
Set-Alias -Name psresume -Value Resume-PsProcess
function Resume-PsProcess {
        Resumes early suspended processes.
        It doesn't matter if you entered a process ID(s) or a process name(s), just
        be aware that it's not possible to enter they both at the same time. Perhaps
        in the future this feature will be implemented, but not currently.
        Resume-PsProcess notepad, regedit -Verbose
        Resume-PsProcess 3306, 580 -Verbose
        [String[]] or [Int32[]]


  end {
    New-Delegate ntdll {
      int NtResumeProcess([ptr])

    New-PsProxy $PSBoundParameters -Callback {
      if ([Linq.Enumerable]::Sum([Int32[]](
        Select-Object -InputObject $_.Threads[0] -Property ThreadState, WaitReason
      ).PSObject.Properties.Value.ForEach{$_ -eq 5}) -eq 2) {
        if (($nts = $ntdll.NtResumeProcess.Invoke($_.Handle)) -ne 0) {
          Write-Verbose (ConvertTo-ErrMessage -NtStatus $nts)
        else {Write-Verbose "Process $($_.Id) is resumed."}
      else {Write-Verbose "Process $($_.Id) is already active."}

Export-ModuleMember -Alias psresume -Function Resume-PsProcess