DataTable'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Empty DataTable created'

        catch {
            Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
        # define a boolean to keep track of the first datarow
        $first = $true

        # define array of supported .NET types
        $types = @(

    process {

        # iterate through each input object
        foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
            try {

                # create a new datarow
                $dataRow = $dataTable.NewRow()
                Write-Verbose -Message 'New DataRow created'

                # iterate through each object property
                foreach ($property in $object.PSObject.get_properties()) {

                    # check if we are dealing with the first row or not
                    if ($first) {
                        # handle data types
                        if ($types -contains $property.TypeNameOfValue) {
                            $dataType = $property.TypeNameOfValue
                            Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Supported datatype <$($dataType)>"

                        else {
                            $dataType = $DefaultType
                            Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Unsupported datatype ($($property.TypeNameOfValue)), using default <$($DefaultType)>"

                        # create a new datacolumn
                        $dataColumn = New-Object 'System.Data.DataColumn' $property.Name, $dataType
                        Write-Verbose -Message 'Created new DataColumn'

                        # add column to DataTable
                        Write-Verbose -Message 'DataColumn added to DataTable'

                    # add values to column
                    if ($property.Value -ne $null) {

                        # handle data types
                        if ($types -contains $property.TypeNameOfValue) {
                            $dataType = $property.TypeNameOfValue
                            Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Supported datatype <$($dataType)>"

                        # if array or collection, add as XML
                        if (($property.Value.GetType().IsArray) -or ($property.TypeNameOfValue -like '*collection*')) {
                            $dataRow.Item($property.Name) = $property.Value | ConvertTo-Xml -As 'String' -NoTypeInformation -Depth 1
                            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value added to row as XML'

                            $dataRow.Item($property.Name) = $property.Value -as $dataType
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Value ($($property.Value)) added to row as $($dataType)"

                # add DataRow to DataTable
                Write-Verbose -Message 'DataRow added to DataTable'

            catch {
                Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message

            $first = $false

    end { 
    #"properties" that aren't really columns when this is passed an array of or DataRows
    if ($dataTable.Columns.Contains("RowError")) { $dataTable.Columns.Remove("RowError")}
    if ($dataTable.Columns.Contains("RowState")) { $dataTable.Columns.Remove("RowState")}
    if ($dataTable.Columns.Contains("Table")) { $dataTable.Columns.Remove("Table")}
    if ($dataTable.Columns.Contains("ItemArray")) { $dataTable.Columns.Remove("ItemArray")}
    if ($dataTable.Columns.Contains("HasErrors")) { $dataTable.Columns.Remove("HasErrors")}
    Write-Output (,($dataTable)) 

FUNCTION New-PWScanForReferences {
      Runs the ScanRef.exe with provided parameter values.
      The function runs a scan for reference job using the parameter values passed.
        There are many options and configurations for this function. Use the following as a template to setup your reference scanning.
        $NewScanRef = @{
            DataSourceName = '';
            UserName = '';
            Password = '';
            ScanMode = 'references';
            MasterDocuments = '';
            MasterFolders = '';
            Priority = '';
            Proximity = 'r:1';
            Order = 'priority;proximity';
            Applications = '';
            LogFilePath = '';
        New-PWScanForReferences @NewScanRef -RecurseMasterFolders -RecursePriority -OpenLogFile -Verbose

            HelpMessage = "ProjectWise Datasource to log into.")] 

            HelpMessage = "If this option is absent, SSO login will be attempted.")] 
            HelpMessage = "If this option is absent, password prompt will be shown. When username is supplied.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Specifies a list of scanning modes to use. If not included, defaults to references;linksets.")] 
        [ValidateSet("references", "linksets", "references;linksets")]
        [string[]]$ScanMode = "references;linksets",
            HelpMessage = "A list of documents to scan for references and/or linksets.")] 
            HelpMessage = "A list of folders to scan for references and/or linksets.")] 
            HelpMessage = "When included, all sub-folders within the supplied folder path will be scanned for references and/or linksets.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Enable priority search for reference files in the specified folders. To recurse folders, prefix with r:.")] 
            HelpMessage = "When included, all sub-folders within the supplied folder path will be scanned for references and/or linksets.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Enable proximity search for reference files <number> levels above the master file's folder. To recurse folders, prefix with r:.")] 
        [ValidateSet("0", "1", "r:1")]
            HelpMessage = "Order in which the proximity and priority searches will be done (if both are enabled). If this parameter is not specified, proximity search will take precedence.")] 
        [ValidateSet("proximity", "priority", "priority;proximity", "proximity;priority")]
        [string]$Order = "proximity;priority",
            HelpMessage = "Application filter for the lists of documents to scan - only the documents with matching application names will be scanned.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Log file path.")] 
            HelpMessage = "When included, the log file will be open when process is complete.")] 
    BEGIN {


        # Variables:
        #$DataSourceName = $datasource #'BMF_W2K12R2:PSTraining'
        #$UserName = $user #'admin'
        ## Entered in clear text. This can be modified to encrypt or lookup password.
        #$Password = $password # 'admin'

        # The following retrieves the ProjectWise path information from the registry.
        #$execpath = # Get-PWScanRefsPath
        ## Stops processing if the path information is not found.
        #if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExecPath)) {
        # Write-Error("Failed to get ProjectWise path.")
        # return;

        # Verify the scanrefs executable exists on the current machine. Stops processing if not found.
        $executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\scanrefs.exe" #(Get-PWScanRefsPath) + "\scanrefs.exe"
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $executable))
            Write-Error ("Could not find scanrefs.exe file.")
        } else {
            "Found scanrefs.exe file."
        } # end if/else

        # -d datasource Datasource name to connect to.
        $dsname = $DataSourceName
        Write-Verbose "DSName = $dsname"
        # -u username Username for the datasource connection.
        # If this option is absent, SSO login will be attempted.
        $user = $UserName
        Write-Verbose "UserName = $user"
        # -p password Password of the datasource user.
        # If this option is absent, password prompt will be shown.
        $pw = $Password
        Write-Verbose "PW = $pw"

        # -mode scanmode Specifies a list of scanning modes to use.
        # If this option is absent, the tool will operate in "references;linksets" mode.
        # Possible modes:
        # references - scan for references.
        # linksets - scan DGN documents for link sets.
        # urfcs - update references from current set - no attempt will be made at creating new sets,
        # only existing reference sets will be updated.
        # If this mode is enabled, priority or proximity reference search paths will be ignored.
        # This option is intended to be used after upgrading a datasource from a pre-V8.1 version.
        # Note that this mode disables other modes.
        # Modes can be combined:
        # references;linksets - scan for reference documents and for DGN link sets.
        # NOTE: Do not add spaces between mode labels. This will cause an error (Unrecognized scanning mode:)
        $scanmode1 = $ScanMode # 'references'
        Write-Verbose "ScanMode = $scanmode1"

        # -masters documentlist A list of documents to scan for references and/or linksets.
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MasterDocuments)) {
            $masterdocuments1 = -1
        } else {
            $masterdocuments1 = $MasterDocuments
            Write-Verbose "MasterDocuments = $masterdocuments1"
        } # end if/else

        # -masterfolders folderlist A list of folders to scan for references and/or linksets.
        # If RecurseMasterFolders is included, prefix master folders with r:.
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MasterFolders)) {
            $masterfolders1 = -1
        } else {
            $masterfolders1 = $MasterFolders #"r:Documents\Projects\NewFolder\BSI900 - Adelaide Tower"
                $masterfolders1 = "r:$MasterFolders"
        } # end if/else
        Write-Verbose "MasterFolders = $masterfolders1"

        # -priority folderlist Enable priority search for reference files in the specified folders.
        # Prefix folder path with "r:" to recurse through the folder and sub-folders.
        # NOTE: Ensure the folder path does NOT end with a backslash "\". This will cause an error.
        # NOTE: Do not add spaces between folder paths. This will cause an error.
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Priority)) {
            $priority1 = -1
        } else {
            $priority1 = $Priority #"r:Documents\BSI900 - Adelaide Tower\05-Incoming;r:Documents\BSI900 - Adelaide Tower\03-Published"
                $priority1 = "r:$Priority"
            Write-Verbose "Priority = $priority1"
        } # end if/else

        ### Proximity is required when priority is not set.
        # -proximity [r:]number Enable proximity search for reference files <number> levels above the master file's folder.
        # r: switch enables recursive search (includes subfolders).
        # Examples:
        # -proximity 0 - look for references in the master's folder.
        # -proximity 1 - look for references in the parent folder of the master.
        # -proximity r:1 - look for references in the master's folder's parent folder and its subfolders.
         if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Proximity)) {
            if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                Write-Verbose "Setting proximity to 0 due to priority not being included."
                $proximity1 = 0
            } else {
                $proximity1 = -1
            } # end if/else
         } else {
            $proximity1 = $Proximity #"r:1"
            Write-Verbose "Proximity = $proximity1"
        } # end if/else

        # -order orderlist Order in which the proximity and priority searches will be done (if both are enabled).
        # If this parameter is not specified, proximity search will take precedence.
        # Examples:
        # -order proximity;priority - proximity first.
        # -order priority;proximity - priority first.
        # NOTE: Do not add spaces between order label. This will cause an error (Input error: Unknown search type:).
        $order1 = $Order #"priority;proximity"
        Write-Verbose "Order = $order1"

        # -af applicationlist Application filter for the lists of documents to scan - only the documents with matching application names will be scanned.
        # Example:
        # -af "MicroStation;AutoCad;Bentley Navigator"
        # NOTE: This is case sensative, so ensure the names are listed exactly as they are in ProjectWise Administrator.
        # NOTE: Do not add spaces between application names. This will cause an error (Collecting data... Failure).
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Applications)) {
            $applications1 = -1
        } else {
            $applications1 = $Applications #"AutoCAD;MicroStation"
            Write-Verbose "Applications = $applications1"
        } # end if/else

        # -l logfile Log file path.
        # If logfile path and name is not included, set default to 'c:\temp\'.
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogFilePath)) {
            $logfilePath1 = 'c:\temp\'
        } else {
            $logfilePath1 = $LogFilePath
        } # end if/else

        # Test to determine if the log folder exists. If not, create.
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $logfilePath1)) {
            New-Item -Path $logfilePath1 -ItemType "directory"

        $logfile = "$logfilePath1\ScanRef.log"
        # -lv Use verbose logging - write more details to the log file.

        # masterfolders
        # masterdocuments
        # applications
        # priority
        # If priority is enabled, proximity is not required. If priority is not included, proximity is required.

        # Master Folders ONLY
        if(($masterfolders1 -ne -1) -and ($masterdocuments1 -eq -1)) {
            if($applications1 -eq -1) {
                # Masterfolders1, no applications, no priority, proximity
                # Masterfolders1, no applications, priority, no proximity
                # Masterfolders1, no applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else

            } else {
                # Masterfolders1, applications, no priority, proximity
                # Masterfolders1, applications, priority, no proximity
                # Masterfolders1, applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -af $applications1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master folders will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else
            } # end if/else
        } elseif (($masterfolders1 -eq -1) -and ($masterdocuments1 -ne -1)) {
            if($applications1 -eq -1) {
                # masterdocuments1, no applications, no priority, proximity
                # masterdocuments1, no applications, priority, no proximity
                # masterdocuments1, no applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else

            } else {
                # masterdocuments1, applications, no priority, proximity
                # masterdocuments1, applications, priority, no proximity
                # masterdocuments1, applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Only master documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else
            } # end if/else
        } elseif (($masterfolders1 -ne -1) -and ($masterdocuments1 -ne -1)) {
            if($applications1 -eq -1) {
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, no applications, no priority, proximity
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, no applications, priority, no proximity
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, no applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications NOT included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else

            } else {
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, applications, no priority, proximity
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, applications, priority, no proximity
                # Masterfolders1, masterdocuments1, applications, priority, proximity
                if($priority1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority NOT included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } elseif ($proximity1 -eq -1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity NOT included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Both master folders and documents will be scanned. Applications included. Priority included. Proximity included."
                    & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -mode $scanmode1 -masterfolders $masterfolders1 -masters $masterdocuments1 -af $applications1 -priority $priority1 -proximity $proximity1 -order $order1 -l $logfile -lv  
                } # end if/elseif/else
            } # end if/else
        } # end if/elseif/else
    } # end process

    END {
        # Opens log file
        if($OpenLogFile) {
            if(Test-Path $logfile) {
                explorer $logfile
        } # end if
    } # end
#Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PWScanForReferences

FUNCTION New-PWEnumFolders {
      Runs the EnumFolders.exe with provided parameter values.
      The function runs the enumfolders.exe using the parameter values passed.
        There are many options and configurations for this function. Use the following as a template to setup your reference scanning.
        $NewEnum = @{
            DataSourceName = '';
            UserName = '';
            Password = '';
            PWFolder = '';
            OutputFilePath = '';
        New-PWEnumFolders @NewEnum -IncludeDocuments -RecurseFolders-OpenLogFile -Verbose

            HelpMessage = "ProjectWise Datasource to log into.")] 

            HelpMessage = "If this option is absent, SSO login will be attempted.")] 
            HelpMessage = "If this option is absent, password prompt will be shown. When username is supplied.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Specifies a folder ID to enumerate. If not included, returns information for the entire datasource.")] 
        [int]$PWFolderID = 0,
            HelpMessage = "When included, all sub-folders are enumerated.")] 
            HelpMessage = "Include documents within the enumeration process.")] 

            HelpMessage = "Include deleted objects within the enumeration process.")] 

            HelpMessage = "Uses verbose operation. (Does not appear to do anything.)")] 
            HelpMessage = "Output file path and name.")] 
        [string]$OutputFilePathName = "c:\temp\"  + (Get-Date).Year + (Get-Date).Month + (Get-Date).Day + "_enumfolders.txt",
            HelpMessage = "When included, the output file will be open when process is complete.")] 
    BEGIN {


            Enumerates the objects in a folder hierarchy.
                -d datasource hostname:datasource.
                -u user ProjectWise username (omit for domain auth).
                -p password ProjectWise password (omit for domain auth).
                -f folder # Folder to enumerate (GUID or integer folder id)
                -v Verbose operation.
                -D Include documents in object list
                -l Include deleted objects in object list
                -r Recursive enumeration operation. All subfolders are
                                    enumerated, along with any objects in those subfolders.
                -o filename Save results to the specified file.

        # Verify the enumfolders.exe executable exists on the current machine. Stops processing if not found.
        $executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\enumfolders.exe"
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $executable))
            Write-Error "Could not find enumfolders.exe file."
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Found enumfolders.exe file." -Verbose
        } # end if/else

        # -d datasource Datasource name to connect to.
        $dsname = $DataSourceName
        Write-Verbose "DSName = $dsname"
        # -u username Username for the datasource connection.
        # If this option is absent, SSO login will be attempted.
        $user = $UserName
        Write-Verbose "UserName = $user"
        # -p password Password of the datasource user.
        # If this option is absent, password prompt will be shown.
        $pw = $Password
        Write-Verbose "PW = $pw"

        Write-Verbose "FolderID: $PWFolderID" -Verbose
        Write-Verbose "Recurse: $RecurseFolders" -Verbose
        Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments: $IncludeDocuments" -Verbose
        Write-Verbose "IncludeDeletedObjects: $IncludeDeletedObjects" -Verbose
        Write-Verbose "VerboseOperation: $VerboseOperation" -Verbose

        # RecurseFolders
        # If RecurseFolders ONLY
        if($RecurseFolders -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders ONLY. Do not include documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -o $OutputFilePathName
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and $IncludeDocuments -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -D -o $OutputFilePathName
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders. Do not include documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -l -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -v -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and $IncludeDocuments -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -D -l -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and $IncludeDocuments -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -D -l -v -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif($RecurseFolders -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -r -l -v -o $OutputFilePathName 

        # Without RecurseFolders
        if((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Current folder ONLY. Do not include documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and $IncludeDocuments -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Current folder and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -D -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders. Do not include documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -l -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders))  -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and (-not($IncludeDeletedObjects)) -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects NOT included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -v -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and $IncludeDocuments -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and (-not($VerboseOperation))) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation NOT included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -D -l -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and $IncludeDocuments -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments IS included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -D -l -v -o $OutputFilePathName 
        } elseif((-not ($RecurseFolders)) -and (-not($IncludeDocuments)) -and $IncludeDeletedObjects -and $VerboseOperation) {
            Write-Verbose "Recurse through all folders and documents." -Verbose
            Write-Verbose "IncludeDocuments NOT included. IncludeDeletedObjects IS included. VerboseOperation IS included." -Verbose
            & $executable -d $dsname -u $user -p $pw -f $PWFolderID -l -v -o $OutputFilePathName 
    } # end process

    END {
        # Opens log file
        if($OpenOutputFile) {
            if(Test-Path $OutputFilePathName) {
                explorer $OutputFilePathName
        } # end if
    } # end
#Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PWEnumFolders