Set-Alias -Name loadord -Value Get-LoadOrder function Get-LoadOrder { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows the order that Windows system loads device drivers. .DESCRIPTION The function completely repeats the loadorder.exe utility from SysInternals kit. .PARAMETER AsTable Reformats the output data as table. .EXAMPLE Get-LoadOrder -AsTable .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.Array #> [CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter()][Switch]$AsTable) begin { $root, $sysdir = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet', [Environment]::SystemDirectory $type = 'Boot', 'System', 'Automatic' # launching types $group = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Control\ServiceGroupOrder").List $items = ($rk = Get-Item "$root\Services").GetSubKeyNames().ForEach{ if (($start = ($sub = $rk.OpenSubkey($_)).GetValue('Start')) -lt 3) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_ Group = $sub.GetValue('Group') Start = $start Tag = $sub.GetValue('Tag') Image = ($sub.GetValue('ImagePath') ?? ( (Test-Path ($$ = "$sysdir\drivers\$_.sys")) ? $$ : 'n/a' )) -replace '(?:\\)?.*system32', $sysdir } } $sub.Dispose() } $rk.Dispose() $order = @{} # approximate launch order ($rk = Get-Item "$root\Control\GroupOrderList").GetValueNames().ForEach{ $order[$_] = @() $value = $rk.GetValue($_) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $value.Length; $i += 3) { $order[$_] += [BitConverter]::ToUInt16($value[$i..($i + 3)], 0) $i++ } # remove tags counter $order[$_] = $order[$_][1..($order[$_].Length - 1)] } $rk.Dispose() function private:Get-Objects([String]$Value) { end { $scope = $items.Where{$_.Start -eq $type.IndexOf($Value)} $parts = $scope | Group-Object -Property Group $parts = foreach ($i in $(foreach ($g in $group) { $parts.Where{$_.Name -eq $g} })) { if ($i.Count -gt 1) { $cast = $i.Group.Where{$_.Tag} $($(foreach ($o in $order[$i.Name]) { $i.Group.Where{$_.Tag -eq $o} }), $cast.Where{ $_.Tag -notin $order[$i.Name] }, $i.Group.Where{!$_.Tag}).ForEach{$_} } else { $i.Group } } $parts += $scope.Where{$_.Group -notin $group} foreach ($p in $parts) { [PSCustomObject]@{ StartType = $Value Group = $p.Group Tag = $p.Tag ServiceOrDevice = $p.Name ImagePath = $p.Image } } } } } process {} end { $type = $type.ForEach{Get-Objects $_} $AsTable ? (Format-Table -InputObject $type -AutoSize) : $type } } Export-ModuleMember -Alias loadord -Function Get-LoadOrder |