using namespace System.IO using namespace System.Management.Automation function Get-PeView { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({!!($script:file = Convert-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction 0)})] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Path, [Parameter()][Alias('h')][Switch]$Headers, [Parameter()][Alias('e')][Switch]$Export, [Parameter()][Alias('i')][Switch]$Import, [Parameter()][Alias('r')][Switch]$Resources, [Parameter()][Alias('x')][Switch]$Exception, [Parameter()][Alias('c')][Switch]$Certificates, [Parameter()][Alias('b')][Switch]$BaseRelocation, [Parameter()][Alias('d')][Switch]$Debugs, # plural in case to prevent `Debug` duplication [Parameter()][Alias('y')][Switch]$DelayImport, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)})] [ScriptBlock]$Callback ) begin { $Path, $RvaAndSizes = $file, ('Export', 'Import', 'Resources', 'Exception', 'Certificates', 'BaseRelocation', 'Debugs', 'Architecture', 'GlobalPointer', 'ThreadStorage', 'LoadConfiguration', 'BoundImport', 'ImportAddressTable', 'DelayImport', 'ComDescriptor', 'Reserved' ) function Get-Block([String]$Name, [ScriptBlock]$Fields) { end { if (!($var = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($Name)).Value) { $var = Set-Variable -Name $Name -Value ([Ordered]@{}) -Scope Script -PassThru } $Fields.Ast.FindAll({$args[0].CommandElements}, $true).ToArray().ForEach{ $type, $desc, $pack = $_.CommandElements.Value $type = $type -creplace 'Ptr', $Bitness $var.Value[$desc] = $pack ? $((1..$pack).ForEach{$br."Read$($type)"()}) : $( $br."Read$($type)"() ) } } } function Convert-RvaToRaw([UInt32]$Rva, [UInt32]$Align=$IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) { end { [ScriptBlock]$Aligner = { param([UInt32]$Size) ($Size -band ($Align - 1)) ? (($Size -band ($Align * -1)) + $Align) : $Size } $Sections.ForEach{ if (($Rva -ge $_.VirtualAddress) -and ($Rva -lt ($_.VirtualAddress + (& $Aligner $_.VirtualSize)))) { return ($Rva - ($_.VirtualAddress - $_.PointerToRawData)) } } } } function Get-RawString([UInt32]$Offset, [Switch]$NoMove) { end { $cur = $fs.Position $fs.Position = $Offset while (($c = $br.ReadByte())) { $str += [Char]$c } if ($NoMove) { $fs.Position = $cur } $str } } $exclude = ,'Path' + ('', 'Optional').ForEach{ [PSCmdlet]::"$($_)CommonParameters" } if ($PSBoundParameters.Callback) { [void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove('Callback') } } process {} end { try { $br = [BinaryReader]::new(($fs = [File]::OpenRead($Path))) if ($br.ReadUInt16() -ne 0x5A4D) { # ignore obsolete IMAGE_DOS_HEADER fields throw [InvalidOperationException]::new('DOS signature has not been found.') } $fs.Position = 0x3C # IMAGE_DOS_HEADER->e_lfanew $fs.Position = $br.ReadInt32() # jump to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS if ($br.ReadUInt32() -ne 0x4550) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new('PE signature has not been found.') } Get-Block IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { UInt16 Machine UInt16 NumberOfSections UInt32 TimeDateStamp UInt32 PointerToSymbolTable UInt32 NumberOfSymbols UInt16 SizeOfOptionalHeader UInt16 Characteristics } $Bitness = (0x20, 0x40)[$IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader / 0x10 - 0x0E] Get-Block IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER { UInt16 Magic Byte MajorLinkerVersion Byte MinorLinkerVersion UInt32 SizeOfCode UInt32 SizeOfInitializedData UInt32 SizeOfUninitializedData UInt32 AddressOfEntryPoint UInt32 BaseOfCode } if ($Bitness -eq 0x20) { Get-Block IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {UInt32 BaseOfData} } Get-Block IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER { UIntPtr ImageBase UInt32 SectionAlignment UInt32 FileAlignment UInt16 MajorOperatingSystemVersion UInt16 MinorOperatingSystemVersion UInt16 MajorImageVersion UInt16 MinorImageVersion UInt16 MajorSubsystemVersion UInt16 MinorSubsystemVersion UInt32 Win32VersionValue UInt32 SizeOfImage UInt32 SizeOfHeaders UInt32 Checksum UInt16 Subsystem UInt16 DllCharacteristics UIntPtr SizeOfStackReserve UIntPtr SizeOfStackCommit UIntPtr SizeOfHeapReserve UIntPtr SizeOfHeapCommit UInt32 LoaderFlags UInt32 NumberOfRvaAndSizes } if ($IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes -ne 0x10) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new('PE directories are abnormal.') } $DataDirectories = (1..$IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes).ForEach{ [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $RvaAndSizes[$_ - 1] RVA = $br.ReadUInt32() Size = $br.ReadUInt32() } } $Sections = (1..$IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections).ForEach{ [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = [String]::new($br.ReadBytes(0x08)).Trim("`0") VirtualSize = $br.ReadUInt32() VirtualAddress = $br.ReadUInt32() SizeOfRawData = $br.ReadUInt32() PointerToRawData = $br.ReadUInt32() PointerToRelocations = $br.ReadUInt32() PointerToLinenumbers = $br.ReadUInt32() NumberOfRelocations = $br.ReadUInt16() NumberOfLinenumbers = $br.ReadUInt16() Characteristics = $br.ReadUInt32() } } if (($selector = $PSBoundParameters.Keys.Where{$_ -notin $exclude}) -and $selector -ne 'Headers') { if (!($Data = $DataDirectories.Where{$_.Name -ceq $selector}).RVA) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("$selector is empty.") } & $Callback } } catch { Write-Verbose $_ } finally { ($br, $fs).ForEach{ if ($_) { $_.Dispose() } } } if ($selector -eq 'Headers') { $IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, $IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER, $DataDirectories, $Sections } } } |