
##############################| |####################################################################################################################################################################################
##############################| |#
############## ########| |# Name : CDOT_GetPWRichProjectDataTable_v01
########### #####| |# Type : Script
######### ####### ####| |# Purpose : Output Data Table of Folder Paths and IDs for a given Rich Project Type
######## ############ ####| |# Author : Adrian J. Crowfoot
####### ##### ##### ####| |# Creation Date : 09/18/2019
############## ##### #####| |# Modified By : Adrian J. Crowfoot
############# ### ######| |# Modified Date : 11/22/2019
########## #######| |# Script Version : 1.3
######## ##########| |# PowerShell Version : 5.1.16299.1146
######## ##############| |# ProjectWise Version :
######### #########| |# PWPS Module Version :
######## ###### ########| |# PWPS_DAB Module Version :
####### ######### #######| |# PWPS_CDOT Module Version :
####### ########## #######| |#
###### ######### ########| |# Requirements:
###### #### ########| |# - Ability to log into a ProjectWise Datasource with Administrative privileges.
###### ##########| |# - Logged into a ProjectWise datasource.
######### #############| |# - FUNCTIONS_Archiving.psm1
##############################| |# -
##############################| |#
## Description/Notes:
## -
## - [AJC 20191122] Reworked script to require an active PW Login and to simplify logging.
## - [AJC 20200925] BUG: Line 135 - Rich Project Properties were not being captured
## -
## This script is provided for example purposes only. Bentley makes no warranty as to the effectiveness of this script in a specific situation or for a specific user.
## Use of this script or a similar script in a production environment is entirely at the risk of the user. Bentley suggests extensive testing before deployment.

#Requires -Version 5.0
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="PWPS_DAB";ModuleVersion=''}
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="PWPS_CDOT";ModuleVersion=''}
##Requires -RunAsAdministrator

.GUID 06dfb5cb-ad18-4cbc-af6b-0c1e505f0e0f
.TAGS ProjectWise

 Output Data Table of Folder Paths and IDs for a given Rich Project Type


    # Parameters for Rich Project Comparison Parameters
    [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
    [string] $PWProjectType = 'CDOT_INFO',
    [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
    [string] $PWProjectNumberProperty = 'PROJECT_Project_Code',
    [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
    [string] $PWProjectTimeStampUpdateProperty = 'PROJECT_SAP_Change_Date',
    # Script and Log File Information
    [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })]
            HelpMessage = "Location of script file and log folder.",
            Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 3 )]
    [string] $Path,    
            HelpMessage = "Log file to be generated for each run of the script.",
            Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 7 )]
    [string] $LogFilePathName



    $CmdletName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    Write-PWPSLog -Message " - " -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Entering Get PW Rich Project Datatable script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    $ScriptStartTime = Get-Date
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Start time: $ScriptStartTime" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

} # end BEGIN


    try {
        Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Continuing with processing script." -LogPath $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

        if ($PWProjectTypeClass = Get-PWRichProjectTypes | Where-Object {$_.ClassName -eq $PWProjectType}) {
            $sqlPWProjectClassStatement = "SELECT o_projguid FROM dms_proj WHERE o_classid = $($PWProjectTypeClass.ClassID)"
            $dtFoldersToProcess = Select-PWSQL -SQLSelectStatement $sqlPWProjectClassStatement

            # Add ExistingProjectPath and $PWProjectNumberProperty Columns
            $dtFoldersToProcess.Columns.Add("ExistingProjectPath") | Out-Null
            $dtFoldersToProcess.Columns.Add("$PWProjectNumberProperty") | Out-Null
            $dtFoldersToProcess.Columns.Add("$PWProjectTimeStampUpdateProperty") | Out-Null
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Datasource houses $($dtFoldersToProcess.Rows.Count) PW Work Areas with $PWProjectType Work Area Type." -LogPath $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

            # Cycle through these Project GUIDs to add ExistingProjectPath and $PWProjectNumberProperty (uses access control)
            foreach ($f in $dtFoldersToProcess){
                # Get Folder Path then Project Number
                if($PWProject = Get-PWFoldersByGUIDs -FolderGUIDs $f.o_projguid | Get-PWFolderPathAndProperties) {
                    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] GETTING PW INFO: $($PWProject.FullPath)" -LogPath $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
                    $f.ExistingProjectPath = $PWProject.FullPath
                    $f.$PWProjectNumberProperty = $($PWProject.ProjectProperties.$PWProjectNumberProperty)
                    $f.$PWProjectTimeStampUpdateProperty = $($PWProject.ProjectProperties.$PWProjectTimeStampUpdateProperty)

            # Remove rows that have no ExistingProjectPath - user does not have access to these
            $dataRowsToRemove = $dtFoldersToProcess.Select("ExistingProjectPath IS NULL")
            foreach ($r in $dataRowsToRemove){
            # Remove o_projectno Column
            $dtFoldersToProcess.TableName = $PWProjectType
        else {
            Write-Error "'$PWProjectType' is not a vald Work Area Type"
            $Line = $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)
            $ErrorMessage = $($Error[0].Exception.Message)      
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Error occurred while attemnpting to get datatable. Occurred on line: $Line. $ErrorMessage" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Error -Cmdlet $CmdletName

    } # end if($Continue...
    catch {
        $Line = $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)
        $ErrorMessage = $($Error[0].Exception.Message)      
        Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Error occurred while attemnpting to get datatable. Occurred on line: $Line. $ErrorMessage" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName

} # end PROCESS

    $ScriptEndTime = Get-Date
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[END] It took $([Math]::Round($ScriptEndTime.Subtract($ScriptStartTime).TotalMinutes, 2)) minutes to complete the process." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[END] Leaving script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    Write-PWPSLog -Message " - " -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

    Write-Output @(,($dtFoldersToProcess))
    # Return the Data Table
    #Return $ProjectWiseProjectsDataTable
    #Write-Output @(,($ProjectWiseProjectsDataTable))
} # end END