2020-05-01 Version
Added features The ProjectWiseDocument object now contains methods .GetGeneralProperties(), .GetCustomAttributes(), .GetFullPath() and .GetFolderPath(). Run Get-PWDocumentsBySearch and use the methods to interrogate each document object individually. Usage will be like $docs = Get-PWDocumentsBySearch -FolderPath "Test" and then $docs[0].GetFullPath(). Added cmdlets Get-PWWorkAreaConnections - gets the work area connections for the Connected Project of a Rich Project. Purge-PWDocumentLocalCopy - removes local document copy from working folder. Changed cmdlets Get-PWEmptyLeafFolders - fixed bug where this was failing. Export-PWDocuments - now does not overwrite files on disk where the dates match. Improved long path support. Import-PWDocuments - added some additional options for checking dates (-IsServerUtc, -SkipDateCheck). Improved long path support. Update-PWStorageAreaForProjectTree - fixed bug related to long paths. Get-PWStorageAreaReport - fixed bug related to long paths. 2020-04-17 Version Changed cmdlets Import-PWDocuments - fixed issue with importing from UNC path, fixed some issues with importing from long paths, added -IncludeEmptyFolders switch and -FoldersOnly switch 2020-04-13 Version Added features The User object now contains methods .GroupsMemberOf() and .UsersListsMemberOf(). Run Get-PWUsersByMatch and use the methods to interrogate the returned objects individually. Usage will be like $users = Get-PWUsersByMatch and then $users[0].GroupsMemberOf(). The ProjectWiseGroup and ProjectWiseUserList objects now contain .GetMembers() methods. Usage will be like $groups = Get-PWGroups, and then $groups[0].GetMembers(). The ProjectWiseWorkflow object now contains a .GetStates() method. Usage $wfs = Get-PWWorkflows and then $wfs[0].GetStates(). Added cmdlets Update-PWDocumentFileFromProjectWise - copies the file from one document to another. Add-PWConnectedProjectUsersToRoles - adds all the users in a connected project to the specified RBAC Enterprise Roles. Changed cmdlets Get-PWRichProjectResources - now returning resource names properly. Set-PWRichProjectResource - now supports folder objects as input. Add-PWUsersToConnectedProject, Add-PWUsersToConnectedProjectByUserList, Add-PWUsersToConnectedProjectByGroup, Add-PWExternalUsersToConnectedProject - now all support a -Roles parameter where you can specify a list of RBAC Enterprise roles you want to assign to the users. Role assignment only works for new users on the project unfortunately. Hope to enhance this in the future. 2020-04-02 Version Changed cmdlets New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet - added -FolderDepthToCopy switch. Defaults to -1 which means all subfolders, 0 is just top level (create rich project with no sub-folders), 1 is top-level and 1 sub-level, etc. Copy-PWFolders - now supports user list security replication like New-PWRichProject. Use this to build out variable folder structures beneath a rich project. Add-PWUsersToConnectedProjectByUserLists - added -Filter parameter to allow you to filter for just the user lists you want to add to the Connected Project (e.g. "*Project Managers" or "*Drafters"). Move-PWDocumentsToFolder - now checks for "Documents having versions cannot be moved" setting in datasource. Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns - added -DocumentUpdatedAfter and -DocumentUpdatedBefore parameters in addition to the -FileUpdated... search parameters. 2020-03-30 Version Changed cmdlets Add-PWConnectedProject - Fixed bug where Repository Links were getting created without a valid Project GUID. Add-PWProjectShareConnection - Fixed bug where Repository Links were getting created without a valid Project GUID. Get-PWRichProjects - Fixed bug where -PopulateProjectProperties didn't work properly. Added -OnlyConnectedProjects and -OnlyNonConnectedProjects switch. 2020-03-24 Version Added cmdlets Add-PWUsersToConnectedProjectByUserList - Add project users by user list to Connected Project 2020-03-23 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWIndexServerFileExtensionFilters - Get filtered file extensions for AFP processes. Clear-PWFolderView - Clear document list view and/or preview pane view. Remove-PWUserByMatch - Remove a user and pass an alternative user to inherit all document/folder ownership. 2020-03-11 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWFolderTreeMaxFileUpdateDate - Get latest file update date for the tree. Update-PWAFPQueueNames - Update to fix obsolete queue names in AFP. Copy-PWAFPProcessors - Add a new set of processors to AFP. Invoke-PWOrchestrationFrameworkScript - runs a script file (one command per line) on OF database. Changed cmdlets Get-PWFolderTreeDocumentSize - Now includes MaxUpdateDate (latest file update date for the tree.) Get-PWRichProjects - fixed -JustOne bug. 2020-03-06 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWFolders, Get-PWRichProjects - fixed bug where Project Properties were not being returned on -JustOne and -Slow and -PopulateProperties Add-PWUsersToConnectedProject (and similar cmdlets) - add support for -Token parameter 2020-02-29 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWActiveServerVersion - Returns software version for active dataasource. Changed cmdlets Get-PWFolders, Get-PWRichProjects - added -PopulatePaths switch. Should be much faster than -Slow switch and will populate paths on the folder objects. Fastest option is -FolderPath, but is you want paths use -PopulatePaths. Very fast on under 10K folders, still way faster then -Slow. Also added StorageFolder, StorageNode and FolderDepth properties to the Folder object. 2020-02-27 Version Changed cmdlets Import-PWProjectAccessControl - bugs fixed. 2020-02-25 Version General note Updated to support version of the ProjectWise Deliverables Management Connector (most current at this time). Changed cmdlets Add-PWConnectedProject, Get-PWConnectedProject - added support for passing tokens. ConvertFrom-EncodedToken - added -DoNotFormat parameter (required when using Connection Client token directly for -BentleyIMS login). Export-PWProjectAccessControl - bugs fixed. 2020-02-21 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWDgnFileVersion, Set-PWDgnMimeType - Now does not retrieve references on file copy out. They are unnecessary for the process. Get-PWDocumentsBySearch, Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns - Fixed SearchString support and added new switches: -FullTextSearchMatchAllWords, -FullTextSearchMatchWholePhrase, -FullTextSearchAttributeValues 2020-02-13 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWNonFederatedLoginToken - For non-federated IMS accounts get ProjectWise login and web login tokens. Changed cmdlets Get-PWRichProjects - Greatly improved performance. Added ability to query for specific project types and to search for specific project property values. 2020-02-06 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWDgnFileVersion - Get the DGN File type (V7 or V8) for a batch of DGN files. Set-PWDgnMimeType - Set the MIME type based on the DGN version: image/vnd.dgn for V7, image/vnd.dgn;ver=8 for V8. Ignores non-dgn files. Changed cmdlets Backup-PWDocumentProperties - Changed to preserve index on dms_propvalues. Run before DMSCONV. Restore-PWDocumentProperties - Changed to preserve index on dms_propvalues. Run after DMSCONV. 2020-02-04 Version Changed cmdlets Backup-PWDocumentProperties - Changed to use ODBC connection just like DMSCONV. Run before DMSCONV. Restore-PWDocumentProperties - Restore the backed up properties from the backup table to the main properties table. Optionally run UTC conversion. Run after DMSCONV. Also uses ODBC Connection like DMSCONV. 2020-01-31 Version Added cmdlets Export-PWAuditTrailToSQLite - Export audit trail for a date range to SQLite in a format suitable for time-series graphing (program to be posted). Get-PWDocumentPropertiesCount - Count the document properties records and affected documents. Backup-PWDocumentProperties - Backup extracted document properties to an auxilliary table to allow dmsconv to proceed. Use -TruncateProperties to empty the document properties table. Dmsconv is having some issues with the UTC date conversion on large properties tables. Restore-PWDocumentProperties - Restore the backed up properties from the backup table to the main properties table. Opti. onally run UTC conversion. Set-PWFlatSetMemberVersionLock - Set Version Lock flag on existing flat set member. Changed cmdlets Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - now reports on invalid characters in the path if -PopulatePath is set. Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns - fixed a bug where invalid paths threw an error. Added -PopulatePath switch to make it more like Get-PWDocumentsBySearch. Get-PWUserLists - fixed bug where Descriptions were not being returned properly. New-PWFlatSet - added -VersionLock switch. 2020-01-22 Version Changed cmdlets Add-PWDocumentsWithCode - StartNumber parameter was getting ignored. No more. 2020-01-21 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWFolderDocumentSizeByPath - produces report with total file size by folder and also reports storage area folder path Import-LogFileToSQLite - imports a dmskrnl log file to a SQLite database. Import-LogFileToSQLServer - imports a dmskrnl log file to a SQL Server database. Changed cmdlets Select-PWSQLDataTableToSQLite - Now OK for non-admin reporting use. Get-PWFolderDocumentSize - now includes storage area folder path. This is slower then Get-PWFolderDocumentSizeByPath, but more selective. Set-PWDocumentState - added more verbose and warning messages 2019-12-17 Version Added cmdlets Set-PWUserMessagePolling - turn message polling on or off for all or selected users. May improve performance to turn polling on. Import-PWLookupTableFromDataTable - create and update a ProjectWise lookup table from a generic data source like an ODBC connection. Import-PWLookupTablesFromXLSX - create and update ProjectWise lookup tables from a workbook. Export-PWLookupTablesToXLSX - export lookup table data for maintenance. Use Import-PWLookupTablesFromXLSX to update in ProjectWise. Get-LastPWErrorId - Get the ID of the last error that occurred. 2019-12-10 Version General Document object properties ProjectWiseWebViewLink and WebServicesGatewayDownloadLink were added. The ProjectWiseWebViewLink is the service just moved to production today. Added cmdlets Get-PWRichProjectResources, Copy-PWRichProjectResources, Remove-PWRichProjectResource - update/modify Work Area / Rich Project resource settings. Set-PWWebViewURL - set ProjectWise Web View URL like Set-PWWebServicesGatewayURL - set Web Services Gateway URL like 2019-12-06 Version ( General Module should now load on systems with only Integration Server installed. Made this change to support using the module on GUI-less systems like Docker. Changed cmdlets Set-PWDocumentToFinalStatus - Added ability to add a comment (per request from BE Communities) Remove-PWDocumentVersions - Now supports 0 as valid value for NumberOfVersionsToKeep parameter (per request from BE Communities) Import-PWEnvironments - Added duplicate column check to new table creation logic 2019-11-18 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWUsersLoggedIn - Get logged in users 2019-11-13 Version Added cmdlets Set-PWFolderWorkspaceProfile - Set Workspace Profile for a folder Update-PWEnvironmentColumnSettings - Set and clear Read-only, Unique and Required flags for environment columns. Changed cmdlets Get-TablesFromXLSXWorkBook - Added -NoHeaders switch to deal with data with no headers Update-PWDocumentFile - Now will set the application based on extension of new file. Import-PWEnvironments - Fixed bug when resetting column flags like read-only, required and unique. Should change existing ones now. Improved output. 2019-11-04 Version Changed cmdlets Edit-PWMicroStationDocuments - Added 64-bit only check. Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive - Added -RetainFileNames switch to handle file name transforms on import. 2019-10-29 Version Removed cmdlet New-PWiCSRenditionJob - Had to remove this due to version support/incompatibility issues. We have other ways of providing this functionality so contact us if you need it. Added cmdlets Add-PWUserSynchronizationServiceSources - Add users and groups to the user synchronization service configuration. Edit-PWMicroStationDocuments - Checks out, processes and checks in CADD documents. Get-MicroStationEngines - Lists the available MicroStation engines for CADD processing. Changed cmdlets Merge-PWPDFs - Added -ReplaceExisting and -VersionExisting switches. Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - Added DocumentOutTo and DocumentOutToName to the document object. Will get populated when you use -GetAttributes or Expand-PWDocumentInformation cmdlet. 2019-10-17 Version Added cmdlets New-PWiCSRenditionJob - (note is 32-bit only and adminstrator session only and must be run from machine with iCS Administrator installed and valid connection to OF datasource configured). Will create rendition jobs. Can specify input documents, folders, searches and destinations and file name formats. Requires a template job to be created for each source ProjectWise datasource. Get-PWRenditionDestinations - Gets defined rendition destinations for the datasource Get-PWRenditionFileNamingOptions - Gets defined file naming options for renditions Get-PWRenditionPresentationOptions - Gets the defined rendition presentation optsions Changed cmdlets Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - Added support for explicitly adding paths to existing saved searches (e.g. -SearchName "Multipage PDFs\PDF Search made by PowerShell") Get-PWSavedSearches - now returns full paths, search ids, and owner name 2019-10-09 Version General Changed to permit users who are not Administrators, not Restricted Administrators and not in the PowerShell Users group to login and execute a limited number of read-only cmdlets. We can open up more cmdlets to this "Reporting" mode by request. The rule of thumb for the initial set of cmdlets was to enable read-only, reporting, non-security related cmdlets with over 10,000 executions. See Get-PWCmdletStatistics for cmdlet usage. 2019-10-03 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWUserAuditTrailRecords - Added User Email column to output New-XLSXWorkbook - Added -PreserveLinksInExistingWorkbook switch. Should improve performance with existing workbooks. 2019-10-02 Version General Changed PWSearchWrapper.dll, PWSearchWrapperX64.dll, PWSpatialWrapper.dll and PWSpatialWrapperX64.dll for PW v8i backwards compatibility. Changed cmdlets Get-PWUserAuditTrailRecords - Made some changes in the interest of better performance Add-PWDocumentsWithCode - Fixed bug with regard to document code placeholder column 2019-10-01 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWUserAuditTrailRecords - Get all user action audit trail records for designated users in a designated date range (Login, Logout, Modify, etc.) 2019-09-17 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWWRESuperUsers - Lists the rollback and super user set in Workflow Rules Engine settings Remove-PWWRESuperUsersFromGroups - Removes WRE Rollback and Super users from all groups and user lists for better security hygiene. You can add them back to the appropriate groups as necessary. 2019-09-12 Version Added cmdlets Reset-PWPDFText - Replace existing text in a PDF with arbitrary string and reset color Add-PWPDFWatermarkText - Stamp PDF in ProjectWise with text with a range of options for control Add-PDFWatermarkText - Stamp PDF from file system with text with a range of options for control Get-PDFTextColors - Gets list of supported text colors for Add-PWPDFWatermarkText Get-PDFFonts - Gets list of supported fonts for Add-PWPDFWatermarkText Changed cmdlets Add-PWValidationQRCode, Add-PWPDFQRCode, Add-PDFQRCode - Changed the QR Code application process to support placing stamp in the background (white areas will not overwrite existing linework) and improved image replacement. 2019-09-06 Version Added cmdlets Set-PWAdministratorGranularSecurity - Sets granular security on PW Administrator nodes Clear-PWAdministratorGranularSecurity - Removes granular security from PW Administrator nodes Changed cmdlets Get-PWPerformanceData - Now supports IMS login 2019-09-04 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWRenditionJobsStatus - Gets the status of the in-progress jobs in iCS Changed cmdlets Get-PWCmdletStatistics - Added support for wildcards and returning all data 2019-08-30 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWCmdletStatistics - Gets global usage data for PWPS_DAB cmdlets Changed cmdlets Import-PWRichProjectDefinitions - Adding properties to existing classes now works New-PWRichProjectFromTemplate - Fixed folder description update 2019-08-23 Version Added cmdlets Export-PWRichProjectDefinitions - Exports Rich Project Type definitions to spreadsheet Import-PWRichProjectDefinitions - Import project types from spreadsheet. Adding properties to existing classes not working yet. Changed cmdlets Export-PWViews - Changed to export actual property names rather than labels Import-PWViews - Fixed bug with attribute columns 2019-08-22 Version Added cmdlets Export-PWEnvironments - New AAM File alternative for managing environment definitions in a spreadsheet Import-PWEnvironments - Allows modification of environment from spreadsheet, bulk modification of interfaces, replacement of document codes Export-PWViews - Export view definitions to a spreadsheet Import-PWViews - Import view definitions from a spreadsheet 2019-07-31 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWGroups - search by wild card or id Get-PWUserLists - search by wild card or id Get-PWAttributeSettings - returns details of environment attribute definition Get-PWWorkspaceProfileFromFolder - returns Workspace Profile info Remove-PWWorkspaceProfileFromFolder - removes Workspace Profile from folder Changed cmdlets Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile - fixed bug Reset-PWFolderSecurity - fixed help Get-PWFlatSet - fixed bug Set-PWDocumentMIMEType - added -Fast switch which bypasses type validation Get-PWPerformanceReportData - should automatically be available now without separate Import-Module statement 2019-07-04 Version Added cmdlets Copy-PWSavedSearch Changed cmdlets Move-PWDocumentsToFolder - minor adjustments and seems to be preserving states in our testing. Did not test on Oracle, so if preserve state fails in Oracle, let us know. Add-PWConnectedProject - added -DoNotEnableDeliverablesManagement switch to alter the default behavior and bug fixes when using token New-PWDMTransmittal - bug fixes for case when using token Get-PWUsersByMatch - added -Identity as a search option 2019-06-12 Version Changed cmdlets Move-PWDocumentsToFolder - reworked this to support moving documents with versions more reliably. Preserves workflow states by default now. Use -DoNotPreserveSate switch to counteract that behavior. The conflicting -PreserveSourceState switch is now obsolete though it is preserved to not break existing scripts. 2019-05-29 Version General Notes Changed .NET Framework version to 4.6.2 to support latest Connection Client Changed cmdlets Add-PDFQRCode, Add-PWPDFQRCode, Add-PWValidationQRCode - best now to use multiples of 33 or 29 for your code size Move-PWDocumentsToFolder - fixed bugs where documents were inadvertently removed and added switches to preserve workflow states Convert-PWUserToFederated - fixed some bugs with the -DoNotChangeUserType switch Write-PWPSLog = Added Write-Error, Write-Warning and Write-Verbose to the Write-PWPSLog code, so only a single line of code is required to write a record to both the log file and the console. e.g. Write-PWPSLog -Cmdlet Test -Level Info -Message "This cmdlet has been changed" will Write-Verbose "This cmdlet has been changed" to the console, and an info line of “This cmdlet has been changed” to the log file. 2019-05-24 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWFileStreamingSettings - returns settings for PointCloud, Raster, or Both from datasource Enable-PWFileStreaming - enable PointCloud, Raster, or Both (requires manual changes to dmskrnl.cfg) Disable-PWFileStreaming - disable PointCloud, Raster, or Both (requires manual changes to dmskrnl.cfg) Get-PWPerformanceReportData - Added new parameter - OutputType - to select between PSObject and DataTable output. Default is PSObject. Changed cmdlets Add-PDFQRCode and Add-PWPDFQRCode - added -DoNotShortenUrl switch. Can be used to encode any text and not just URLs. Add-PDFQRCode, Add-PWPDFQRCode, Add-PWValidationQRCode - changed library used to generate QR Code image which gives us more control over the image. Best to use multiples of 33. Copy-PWMailMessagesFromExchange - fixed bug where mail messages would get deleted even if the import to ProjectWise failed Convert-PWUserToFederated - added -DoNotChangeUserType switch for when you only want to set the user's identity, but not force IMS login 2019-05-15 Version Added cmdlets Get-LatitudeLongitudeForAddress - looks up lat/long for address Get-EncodedLogicalToken - gets a token encoding the username/password of a logical user which can be used in the Authorization header for WSG calls Get-PWFileHash - gets the hash of a file in ProjectWise using various hash algorithms 2019-05-10 Version Added cmdlets Get-TablesFromSQLiteDB - read data from SQLite. Changed cmdlets Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - Fixed bug with the Geo search. Should work now. Save-PWDocumentReport - Added -DocumentName and -FileName parameters. New-PWUserSimple - added -IMSUser switch to create a federated user. Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive - added -SkipDocumentAttributeUpdate and -SkipSecondaryAttributeUpdate switches 2019-05-05 Version General note: Finally ported the geospatial functionality to 64-bit. Also changed audit trail handling to better support the backup audit trail. Intent had always been to include that in audit trail reporting, but we found some inconsistencies. You'll see a new -ExcludeSecondaryAuditTrail switch on a lot of the reporting cmdlets now (too many to list invididually). Added cmdlets Get-PWFoldersByAccessMember - returns an array of folder objects that each have a specified member (group, user, userlist) explicitly applied in its access control. Remove-PWAttributeFromInterface - used to remove an attribute from an interface. Changed cmdlets Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - added Geo criteria to the search (min/max lat/long parameters), added MimeType and Storage Area to the default return columns. Added -PopulatePath switch that will at least populate the folder paths and won't degrade performanc as much as -GetAttributes. Fixed bug with 32-bit searching that would crash the cmdlet which was introduced in version Get-PWMissingStorageArea - fixed bug where documents not in the folder's default storage area would incorrectly show as missing. Set-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition - fixed bug with placement of attributes on More Attributes tab. Get-PWFolderDocumentSize - fixed intermittent bug in reporting. Remove-PWFolder - added ability to pass FolderID. Import-PWProjectAccessControl - added ability to import access control from a datatable. Export-PWAAMFile - fixed bug with table definition exports. 2019-04-19 Version Added cmdlets New-PWRichProjectFromTemplate - creates a new rich project / work area from a template project. Expand-PWDocumentInformation - takes a document object returned from the search routines with sparse information and populates empty fields. ConvertFrom-EncodedToken - takes encoded token like that used by WSG and shows readable XML ConvertTo-EncodedToken - Clear text to encoded string for tokens Set-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition - takes a GUI definition returned from the Get-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition cmdlet, and updates a specified interface within target Environment. Offers a way to copy GUI definitions from one datasource to another. Changed cmdlets New-PWLogin - Now supports using federated credentials when logging in with -BentleyIMS (will bypass Connection Client if provided) New-PWDocument - added -DocumentName parameter. Defaults to file name if not provided. Get-PWFolderDocumentSize - deprecated -IncludeVersions switch. Will now always include versions. Added -AllDocumentsInTree switch. Get-PWFolderTreeSize - deprecated -IncludeVersions switch. Will now always include versions. 2019-04-12 Version Added cmdlets Convert-PWFolderToRichProject Changed cmdlets Update-PWStorageAreaForProjectTree - added -SourceStorageArea parameter. Add-PWValidationQRCode, Add-PDFQRCode, Add-PWPDFQRCode - changed the way we define the location of the code image. Now is always from lower left of page as it opens and regardless of actual rotation and units are "points" which is 1/72nd of an inch. Import-PWProjectAccessControl - fixed bug where existing access control was not being removed before applying new access control. Export-PWProjectAccessControl - updated the way the rights masks are generated. Should be more reliable. 2019-04-09 Version Changed cmdlets Update-PWStorageAreaForProjectTree - fixed major bug that would CAUSE FILE LOSS in the case of a user prevented from seeing documents due to ProjectWise Access Control. Added -SkipSTorageAreaMatchCheck and changed -DoNotDeleteFromSourceStorage switch to -DeleteFromSourceStorage. This makes deleting the source files a positive choice. Add-PWValidationQRCode - added -QRCodeType override parameter and -ForceNativeUnits and -ForceDefaultUnits switches to help with QR Code settings development. Add-PWDocumentFlatSetMember - fixed issue with -LockToVersion switch and with input documents. 2019-04-05 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWAttributeExchangeRulesUpdateFileConditions - Get current settings for attribute exchange. Set-PWAttributeExchangeRulesUpdateFileConditions - Change settings for attribute exchange. Disable-PWTitleBlockUpdate - Disables the ProjectWise Titleblock update functionality. Import-PWProjectAccessControl - Now supports importing the spreadsheet created by Export-PWProjectAccessControl. Both of these bypass the built-in security export/import because of performance and dependence on installed Excel. Changed cmdlets CheckIn-PWDocumentOrFree - now will import Exported documents if they are in the set of documents passed in. CheckOut-PWDocuments - now properly updates CheckOutLocation on returned document object. Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet - fixed bug that caused error when ProjectWiseDocumentVersion types were mixed (string and numeric) Export-PWProjectAccessControl - changed to bypass built-in security export to improve performance and reliablity 2019-03-26 Version Added cmdlets Set-PWDocumentMIMEType - Update document MIME Type. Set-PWDocumentVersion - Set the Document Version string on active documents. Changed cmdlets New-PWDMTransmittal - improved support for non-federated domain logins 2019-03-14 Version General note: We've had requests to port functionality from PWPS to this module in order to make it all available in 64-bit and SS4. We had been avoiding doing that in order to avoid duplication, but the lack of availability in some features in 64-bit was getting annoying. We will be adding more as we perceive a need. Added cmdlets Update-PWUserSetting - Allows for updating all user settings (replicates functionality in PWPS). Get-PWUserSettingByUser - List all or individual setting by user (replicates functionality in PWPS). Get-PWUserDefaultSettings - List all or individual datasource default user settings (replicates functionality in PWPS). New-PWUserListByName - Create user list (replicates functionality in PWPS). New-PWGroupByName - Create Group (replicates functionality in PWPS). Changed cmdlets Add-PWMemberToUserList - added -GroupNames, -UserListNames and -AddAllUsers switches to cmdlet Remove-PWMemberFromUserList - added -GroupNames, -UserListNames and -AddAllUsers switches to cmdlet Update-PWFolderSecurity - added some additional input validation 2019-03-07 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWValidationQRCodeParameters - display the parameters set for the Validation QR Codes. Changed cmdlets Copy-PWDocumentsToFolder, Copy-PWDocumentsBySearch - added -CopyReferenceRelationships switch to copy a master documents reference relationships Export-PWDocumentFilesToZip - added -GetReferences, -GetSetMembers and -AddMetadataFile switches New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable, New-PWRichProject - fixed 64-bit compatibility issues 2019-02-27 Version Changed cmdlets New-PWScanForReferences, New-PWEnumFolders - these two had gone missing. They're back. 2019-02-24 Version Added cmdlets Read-PWPDFQRCode - Reads QR Code value from a given spot on a PDF page. Export-PWProjectAccessControl - export access control out to a datatable, XLSX file, or SQLite DB. Changed cmdlets Get-PWFolders - Fixed a bug in Get-PWFolders where the inheritance for documents was not returning the correct information. 2019-02-13 Version Added cmdlets Copy-FileToSharePoint - requires explicit import of HelperFunctions.psm1 along with the SharePoint module. Copies file from Windows to SharePoint. Write-PWPSLog - Renamed from Write-Log, added help and examples Get-PWPSLogsFromPreviousDays - renamed from Get-PowerShellLogsFromPreviousDays Changed cmdlets CheckOut-PWDocuments - changed the way the -NoReferences switch works Get-PWDocumentsSearch - fixed parameter bug when only Attributes were defined 2019-02-09 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWConnectedProjectAssetTypes - returns list of valid Asset Types Get-PWConnectedProjectIndustryTypes - returns list of valid Industry Types Changed cmdlets CheckOut-PWDocuments - Now supports the -NoReferences switch in all modes (ChekcOut, Export, CopyOut) Import-PWDocuments - resolved bug with handling of -ExcludeSourceDirectoryFromTargetPath Convert-PWAccessControlMaskToString - enhanced return values Add-PWConnectedProject - Now supports -Token argument Get-PWConnectedProjectDataLocations - now supports -Token argument 2019-01-30 Version Added cmdlets Remove-PWConnectedProject - Removes a CONNECTED Project and clears the association from the input rich project. Changed cmdlets Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Now reporting Status value (I, CI, CO, etc.) 2019-01-17 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWUserHasUseAccessControlOn - Gets value of this setting. Set-PWUserUseAccessControl - Set the value of this setting. 2019-01-15 Version General Notes Updated help. Get-Help XXXX -ShowWindow should show examples now. Changed cmdlets Update-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet - added -WorksheetName parameter to control which worksheet is processed. Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - now reports ProjectWise server version and resets running user to use no Access Control (necessary for good report). 2019-01-10 Version General Notes Changed CONNNECTION client related behavior to support 64-bit operation (thus the change to 1.9). The only 32-bit-only operations should now be New-PWIplotIPSFile and anything to do with GeoSpatial attribution. Changed cmdlets Move-PWFolder - Fixed bug in 32-operation. Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsData - changed backup audit trail table handling. Should be more reliable now. 2019-01-08 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords and Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords changed default to include backup audit trail table. If not desired, use -SkipSecondary switch. Should also work better with Oracle now. 2019-01-04 Version General Notes Updated to .NET 4.6.1 and updated dependencies. Please let us know if you run into odd errors. Always dangers when you update a lot of components simultaneously. Changed cmdlets New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet and New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTables - added -SkipFolderWorkflowSecurityReplication switch. If you don't need project specific userlist-based workflow security, this will greatly speed up your project creation. 2018-12-21 Version Added cmdlets Add-PWDocumentProcessorToDatasource - add a document processor to the datasource. Invoke-PWDocumentProcessorRun - invoke document processor run. Clear-PWDocumentProcessorStatusByProject - Clear the document processor status for a folder. Changed cmdlets Get-PWStatistics - fixed bug with getting file sizes. 2018-12-20 Version Changed cmdlets Add-PWConnectedProject - fixed bug with -DataLocation. Should work properly now. See Get-PWConnectedProjectDataLocations for valid values. 2018-12-19 Version Added cmdlets Add-PWIndexServerFileExtensionFilter - set file extension filters for Index Servers. Set-PWIndexServerFileExtensionMapping - remap file extensions for Index Servers. Changed cmdlets Copy-PWMailMessagesFromExchange - added support for * wildcard in subject search spreadsheet. Fixed issue with shared mailboxes when using -UseDefaultCredentials. 2018-12-18 Version Changed cmdlets Copy-PWMailMessagesFromExchange - added -UseDefaultCredentials switch. Will use currently logged in user's credentials to attempt to connect to the Exchange Server Web Service. Get-PWStatistics and New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - changed the way we find the total storage area used. Was reporting incorrect data for large datasources previously and was proving to be inefficient. 2018-12-17 Version General notes Changed the .psd1 file so that the below functions are NOT automatically imported. To use them, you must explicitly import HelperFunctions.psm1 and its dependent modules: SqlServer, SharePointPnPPowerShell2013, SharePointPnPPowerShell2016, SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline Syntax would be like this: import-module SqlServer import-module SharePointPnpPowerShellOnline import-module 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pwps_dab\x.x.x.x\HelperFunctions.psm1' Note that the path to HelperFunctions.psm1 will be version dependent. (The affected functions are listed below.) BulkCopy-SQLTable - bulk copy a DataTable from PowerShell to SQL Server (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDatabase - Get databases in a SQL instance. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDataType - Get corresponding SQL data type. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLTable - Gets list of tables from SQL Instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLConnection - Connect to SQL Server instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLTable - Make a table in SQL to match a given table in memory. (requires SQLPS module) Truncate-SQLTable - empties existing table. (requires SQLPS module) Copy-PWDocumentToSharePoint - copy a document directly from ProjectWise to SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Get-SharePointListItem - Gets a list item from SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) New-SharePointConnection - connect to SharePoint instance. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Changed cmdlets New-PWRenditionRequest - added -MakeSinglePlotRequest switch. Will combine all of the input documents into a single plot request instead of making plot requests for each document. This is easier for iCS for PDF to handle. 2018-12-13 Version General notes Had to fix .psd1 file. Get-SQLDatabase is now renamed to Get-SQLDatabaseFunction 2018-12-13 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWCurrentUser Added functions (The below were added previously, but not exported correctly. Try them now.) Write-Log - Logging function Get-PowerShellLogsFromPreviousDats - collects PowerShell logs Get-WindowsFolderPath - open a dialog to select a folder Get-WindowsFilePath - open a dialog to select a file. BulkCopy-SQLTable - bulk copy a DataTable from PowerShell to SQL Server (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDatabase - Get databases in a SQL instance. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDataType - Get corresponding SQL data type. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLTable - Gets list of tables from SQL Instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLConnection - Connect to SQL Server instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLTable - Make a table in SQL to match a given table in memory. (requires SQLPS module) Truncate-SQLTable - empties existing table. (requires SQLPS module) Get-PWAuditTrailRecordsFromPreviousDays - extracts audit trail records. Copy-PWDocumentToSharePoint - copy a document directly from ProjectWise to SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Get-SharePointListItem - Gets a list item from SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) New-SharePointConnection - connect to SharePoint instance. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Changed cmdlets Impoprt-PWDocuments - added -ExcludeSourceDirectoryFromTargetPath switch. Move-PWFolder - resolved issue with ROOT. Import-PWDocumentsFromZip - made path handling a bit more robust. New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - added -ThrowErrorOnCreateFailure switch to improve test behavior. Show-PWDatasources - no longer requires login to run. 2018-11-26 Version Added cmdlets Convert-ObjectArrayToDataTable - Utility cmdlet to convert array of objects to a datatable. Should perform better and be more reliable than ConvertTo-DataTable (which remains). Now using JSON format to store arrays and collections in the table. Added functions Write-Log - Logging function Get-PowerShellLogsFromPreviousDats - collects PowerShell logs Get-WindowsFolderPath - open a dialog to select a folder Get-WindowsFilePath - open a dialog to select a file. BulkCopy-SQLTable - bulk copy a DataTable from PowerShell to SQL Server (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDatabase - Get databases in a SQL instance. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLDataType - Get corresponding SQL data type. (requires SQLPS module) Get-SQLTable - Gets list of tables from SQL Instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLConnection - Connect to SQL Server instance. (requires SQLPS module) New-SQLTable - Make a table in SQL to match a given table in memory. (requires SQLPS module) Truncate-SQLTable - empties existing table. (requires SQLPS module) Get-PWAuditTrailRecordsFromPreviousDays - extracts audit trail records. Copy-PWDocumentToSharePoint - copy a document directly from ProjectWise to SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Get-SharePointListItem - Gets a list item from SharePoint. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) New-SharePointConnection - connect to SharePoint instance. (requires one of the SharePointPnPPowerShell* modules) Changed cmdlets New-PWDocumentAbstract - resolved issue with -Count parameter. Get-PWMonthlyLogins - resolved issue with UserType. Get-PWDocumentsBySearch - added -FolderID paramter. Move-PWFolder - changed to accept InputFolder object. 2018-11-15 Version Added cmdlets Start-SQLServerStoredProcedure - Utility cmdlet to run a stored procedure if you have a valid connection string to a SQL database 2018-11-15 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingRFIsWithProperties - returns IncomingRFIs with Templateable properties objects populated 2018-11-14 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWDMServiceAccountToken - returns a string suitable for use as the -ConnectToken parameter in the below cmdlets Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs, Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - added -ConnectToken parameter and "since" date parameter 2018-11-12 Version Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals - changed internal logic a bit 2018-11-12 Version Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMIncomingTransmittals, Get-PWDMOutgoingSubmittals - added -UseCheckProject switch and changed to no longer require ProjectWise DI login to run. 2018-11-11 Version Updated cmdlets Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs, Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - add -UseCheckProject switch 2018-11-07 Version Added cmdlets Get-PWProjectForConnectedProjectId - Pass in Connected Project ID and get corresponding ProjectWise Project object. Enable-PWTitleBlockUpdate - Will make the appropriate registry changes required to make the title block update work if configured Updated cmdlets Get-PWAuditTrailSettings - will now return secondary table name if one is configured New-PWDocumentAbstract - added -DoNotAddSuffix switch 2018-11-01 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Added progress reporting and parameters -FolderProgressInterval and -DocumentProgressInterval. 2018-10-24 Version Changed cmdlets Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Fixed bug when file names varied in the version stack. Was generating false positives. 2018-10-13 Version Added cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentsToDatatable - convert list of document objects to the datatable format used by other cmdlets. Get-PWMissingStorageAreaFiles - Dedicated search for documents with missing files in storage area. Remove-PWEnvironmentColumn Changed cmdlets Get-PWStorageAreaReport - Added -SkipFileSizeCheck and -SkipOrphanFileCheck switches to improve performance. 2018-10-16 Version Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWEmptyFolders - now returns list of deleted paths. Set-PWUserLicenseSource - Changed parameters. Copy-PWFolder - now allows copying to ROOT. Add-PWMemberToUserList - fixed help. Get-PWStorageAreaReport - added columns, cleaned up returned data. 2018-10-11 Version General: Added Owner Types and Names to Document and Folder objects. Added FolderCreator and FolderUpdater properties to Folder object. Changed User object to update IMSProvider and IMSName by default. Changed cmdlets: Get-PWUsersInUserList - now recurses all contained groups and user lists to build comprehensive list of users. Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs, Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - now returning more data about the RFIs. Remove-PWEmptyFolders - now returns a list of the folder objects that were deleted. Copy-PWInterface - now requires -Create switch to create a new interface, otherwise updates if interface exists 2018-10-04 Version General: Updated to use latest Deliverables Management libraries ( Dan Williams found a way to greatly speed up our spreadsheet reading for Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet. Updated all dependent libraries to latest versions. Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet - added -WriteBackLinks and -DeleteFilesOnImport switches. 2018-09-09 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWValidationQRCode - If you have the QR Code Validation Add-In, use this cmdlet to automate the process of stamping your drawings. One advantage of this approach is that you can run this as 64-bit process. Some customers have reported problems stamping large PDFs with the iCS Add-In because it's 32-bit. Add-PWPDFLink - Add a link to a PDF in ProjectWise. Use -MakeFriendlyProjectWiseLink to add an https:// link that will work like a pw:// link. Use -URL for a generic URL. Use -WSGURL to add a WSG link. 2018-09-06 Version Added cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentFilesFromZip - Import document files directly from a zip file. Long paths in zip are supported. Export-PWDocumentFilesToZip - Exports document files directly to a zip file. Writing long paths to zip are supported. Copy-PWInterface - Create a copy of an existing interface Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocuments - Now supports importing from long paths on disk (Export-PWDocuments already supports writing to long paths on disk.) 2018-08-30 Version (thought the Exchange/Office365 email support and Project Share support deserved an incremented version) Added cmdlets: Copy-PWMailMessagesFromExchange - Bulk copy email messages from Exchange mailbox to ProjectWise New-PWProjectShareFolder - Create a new folder in the Project Share area of the CONNECTed Project New-PWProjectShareFileFromDisk - Upload a file from disk to a Project Share folder New-PWProjectShareFileFromProjectWise - Upload a document file from ProjectWise to a Project Share folder Get-PWConnectURL - Get CONNECT web service endpoints Remove-PWDocumentSheet - Remove attributes from document Changed cmdlets: Add-PWConnectedProject - Now supports Industry, Asset Type, Country Code and Data Locations on creation Changed most of the CONNECTed project manipulation cmdlets to NOT require an active ProjectWise login. Still requires Connection Client login. 2018-07-27 Version Changed cmdlets: Set-PWWorkflowByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter Clear-PWWorkflowByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter Update-PWFolderNameProps - Now works with FolderID as default parameter Set-PWEnvironmentByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter Clear-PWEnvironmentByFolderPath - Now works with FolderID as default parameter 2018-07-25 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWAllOwnedConnectedProjects - Gets a list of all your owned connected projects Get-PWDMIncomingRFIs - Gets a list of all the incoming RFIs. Can filter by Company Name (partial) or Email (partial) Get-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - Gets a list of all the RFI response. Can filter by Email (partial) Save-PWDMIncomingRFIs - Saves the files attached to the incoming RFIs Save-PWDMOutgoingRFIs - Saves the files attached to the RFI responses 2018-07-13 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWProjectShareConnection - Add Project Share connection to existing Connected Project Get-PWConnectionClientToken Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject - Template no longer required Export-PWDocumentsToArchive - added -NoAuditTrail parameter Add-PWConnectedProject - now will link back the Connected project to the PWDI project by adding a connection in Project Share General - added CreateDateTime and UpdateDateTime properties to the folder object 2018-07-02 Version Added cmdlets: Remove-PWDocumentGroupAccess, Remove-PWDocumentUserListAccess Changed cmdlets: Various bug fixes. 2018-06-21 Version Added cmdlets: Import-PWDataTableValues - import datatable values into lookup tables. Changed cmdlets: Connected project cmdlets - fixed issue where deliverables management assemblies weren't loading properly for non-IMS logins. 2018-06-14 Version Added cmdlets: Update-PWUserProperties - allows setting of name, description and email. Get-PWFoldersByGUIDs - return folder objects for a list of guids. Get-PWDocumentsByGUIDs - return document objects for a list of guids. New-PWScanForReferences, New-PWEnumFolders Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - updated help, fixed issue with -DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch. Get-PWError, Get-PWVersion no longer require an active login to run. Reset-PWFolderSecurity - fixed issue with workflows. 2018-05-30 Version General Note: Regular users can now log in via New-PWLogin and use the cmdlets if they are members of a group called "PowerShell Users". Use -NonAdminLogin switch with New-PWLogin. Changed cmdlets: Export-DataTableToSQLiteDB now supports -Append and -Overwrite switches. All SQLite DB cmdlets should now support 64-bit. 2018-05-20 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWStorageAreaReport - Added SQLite output option. New-PWLogin - Adjusted behavior of DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch. Works a bit more logically now. 2018-05-17 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyCheckoutsByProject - reports using audit trail document checkouts per user per project per month. Get-PWDMOutgoingTransmittals - reports all outgoing transmittals for the given projects. Save-PWDMOutgoingTransmittal - Save transmittal to disk. Get-PWDMIncomingSubmittals - reports all incoming submittals for the given projects. Save-PWDMIncomingSubmitals - Save submittal to disk. Set-PWDocumentUserListAccess - Apply access mask for a user list to a set of documents 2018-05-15 Version General Note: User must be in Admin or Restricted Admin group. Our intent has always been that PowerShell manipulation of datasources required a user with elevated privileges. Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDSConfigEntry does not require a login. Get-PWCurrentDatasource does not require a login. 2018-05-11 Version General Note: NOW COLLECTING CMDLET-LEVEL USAGE DATA LIKE PROJECTWISE EXPLORER DOES Added cmdlets: Remove-PWFolderSecurity - Export-DataTableToSQLiteDB Update-PWDocumentOwner Update-PWStatistics - Update the stored statistics Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - now records datasource statistics Get-PWStatistics - Now returns all the datasource statistics Various help file fixes 2018-04-18 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PDFQRCode - Stamp a file from disk with QR Code. Set-PWFolderOwner - reset folder owner Remove-PWFolderSecurity - remove folder security Changed cmdlets: Add-PWPDFQRcode - added parameters 2018-04-18 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentGroupAccess - sets group access for an array of documents. Changed cmdlets: Get-PWFolderSecurity, Update-PWFolderSecurity and Remove-PWFolderSecurity updated to include datasource default security. New-PWFolder will now use storage from existing parent and does not require storage to be passed. 2018-04-10 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWMembers - list members of a group or userlist. New-PWApplication Remove-PWApplication Get-PWManagedWorkspaceConfigBlocks - returns configuration settings blocks for all or a selected managed workspace type Set-PWManagedWorkspaceForFolders - adds configuration settings block associations for selected managed workspace type to input folder(s) Remove-PWManagedWorkspaceAssociationFromFolders - removes the specified configuration settings block of specified managed workspace type from input folder(s) Remove-PWManagedWorkspaceAssociationsFromSubFolders - removes ALL configuration settings block associations from all sub-folders of the input folder(s) Set-PWApplicationExtensions - set extensions for applications. Copy-PWDocumentSecurity - copy document security from a template to a set of input documents Changed cmdlets: New-PWFolder - added -Description parameter. Copy-PWFolder - added -IncludeDocumentAttributes switch. 2018-04-07 Version General Notes: Added logic to attempt to prevent fatal errors when running in 64-bit as we know certain things won't work (like anything to do with CONNECTED projects). Added cmdlets: Copy-PWDocumentsBetweenDatasources - copy documents from one datasource to another. 2018-04-05 Version General Notes: This module should now load in both 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell. Some functionality is not yet supported in 64-bit and we're adding warnings as we discover what is not supported. General functionality seems to be there (thus change of minor version to 1.5). Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - added -LoadWRE switch to support loading Workflow Rules Engine. Made change to NOT load WRE by default. Added cmdlets: Set-PWSession - switch between active login sessions. Get-PWSessions - list the active sessions. Get-PWFoldersImmediateChildren - Gets the immediate child folders for the specified folder. Convert-PWRichProjectToFolder - Converts a rich project (WorkArea) and sub-rich projects to folders. 2018-03-26 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWLogin - added -BentleyIMS switch to support IMS logins Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport - change output to data table array in addition to spreadsheet Merge-PWPDFs, Split-PWPDFs, Add-PWPDFQRCode - changed underlying PDF library (thus change of minor version to 1.4) 2018-03-16 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWDocumentCaptionFromAI - use Microsoft's Computer Vision AI Service to label photos 2018-03-06 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWRichProjectReport and New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet - now support exporting and importing CONNECTed Project links. Convert-PWAccessMaskToString - added additional mask values. Remove-PWEmptyFolders - added a -RemoveRichProjects switch to control rich project removal. Will now leave empty rich projects by default. 2018-03-06 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWPowerShellScript - Added three more common script types (Archive Full, Archive Export and Archive Import) in addition to the Default. Export-PWAccessControlToExcel - fixed bug with resolving projectstructure.xlsx Added cmdlets: New-PWView, Get-PWRichProjectProperties, Get-PWStandardViewColumns, Get-PWEmptyLeafFolders, Remove-PWEmptyFolders 2018-03-01 Version Added functions: ConvertTo-DataTable - converts arrary of DataRows (or any object type) to a DataTable. Changed cmdlets: Updated all the Audit Trail cmdlets to clean up the output, include options to support pipeline input of documents and folders and support XLSX and SQLite output. 2018-02-22 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWAttributeGeneralSettings, Set-PWAttributeDefaultValueSettings, Set-PWAttributeUpdateValueSettings, Get-PWAttributeValueListFixedList, Set-PWAttributeValueListSettings, Set-PWAttributeEditingSettings, Set-PWAttributeExtraValuesSettings, New-PWInterface, Get-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition, Add-PWAttributeToInterface, Set-PWInterfaceGUILabel, Set-PWInterfaceGUILabelFont, Set-PWInterfaceGUIPrompt, Show-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition, Get-PWFonts Changed cmdlets: Update-PWDocumentFile (added -RemoveFile switch), Get-PWEnvironments, New-PWEnvironment, Add-PWEnvironmentColumn, Copy-PWEnvironmentColumn, Get-PWEnvironmentColumns, Export-PWAccessControlToExcel (fixed bug with SS3/SS4 support) 2018-02-12 Version Changed functions: Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile - Changed to enhance secure handling of the clear-text password. 2018-02-09 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWConnectorToken - Generates token for use with WSG and PW Connector web service New-PWDocumentViaWSG – Uses PW Connector which is a web service that wraps WSG to create a new document. No support for attributes yet. Added functions: Save-ClearTextToEncryptedFile, Save-SecureStringToEncryptedFile, Get-SecureStringFromEncryptedFile, Get-ClearTextFromEncryptedFile - utility functions for managing PowerShell secure password storage. 2018-02-06 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport - BIG BUG FIX: the -FileSizeK parameter was getting ignored (was defaulting to 1K), but is working now. Added -NoCleanup switch if you want to look at the files yourself. Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords – Added action description. Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords – Added action description. 2018-02-06 Version Added cmdlets: Copy-PWConnectedProjectSettings - copies settings from on connected project to another emulating what you can do on the DM copy settings page Show-PWFolderBrowserDialog – Show a dialog to select a folder. Selected folder can be stored in a variable or used on the pipeline. Show-PWDocumentSelectiongDialog – Show a dialog to select one or more documents. Selected documents can be stored in variable or used on the pipeline. Show-PWDatasources – Shows a list of the avilable datasources. 2018-02-01 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWInterfaceGUIDefinition – returns the GUI definition(s) for the specified environment/interface combination. Set-PWInterfaceGUILabel – Adds a label to the specified environment/interface/attribute combination. Set-PWInterfaceGUILabelFont – Sets the label font for the specified environment/interface/attribute combination. Set-PWInterfaceGUIPrompt – Adds a prompt to the specified environment/interface/attribute combination. Get-PWFonts – returns a list of available fonts on the current system. Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet (added -ProjectTypes parameter to allow for processing of subset of worksheets) 2018-01-29 Version Changed cmdlets: Add-PWEnvironmentColumn (fixed problem where Administrator didn't work right after adding column) 2018-01-26 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWDocumentComment (more bug fixes and help update), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (bug fixes), Add-PWSavedSearch (added support in -SearchName for naming searches with full path (e.g. Search Folder\Sub-Folder\SearchName), changed manifest 2018-01-25 Version (manifest file changes) 2018-01-25 Version Added cmdlets: New-PWWorkflowWithStates, New-PWPowerShellScript Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWFolder (added help and fixed support for -FolderPath parameter), New-PWDocumentComment (bug fixes and added support for documents objects from pipeline), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (reports results to a web service now, use -OptOutOfCentralReporting if you don't want to participate. Idea is to collect performance data centrally and allow users to report on their results), Set-PWFolderView (added -PreviewPaneVies parameter), Get-PWFolders (added View and PreviewPaneView properties) 2018-01-22 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed another bug with Oracle and backup audit trail table), Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed assembly loading), Get-PWReferenceFiles (now uses -ReferenceLevel parameter) 2018-01-10 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with Oracle and backup audit trail table), Update-PWSQL (changed -SecretPassword to SecureString), Export-PWAccessControlToExcel (fixed bug when template not in standard location) 2018-01-05 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWStorageAreaReport, Get-PWFolderAuditTrailRecords Changed cmdlets: Get-PWMonthlyLogins and Get-PWMonthlyLoginsDataTable (fixed bug with SQL Server and backup audit trail table), Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog (added -ShowAll switch, now only shows top 20 lines by default) 2017-12-20 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentApplication Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentColumnWidth (changed to use VARCHAR2 for Oracle and NVARCHAR for SQL instead of NCHAR), Get-PWMonthlyLogins (add -WholeYear switch, always includes backup audit trail table now) Export-PWDocuments (made some tweaks), Import-PWDocumentsBySpreadsheet (now supports the case where file names were changed in the version stack. Still requires that document names be the same through the stack.) 2017-12-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution (Fixed service installer link in help. Should be 2017-12-18 Version Added cmdlets: Request-PWRemoteScriptExecution Changed cmdlets: New-PWDocument (Added -Application switch for creating new documents) 2017-12-12 Version Added cmdlets: Save-PWEnvironmentViewScript 2017-12-08 Version Added cmdlets: Get-ReferencedByReportForDocuments, Get-PWDocumentsBySearchWithReturnColumns, Get-PWFolderDocumentSize Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDocumentsBySearch (add -ReturnDataTable switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added support for testing a subset of storages) 2017-11-21 Version Added cmdlets: Show-PWPS_DABChangeLog, Get-PWUserListByMember Changed cmdlets: Get-PWDSConfigEntry (bug fix), Copy-PWFolder (added -IncludeWorkspaceProfile switch) 2017-11-21 Version Changed cmdlets: Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive and Export-PWDocumentsToArchive -- added support for empty folders and folder descriptions. 2017-11-21 Version Changed cmdlets: Fixed bug where paths to searches were not respected. 2017-11-21 Version General Change: Updated to be delivered via PowerShell Gallery. Add cmdlets: Get-PWSavedSearches Changed cmdlets: Generally updated the cmdlets that take Saved Search names as parameters to support using a path and the -Personal switch for personal searches. 2017-11-09 Version Add cmdlets: New-PWDocumentComment Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (Added -AppendToXLSX switch), New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (changed dates to be formatted consistently across worksheets). 2017-10-26 Version Changed cmdlets: Updated Excel file support. 2017-10-24 Version Changed cmdlets: Bug fixes with regard to the folder object. Update-PWFolderSecurity should work now. 2017-10-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Added -DoNotCreateWorkingDirectory switch for New-PWLogin. (was creating issues for users managing a lot of different datasources from the same machine). 2017-10-16 Version Add cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceCountReportForDocuments (simpler report than Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments where just the master document details and the count of its unique references are returned). Changed cmdlets: Added NestedReferenceCount member to the document object. All of the cmdlets that return document objects and support the -GetAttributes switch will now return the count of references if you include the -GetAttributes switch. (Get-PWDocumentsBySearch). 2017-10-13 Version Add cmdlets: Add-PWSavedSearch. Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceFiles, Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments, Get-PWReferenceReportForFolder (fixed all of these to get all nested reference, support SQLite and DataTable output). Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive (fixed a problem with imports to Oracle datasources) 2017-10-11 Version Add cmdlets: Submit-PWDocumentToPrint, Merge-PWPDFs, Split-PWPDFs, and Add-PWPDFQRCode. Changed cmdlets: Export-PWDocuments (added pipeline support for documents. This is really a copy-out with metadata). 2017-10-04 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWReferenceReportForDocuments and Get-PWReferenceFiles (fixed to resolve nested references correctly). Set-PWRichProjectResource (added support for setting rendition profiles) 2017-10-04 Version Added cmdlets: Export-PWTagMappings, Import-PWTagMappings, Get-PWTagSets, Remove-PWTagSet Changed cmdlets: Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute (updated type handling and format string generation) 2017-10-02 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWTagSet, Add-PWTags, Add-PWTagDocumentProperty, Add-PWTagFolderProperty, Add-PWTagProjectProperty, Add-PWTagEnvironmentAttribute 2017-09-27 Version Added cmdlets: Remove-PWSavedSearch Changed cmdlets: New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added Verbose messaging, added a column to the storage performance report table) Get-PWDocumentAuditTrailRecords (added IncludeSecondaryTable switch) 2017-09-17 Version New example scripts: ScanRefs.ps1, CreateDatasource2.ps1 (updated), CreateODBC64.ps1, ImportData.ps1 Added cmdlets: Set-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Get-PWUserWorkingDirectory, Add-PWUserToGroup, Get-PWUsersInGroup, Get-PWGroupName, Get-PWUserListNames, Get-PWUsersInUserList, Add-PWUserToUserList, Remove-PWUserFromUserList, Remove-PWUserFromGroup, New-PWUserSimple, Set-PWUserAdminRights, Import-PWAAMFile, Export-PWAAMFile 2017-09-11 Version Changed cmdlets: CheckOut-PWDocuments (changed copy out behavior to always include references unless -NoReferences flag is set) Update-PWPropagateProjectPropertiesToSubProjects (allows passing regular folder. Rich project not required. Added verbose messages.) New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport (added table with individual storage area i/o details) 2017-09-06 Version Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed another possible bug) 2017-09-05 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWPicklist, Get-PWPickList, Export-PWPickList, Import-PWPickList, Get-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickListItems, Remove-PWPickList Changed cmdlets: Get-PWOutgoingTransmittalsReport (fixed possible bug) Access control cmdlets reworked to accept pipeline input of an array of folders as returned from Get-PWFolders, etc. 2017-08-23 Version Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (made more changes to workflow inheritance) 2017-08-23 Version Added cmdlets: Get-PWError (Takes Error Number gives, description) Get-PWProjectTemplates (List the Project Templates) Changed cmdlets: New-PWRichProject, New-PWRichProjectsFromSpreadsheet, New-PWRichProjectsFromDataTable (updated all 3 to replicate workflow security properly and create new, project-specific user lists) 2017-08-22 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWDocumentsWithCode (Create abstract documents with document code applied) Changed cmdlets: Update-PWDocumentFile (Added -NewFileName and -UseDocumentName parameters to rename file when replacing it) 2017-08-21 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWFileTypeAssociation (For Indexing, Property extraction and thumbnails) Changed cmdlets: Get-PWUserByLastLogin (updated to use audit trail truncation table in addition to active audit trail table) New-PWRichProject (updated to replicate workflow security) 2017-08-18 Version Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentReport (fixed date handling for AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters) 2017-08-15 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWDocumentFileUpdateTimeToNow, Add-PWMemberToGroup, Add-PWMemberToUserList Changed cmdlets: Add-PWConnectedProject (updated to support Connected Project creation without connecting to PW Project), New-PWDMTransmittal (updated help) 2017-08-09 Version Changed cmdlets: Update-PWEnvironmentCopyData, Update-PWEnironmentColumnName, Update-PWEnvronmentColumnWidth - Changed column name validation logic because this was found to be unreliable Get-PWEnvironments, Get-PWEnvironmentColumns, Add-PWEnvironmentColumn - Changed column name display logic to support the above changes 2017-08-08 Version Changed cmdlets: Save-PWDocumentsReport - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters - Added support for SQLite output. Will output SQLite database for any extension that's not .xlsx Get-PWDocumentsReportDataTable - Added AuditTrailRecordsStart and AuditTrailRecordsEnd parameters 2017-07-28 Version Changed cmdlets: Export-PWAccessControlToExcel - Added better help information. - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for ExportFileExtension to limit input to xlsx or csv. Import-PWAccessControlFromExcel - Added better help information. - Added better error / verbose messaging. Set-PWUserListOwners - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, ul, user, and userlist. Set-PWGroupOwners - Added better error / verbose messaging. - Added ValidateSet for OwnerType to limit input to u, g, ul. 2017-07-26 Version Added cmdlets: Set-PWFolderRenditionProfile, Get-PWFolderRenditionProfile. Changed cmdlets: Remove-PWDocuments (added -UserSoftDelete parameter). 2017-07-24 Version Changed cmdlets: Update-PWFolderSecurity (changed some document security handling), Copy-PWDocumentsBySearch & Remove-PWDocumentsBySearch (added help), CheckIn-PWDocumentsOrFree (added 0 file size check), Get-PWFolderTreeDocumentSize (fixed a bug) 2017-07-19 Version Added cmdlets: Add-PWTestDocuments, Add-PWTestDocumentsInFolders, Export-PWDocumentsToArchive, Export-PWDocumentsToDataSet, Import-PWDocumentsFromArchive, New-PWInputOutputPerformanceReport, Select-PWSQLDataTableToSQLite Changed cmdlets: New-PWEnvironmentsReport (added SQLite output support), CheckOut-PWDocuments (-CopyOut now defaults to working directory, added -NoReferences and -RemoveCopies switch), Update-PWDocumentProperies and Update-PWDocumentAttributes (added -ReturnBoolean switch to test for failed updates), Update-PWFolderSecurity (internal fixes) |