using namespace System.IO using namespace System.Text Set-Alias -Name strings -Value Get-Strings function Get-Strings { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches strings in binary files. .DESCRIPTION The function just scans the file you pass it for Unicode or ASCII strings of a default length of 3 characters. It completely repeats the strings.exe utility from SysInternals kit. .PARAMETER Path Specifies a file location. Wildcards are accepted. .PARAMETER LiteralPath Specifies a file location. The value of LiteralPath is used exactly as it is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards. .PARAMETER BytesToProcess Bytes of file to scan. .PARAMETER BytesOffset File offset at which to start scanning. .PARAMETER StringLength Minimum string length. .PARAMETER StringOffset Print offset if file string was located. .PARAMETER Unicode Unicode-only search. .EXAMPLE Get-Item .\file.bin | Get-Strings Process entire file, locate both ASCII and Unicode strings with default settings. .EXAMPLE Get-Strings -LiteralPath C:\bin\file.bin -b 10 -f 100 -o Skip 100 bytes and process next 20 bytes of a file, show founded string offset. .EXAMPLE Get-Strings -LiteralPath C:\bin\file.bin -u Process etire file but search only Unicode strings. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Array #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Path')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Path', Position=0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [SupportsWildcards()] [String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='LiteralPath', Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('PSPath')] [String]$LiteralPath, [Parameter()][Alias('b')][UInt32]$BytesToProcess = 0, [Parameter()][Alias('f')][UInt32]$BytesOffset = 0, [Parameter()][Alias('n')][Byte] $StringLength = 3, [Parameter()][Alias('o')][Switch]$StringOffset, [Parameter()][Alias('u')][Switch]$Unicode ) begin { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') { $PipelineInput = !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path') } function private:Find-Strings([FileInfo]$File) { process { try { $fs = [File]::OpenRead($File.FullName) # unable to read beyond file length if ($BytesToProcess -ge $fs.Length -or $BytesOffset -ge $fs.Length) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new('Out of stream.') } # offset has been defined if ($BytesOffset -gt 0) {[void]$fs.Seek($BytesOffset, [SeekOrigin]::Begin)} # bytes to process $buf = [Byte[]]::new(($BytesToProcess -gt 0 ? $BytesToProcess : $fs.Length)) [void]$fs.Read($buf, 0, $buf.Length) # show printable strings ([Regex]"[\x20-\x7E]{$StringLength,}").Matches( [Encoding]::"U$($Unicode.IsPresent ? 'nicode' : 'TF7')".GetString($buf) ).ForEach{ $StringOffset ? '{0}:{1}' -f $_.Index, $_.Value : $_.Value } } catch {Write-Verbose $_} finally { if ($fs) {$fs.Dispose()} } } } } process {} end { $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path' ? ( Find-Strings ($PipelineInput ? $Path : (Get-Item $Path -ErrorAction 0)) ) : (Find-Strings (Get-Item -LiteralPath $LiteralPath)) } } Export-ModuleMember -Alias strings -Function Get-Strings |