2018-01-10 Version
Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with Oracle and backup audit trail table), Update-PWSQL (changed -SecretPassword to SecureString), Export-PWAccessControlToExcel (fixed bug when template not in standard location) 2018-01-05 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWStorageAreaReport, Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with SQL Server and backup audit trail table), Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog (added -ShowAll switch, now only shows top 20 lines by default) 2017-12-20 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentApplication Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentColumnWidth (changed to use VARCHAR2 for Oracle and NVARCHAR for SQL instead of NCHAR), Get-PWMonthlyLogins (add -WholeYear switch, always includes backup audit trail table now) Export-PWDocuments (made some tweaks), Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet (now supports the case where file names were changed in the version stack. Still requires that document names be the same through the stack.) 2017-12-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution (Fixed service installer link in help. Should be 2017-12-18 Version Added cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution Changed cmdlets: New-PWDocument (Added -Application switch for creating new documents) 2017-12-12 Version Added cmdlets: Save-PWEnvironmentViewScript 2017-12-08 Version Added cmdlets: Get-ReferencedByReportForDocuments, Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns, Get-PWFolderDocumentSize Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDocumentsBySearch (add -ReturnDataTable switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added support for testing a subset of storages) 2017-11-21 Version Added cmdlets: Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog, Get-PWUserListByMember Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDSConfigEntry (bug fix), Copy-PWFolder (added -IncludeWorkspaceProfile switch) 2017-11-21 Version Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive and Export-PWDocumentsToArchive -- added support for empty folders and folder descriptions. 2017-11-21 Version Changed cmdlets: Fixed bug where paths to searches were not respected. 2017-11-21 Version General Change: Updated to be delivered via PowerShell Gallery. Add cmdlets: Get-PWSavedSearches Changed cmdlets: Generally updated the cmdlets that take Saved Search names as parameters to support using a path and the -Personal switch for personal searches. 2017-11-09 Version Add cmdlets: New-PWDocumentComment Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (Added -AppendToXLSX switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (changed dates to be formatted consistently across worksheets). 2017-10-26 Version Changed cmdlets: Updated Excel file support. 2017-10-24 Version Changed cmdlets: Bug fixes with regard to the folder object. Update-PWFolderSecurity should work now. 2017-10-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Added -DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch for New-PWLogin. (was creating issues for users managing a lot of different datasources from the same machine). 2017-10-16 Version Add cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceCountReportForDocuments (simpler report than Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments where just the master document details and the count of its unique references are returned). Changed cmdlets: Added NestedReferenceCount member to the document object. All of the cmdlets that return document objects and support the -GetAttributes switch will now return the count of references if you include the -GetAttributes switch. (Get-PWDocumentsBySearch). 2017-10-13 Version Add cmdlets: Add-PWSavedSearch. Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceFiles, Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments, Get-PWReferenceReportForFolder (fixed all of these to get all nested reference, support SQLite and DataTable output). Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive (fixed a problem with imports to Oracle datasources) 2017-10-11 Version Add cmdlets: Submit-PWDocumentToPrint, Merge-PWPDFs, Split-PWPDFs, and Add-PWPDFQRCode. Changed cmdlets: Export-PWDocuments (added pipeline support for documents. This is really a copy-out with metadata). 2017-10-04 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments and Get-PWReferenceFiles (fixed to resolve nested references correctly). Set-PWRichProjectResource (added support for setting rendition profiles) 2017-10-04 Version Added cmdlets: Export-PWTagMappings, Import-PWTagMappings, Get-PWTagSets, Remove-PWTagSet Changed cmdlets: Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute (updated type handling and format string generation) 2017-10-02 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWTagSet, Add-PWTags, Add-PWTagDocumentProperty, Add-PWTagFolderProperty, Add-PWTagProjectProperty, Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute 2017-09-27 Version Added cmdlets: Remove-PWSavedSearch Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added Verbose messaging, added a column to the storage performance report table) Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords (added IncludeSecondaryTable switch) 2017-09-17 Version New example scripts: ScanRefs.ps1, CreateDatasource2.ps1 (updated), CreateODBC64.ps1, ImportData.ps1 Added cmdlets: Set-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Get-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Add-PWUserToGroup, Get-PWUsersInGroup, Get-PWGroupName, Get-PWUserListNames, Get-PWUsersInUserList, Add-PWUserToUserList, Remove-PWUserFromUserList, Remove-PWUserFromGroup, New-PWUserSimple, Set-PWUserAdminRights, Import-PWAAMFile, Export-PWAAMFile 2017-09-11 Version Changed cmdlets: CheckOut-PWDocuments (changed copy out behavior to always include references unless -NoReferences flag is set) Update-PWPropagateProjectPropertiesToSubProjects (allows passing regular folder. Rich project not required. Added verbose messages.) New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added table with individual storage area i/o details) 2017-09-06 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed another possible bug) 2017-09-05 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWPicklist, Get-PWPickList, Export-PWPickList, Import-PWPickList, Get-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickList Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed possible bug) Access control cmdlets reworked to accept pipeline input of an array of folders as returned from Get-PWFolders, etc. 2017-08-23 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (made more changes to workflow inheritance) 2017-08-23 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWError (Takes Error Number gives, description) Get-PWProjectTemplates (List the Project Templates) Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (updated all 3 to replicate workflow security properly and create new, project-specific user lists) 2017-08-22 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWDocumentsWithCode (Create abstract documents with document code applied) Changed cmdlets: Update-PWDocumentFile (Added -NewFileName and -UseDocumentName parameters to rename file when replacing it) 2017-08-21 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWFileTypeAssociation (For Indexing, Property extraction and thumbnails) Changed cmdlets: Get-PWUserByLastLogin (updated to use audit trail truncation table in addition to active audit trail table) New-PWRichProject (updated to replicate workflow security) 2017-08-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (fixed date handling for AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters) 2017-08-15 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentFileUpdateTimeToNow, Add-PWMemberToGroup, Add-PWMemberToUserList Changed cmdlets: Add-PWConnectedProject (updated to support Connected Project creation without connecting to PW Project), New-PWDMTransmittal (updated help) 2017-08-09 Version Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentCopyData, Update-PWEnironmentColumnName, Update-PWEnvronmentColumnWidth - Changed column name validation logic because this was found to be unreliable Get-PWEnvironments, Get-PWEnvironmentColumns, Add-PWEnvironmentColumn - Changed column name display logic to support the above changes 2017-08-08 Version Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentsReport - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters - Added support for SQLite output. Will output SQLite database for any extension that's not .xlsx Get-PWDocumentsReportDataTable - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters 2017-07-28 Version Changed cmdlets: Export-PWAccessControlToExcel - Added better help information. - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for ExportFileExtension to limit input to xlsx or csv. Import-PWAccessControlFromExcel - Added better help information. - Added better error / verbose messaging. Set-PWUserListOwners - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, ul, user, and userlist. Set-PWGroupOwners - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, g, ul. 2017-07-26 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWFolderRenditionProfile, Get-PWFolderRenditionProfile. Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWDocuments (added -UserSoftDelete parameter). 2017-07-24 Version Changed cmdlets: Update-PWFolderSecurity (changed some document security handling), Copy-PWDocumentsBySearch & Remove-PWDocumentsBySearch (added help), CheckIn-PWDocumentsOrFree (added 0 file size check), Get-PWFolderTreeDocumentSize (fixed a bug) 2017-07-19 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWTestDocuments, Add-PWTestDocumentsInFolders, Export-PWDocumentsToArchive, Export-PWDocumentsToDataSet, Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive, New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport, Select-PWSQLDataTableToSQLite Changed cmdlets: New-PWEnvironmentsReport (added SQLite output support), CheckOut-PWDocuments (-CopyOut now defaults to working directory, added -NoReferences and -RemoveCopies switch), Update-PWDocumentProperies and Update-PWDocumentAttributes (added -ReturnBoolean switch to test for failed updates), Update-PWFolderSecurity (internal fixes) |