{ "VERSION": "1.0.0", "GUID": "eb890351-6757-40fa-b65a-c0f5ec794576", "FILENAME": "Sort-UsingQuickSort.ps1" } PSScriptInfo#> function Sort-UsingQuickSort { <# .DESCRIPTION This function sorts objects using the quick sort algorithm .PARAMETER Name Description .EXAMPLE Sort-UsingQuickSort Description of example #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases', '', Justification = 'False positive, get-partition is not implictly called. partition is a internal function')] [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]$InputObject, [parameter()][string]$Property, [parameter()][int]$Top, [parameter()][int]$Bottom, [parameter()][switch]$Descending ) BEGIN { $Unsorted = [collections.arraylist]::New() $script:Swaps = 0 $script:Compares = 0 } PROCESS { $InputObject | ForEach-Object { $null = $Unsorted.Add($PSItem) } } END { # Determine default sort property if ($null -ne $Unsorted[0].PSStandardMembers.DefaultKeyPropertySet) { Write-Warning -Message 'This object has a default sorting specified' } function quicksort { param ( $array, $low, $high ) if ($low -lt $high) { $p = partition -array $array -low $low -high $high quicksort -array $array -low $low -high ($p - 1) quicksort -array $array -low ($P + 1) -high $high } } function partition { param( $array, $low, $high ) $pivot = $array[$high] $i = $low for ($j = $low; $j -le $high; $j++) { $script:Compares++ if ($array[$j] -lt $pivot) { swap -array $array -position $i -with $j $i = $i + 1 } } swap -array $array -position $i -with $high return $i } function swap { param( $array, $position, $with ) $temp = $array[$position] $array[$position] = $array[$with] $array[$with] = $temp $script:Swaps++ } quicksort -array $Unsorted -low 0 -high ($Unsorted.count - 1) Write-Verbose ('QuickSort | Array length: {0} | Passes: N/A | Swaps: {2} | Compares: {3}' -f $Unsorted.count, $script:Passes, $script:swaps, $script:compares) return $Unsorted } } #endregion |