
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest;

$Defaults = @{
    MSDeployExePath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe' 

if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Defaults.MSDeployExePath -PathType Leaf)) {
    throw 'MSDeploy was not found. In order to use the MSDeploy module, you must have Web Deploy installed. It can be found at'

function NewMsDeployCliArgumentString








        [string]$AuthType = 'Basic'

    $connHt = @{
        ComputerName = $Computername
        UserName = $Credential.UserName
        Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        AuthType = $AuthType

    $deployArgs = @{
        verb = $Verb

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RetryInterval'))
        $deployArgs.retryInterval = $RetryInterval

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RetryAttempts'))
        $deployArgs.RetryAttempts = $RetryAttempts    

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableRule'))
        $deployArgs.EnableRule = $EnableRule -join ','

    ## If this is a ZIP file, it needs to be Package otherwise assuming it's a file path or a web service path
    if (Test-Path -Path $SourceContent -PathType Leaf) {
        $sourceProvider = 'Package'
    } else {
        $sourceProvider = 'ContentPath'
    $targetProvider = 'ContentPath'

    if (Test-Path -Path $SourceContent) {

        ## No authentication needed if source is a folder/file path
        $deployArgs.source = @{
            $sourceProvider = '"{0}"' -f $SourceContent

        ## Assuming that destination is a web service if source is not. Authentication needed.
        $deployArgs.dest = ($connHt + @{
            $targetProvider = '"{0}"' -f $TargetContent

    } else {
        ## Assuming this is a web service. Authenticate here
        $deployArgs.source = $connHt + @{
            $sourceProvider = '"{0}"' -f $SourceContent
        ## Assuming that destination is a file/folder path. No authentication needed.
        $deployArgs.dest = @{
            $targetProvider = '"{0}"' -f $TargetContent

    $argString = '' 
        if ($_.Value -is 'hashtable') { 
            $val = '' 
                $val += "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value),"  
            $val = $val.TrimEnd(',')
        } else { 
            $val = $_.Value
        $argString += " -$($_.Key):$val" 

function Invoke-MSDeploy

    $stdOutTempFile = New-TemporaryFile
    $stdErrTempFile = New-TemporaryFile

    $startProcessParams = @{
        FilePath                = $Defaults.MSDeployExePath
        ArgumentList            = $Arguments
        RedirectStandardError    = $stdErrTempFile.FullName
        RedirectStandardOutput    = $stdOutTempFile.FullName
        Wait                    = $true;
        PassThru                = $true;
        NoNewWindow                = $true;

    $cmd = Start-Process @startProcessParams
    $cmdOutput = Get-Content -Path $stdOutTempFile.FullName -Raw
    $cmdError = Get-Content -Path $stdErrTempFile.FullName -Raw
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($cmdOutput) -eq $false)
        Write-Verbose -Message $cmdOutput
    if ($cmd.ExitCode -ne 0)
        throw $cmdError
    Remove-Item -Path $stdOutTempFile.FullName,$stdErrTempFile.FullName -Force


#region function Sync-Website
function Sync-Website {
            This function uses msdeploy to copy files from a source location to a destination folder path or URL.
            PS> Sync-Website -SourcePath C:\TestSite -TargetPath wwwroot -ComputerName
        .PARAMETER SourcePath
             A mandatory string parameter (if not using SourcePackage) representing the location where the files are located.
        .PARAMETER SourcePackage
             A mandatory string parameter (if not using SourcePath) representing the location of a zip file that contains the
             website files/folders.
        .PARAMETER TargetPath
             A mandatory string parameter representing the folder location to copy the files.
        .PARAMETER ComputerName
             A mandatory string parameter representing a computer name or a deployment URL.
        .PARAMETER DoNotDelete
             By default, any files/folders in the destination path will be removed if not in the SourcePath. Use this
             parameter if you'd simply like to copy the contents from SourcePath to TargetPath without removing TargetPath
        .PARAMETER RetryInterval
             A optional int parameter representing the interval (in seconds) in which MSDeploy will attempt to retry the action. By default,
             this is 10 seconds. This parameter is expressed in milliseconds.
        .PARAMETER Credential
            Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
            Type a user name, such as 'User01' or 'Domain01\User01', or enter a variable that contains a PSCredential
            object, such as one generated by the Get-Credential cmdlet. When you type a user name, you will be prompted for a password.

        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'BySourcePath')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'BySourcePackage')]




        [int]$RetryInterval = 10,

        [int]$Timeout = 60,

    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    process {
            $cliArgStringParams = @{
                Verb = 'sync'
                TargetPath = ($TargetPath -replace '/','\')
                ComputerName = $ComputerName
                Credential = $Credential
                RetryInterval = ($RetryInterval * 10)

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySourcePath') {
                $cliArgStringParams.SourcePath = $SourcePath
            } else {
                $cliArgStringParams.SourcePackage = $SourcePackage
            if ($DoNotDelete.IsPresent) {
                $cliArgStringParams.EnableRule = 'DoNotDelete'

            $argString = NewMsDeployCliArgumentString @cliArgStringParams
            Write-Verbose -Message "Using the MSDeploy CLI string: [$($argString)]"
            try {
                Invoke-MSDeploy -Arguments $argString
            } catch {
                $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                while ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $Timeout) {
                    try {
                        Invoke-MSDeploy -Arguments $argString
                    } catch {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "MSdeploy failed. Retrying after [$($RetryInterval)] seconds..."
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryInterval
                if ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $Timeout) {
                    throw 'Msdeploy timed out attempting to sync website.'
#endregion function Sync-Website