{ "VERSION": "", "GUID": "1af893cc-b4cb-4c01-869e-d5b1b004ffb3", "FILENAME": "Test-DaikinConnectivity.ps1", "AUTHOR": "Hannes Palmquist", "AUTHOREMAIL": "", "CREATEDDATE": "2020-10-04", "COMPANYNAME": "Personal", "COPYRIGHT": "(c) 2020, Hannes Palmquist, All Rights Reserved" } PSScriptInfo#> function Test-DaikinConnectivity { <# .DESCRIPTION Function tests connection to specified target .PARAMETER Hostname IP or FQDN for device .EXAMPLE Test-DaikinConnectivity -Hostname Returns true or false depending on if the device responds #> [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support [OutputType([boolean])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$Hostname ) PROCESS { $SavedProgressPreference = $global:ProgressPreference $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' try { if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Hostname -Quiet -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) { return $true } else { return $false } } catch { throw "Failed to check status of daikin device with error: $PSItem" } finally { $global:ProgressPreference = $SavedProgressPreference } } } #endregion |