
    .GUID 6818cfc2-a6b6-47cd-bace-65ec64761930
    .FILENAME Get-DataTableRow.ps1
    .AUTHOR Hannes Palmquist
    .CREATEDDATE 2020-10-13
    .COMPANYNAME Personal
    .COPYRIGHT (c) 2020, Hannes Palmquist, All Rights Reserved

function Get-DataTableRow {
        Retreive rows from DataTable
    .PARAMETER DataTable
        Pass the data table object to get rows from
    .PARAMETER Query
        Define a query.
        -like : like
        -gt : >
        -lt : <
        -eq : =
        Values should be enclosed with single qoutation marks
        Columns should not be enclosed with quotation marks
        Get-DataTableRow -DataTable $DataTable -Query '[OrderID] = 123456789'
        This example demonstrates how to retreive rows from data table.

    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support

        try {
        } catch {
            Throw $_