<# .PARAMETER simpleMode for better performance. do not perform variable substitution based on self and root should still work for simpler scenarios #> function _clone($obj, [switch][bool] $deep, [int]$level = 0, [int]$maxdepth = 10, $shallowkeys = @()) { try { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $shkeys = $shallowkeys + @("_clone_meta") if ($level -gt $maxdepth) { throw "max clone depth exceeded!" } if ($obj -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { $copy = [ordered]@{} foreach ($e in $obj.GetEnumerator()) { $val = $e.Value if ($deep -and !($e.key -in $shkeys)) { $val = _clone $val -deep:$deep -maxdepth:$maxdepth -level ($level + 1) -shallowkeys:$shallowkeys } $copy.Add($e.Key, $val) } if ($obj["_clone_meta"] -eq $null) { $obj["_clone_meta"] = @{ "type" = "original" } } $copy["_clone_meta"] = @{ "type" = "clone" } return $copy } elseif ($obj.gettype().name -eq "Hashtable" -or $obj -is [Hashtable]) { # hashtable created in c# code will have case-sensitive keys. convert it back to PS-style case-insensitive $copy = @{} foreach ($e in $obj.GetEnumerator()) { $val = $e.Value if ($deep -and !($e.key -in $shkeys)) { $val = _clone $val -deep:$deep -maxdepth:$maxdepth -level ($level + 1) -shallowkeys:$shallowkeys } $copy.Add($e.Key, $val) } if ($obj["_clone_meta"] -eq $null) { $obj["_clone_meta"] = @{ "type" = "original" } } $copy["_clone_meta"] = @{ "type" = "clone" } return $copy } elseif ($obj.gettype().IsArray) { if ($deep) { Write-Verbose "don't know how to deep-clone an array. doing a shallow clone." } return @($obj.Clone()) } elseif ($obj.gettype().IsValueType) { return $obj } elseif ($obj -is [string]) { return $obj.Clone() } elseif ($obj.Clone -ne $null) { return $obj.Clone() } else { return $obj } # } } catch { throw } } function get-entry( [Parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $key, [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 2)] $map, $excludeProperties = @("project"), [switch][bool] $simpleMode = $false, [switch][bool] $noVarReplace = $false) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $root = $map $parent = $null $entry = $null $splits = $key.split(".") for ($i = 0; $i -lt $splits.length; $i++) { $split = $splits[$i] $parent = $entry if ($i -eq $splits.length - 1) { $key = $split if ($null -ne $map[$key]) { $entry = $map[$key] $vars = @{} } elseif ($key -eq "/" -or $key -eq "\") { $entry = $map $vars = @{} } else { foreach ($kvp in $map.GetEnumerator()) { $pattern = $kvp.key $vars = _MatchVarPattern $key "$pattern" if ($null -ne $vars) { $entry = $kvp.value break } } } if ($null -ne $entry) { #TODO: should we use a deep clone? $entry2 = _clone $entry -deep -shallowkeys @("project") if ($entry2 -is [Hashtable] -or $entry2 -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { $entry2["_vars"] = $vars } $warnaction = "SilentlyContinue" if ($simpleMode) { $warnaction = "Continue" } if (!$noVarReplace) { $allvars = $vars $entry2 = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $entry2 -vars $allvars -exclude $excludeProperties -WarningAction $warnaction -path $entry2._fullpath if (!$simpleMode) { $entry2 = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $entry2 -vars $map -exclude $excludeProperties -WarningAction $warnaction -path $entry2._fullpath $entry2 = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $entry2 -vars $root -exclude $excludeProperties -WarningAction $warnaction -path $entry2._fullpath } # if (!$simpleMode) { # try { # foreach ($kvp in $map.GetEnumerator()) { # # only use self vars as fallback # if ($allvars[$kvp.key] -eq $null) { # $allvars[$kvp.key] = $kvp.value # } # } # foreach ($kvp in $root.GetEnumerator()) { # # only use root vars as fallback # if ($allvars[$kvp.key] -eq $null) { # $allvars[$kvp.key] = $kvp.value # } # } # } catch { # throw # } # } # # replacement with $map and $root variable should be done in separate steps! # $entry2 = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $entry2 -vars $allvars -exclude $excludeProperties -WarningAction $warnaction -path $entry2._fullpath } return $entry2 } else { return $null } } else { $entry = $map.$split } if ($null -eq $entry) { break } if ($null -ne $entry -and $null -ne $ { $isGroup = $true break } $map = $entry } # } } <# $global:seen = @{} #> function Convert-PropertiesFromVars { [CmdletBinding()] param($obj, $vars = @{}, [switch][bool]$strict, $exclude = @(), [int]$level = 0, $path = "") if ("_vars" -notin $exclude) { $exclude += @("_vars") } #Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $msg = " replacing vars in object '$path' : $obj" <# if ($global:seen[$path] -eq $null) { $global:seen[$path] = $obj } else { write-warning "processing path '$path' for the second time!" } #> write-verbose $msg.PadLeft($level + $msg.Length, ">") $exclude = @($exclude) if ($null -eq $vars) { throw "vars == NULL" } if ($obj -is [string]) { $replaced = Convert-Vars -text $obj -vars $vars return $replaced } elseif ($obj -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { $keys = _clone $obj.keys $keys = $keys | Sort-Object foreach ($key in $keys) { if ($key -notin $exclude) { if ($obj[$key] -in $exclude) { continue } $self = $obj try { $obj[$key] = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $obj[$key] $vars -exclude ($exclude + @($obj)) -level ($level + 1) -path "$path.$key" } finally { $self = $null } } } return $obj } elseif ($obj -is [Array]) { $clone = _clone $obj for ($i = 0; $i -lt $clone.length; $i++) { if ($clone[$i] -in $exclude) { continue } try { $clone[$i] = Convert-PropertiesFromVars $clone[$i] $vars -exclude ($exclude + @($clone)) -level ($level + 1) -path "$path[$i]" } catch { write-error "failed to replace properties for array object $($clone)[$i]: $($_.Exception.Message)" } finally { } } return $clone } elseif ($strict) { throw "unsupported object" } return $obj # } } #TODO: support multiple matches per line function _replaceVarline ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$text, $vars = @{}) { #Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $r = $text if ($null -eq $vars) { throw "vars == NULL" } if (!($text.Contains("_")) -and !($text.Contains("{"))) { return $r } do { #each replace may insert a new variable reference in the string, so we need to iterate again $replaced = $false foreach ($kvp in $vars.GetEnumerator()) { $name = $kvp.key $val = $kvp.value if ($r -match "\{$name\}") { $r = $r -replace "\{$name\}", $val $replaced = $true break } # support also same placeholder as in template match elseif ($r -match "__$($name)__") { $r = $r -replace "__$($name)__", $val $replaced = $true break } elseif ($r -match "_$($name)_") { $r = $r -replace "_$($name)_", $val $replaced = $true break } } } while ($replaced) return $r # } } #TODO: support multiple matches per line function _ReplaceVarsAuto([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$__text) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { do { #each replace may insert a new variable reference in the string, so we need to iterate again $__replaced = $false $__matches = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($__text, "\{(\?{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+?)\}") foreach ($__match in $__matches) { if ($__match.Success) { $__name = $__Match.Groups[1].Value $__orgname = $__name $__defaultifnull = $false if ($__name.startswith("?")) { $__name = $__name.substring(1) $__defaultifnull = $true } $__varpath = $__name $__splits = $__name.split(".") $__splitstart = 1 if (!($__varpath -match ":")) { if ($__varpath.startswith("vars.")) { $__varpath = "variable:" + $__splits[0] } else { $__varpath = "cannot-reference-local-script-or-global-vars-without-namespace-prefix" } } $__val = $null # this is a fragile thing. the module itself may define local vars that collide with map vars if (test-path "$__varpath") { $__val = (get-item $__varpath).Value for ($__i = $__splitstart; $__i -lt $__splits.length; $__i++) { $__s = $__splits[$__i] $__val = $__val.$__s } } elseif (test-path "variable:self") { $__selftmp = (get-item "variable:self").Value $__val = $__selftmp foreach ($__s in $__splits) { $__val = $__val.$__s } } if ($null -ne $__val) { $__text = $__text -replace "\{$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($__orgname))\}", $__val $__replaced = $true } elseif ($__defaultifnull) { $__text = $__text -replace "\{$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($__orgname))\}", "" $__replaced = $true } } } } while ($__replaced) return $__text # } } function convert-vars { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$text, $vars = @{}, [switch][bool]$noauto = $false) # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $org = $text $text = @($text) | % { _replaceVarline $_ $vars } $originalself = $self try { # is this necessary if we're doing Convert-PropertiesFromVars twice? if (!$noauto) { # _ReplaceVarsAuto uses $self global variable # if it is not set, use $vars as $self if ($null -eq $originalself) { $self = $vars } $text = @($text) | % { _ReplaceVarsAuto $_ } # also use $vars as $self if $self was passed if ($null -ne $originalself -and $vars -ne $originalself) { $self = $vars $text = @($text) | % { _ReplaceVarsAuto $_ } } } $m = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($text, "\{(\?{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+?)\}") if ($m.count -gt 0) { write-warning "missing variable '$($m[0].Groups[1].Value)' in '$text'" if ($WarningPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") { $a = 0 } } if ($org -ne $text) { write-verbose "replaced: $org -> $text" } return $text } finally { $self = $originalself } # } } function get-vardef ($text) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $result = $null $m = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($text, "__([a-zA-Z]+)__"); if ($m.Count -gt 0) { $result = $m | % { $_.Groups[1].Value } return $result } $m = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($text, "_([a-zA-Z]+)_"); if ($m.Count -gt 0) { $result = $m | % { $_.Groups[1].Value } return $result } return $null #} } function _MatchVarPattern ($text, $pattern) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $result = $null $vars = get-vardef $pattern if ($null -eq $vars) { return $null } $vars = @($vars) if ($vars.Length -eq 0) { } $regex = $pattern -replace "__[a-zA-Z]+__", "([a-zA-Z0-9]*)" $regex = $regex -replace "_[a-zA-Z]+_", "([a-zA-Z0-9]*)" $m = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($text, "^$regex`$"); if ($null -ne $m) { try { $result = $m | % { for ($i = 1; $i -lt $_.Groups.Count; $i++) { $val = $_.Groups[$i].Value $name = $vars[$i - 1] if ($null -ne $name) { return @{ $name = $val } } else { Write-Warning "null name in vars??" } } } } catch { throw } } return $result #} } new-alias Replace-Vars Convert-Vars -force new-alias Replace-Properties Convert-PropertiesFromVars -force |