
    "VERSION": "",
    "GUID": "6746c383-3590-4a42-b8e0-1a4134e6f216",
    "FILENAME": "Set-DaikinAirCon.ps1",
    "AUTHOR": "Hannes Palmquist",
    "AUTHOREMAIL": "",
    "CREATEDDATE": "2020-10-03",
    "COMPANYNAME": "Personal",
    "COPYRIGHT": "(c) 2020, , All Rights Reserved"

function Set-DaikinAirCon
        Cmdlet allows to configure the aircon device to the desired setting.
    .PARAMETER Hostname
        Hostname or IP of the Daikin AirCon device.
    .PARAMETER PowerOn
        Set to $true or $false to specify if the master power should be on or off. This does not the affect the connectivity of the control surfice.
        Specified the target temperature in celcius.
        Specifies the operating mode of the aircon device. Allowed values are;
        AUTO : Switches between heat and cold depending on the current and target temperature.
        DRY : Sets the device lower the humidity of the air.
        COLD : Sets the device chill the air if needed. No heat will be provided.
        HEAT : Sets the device heat the air if needed. No chilling of air will be provided.
        FAN : Sets the device to only circulate air without affecting temperature or humidity.
    .PARAMETER FanSpeed
        Specifies the strenght of the fan. Allowed values are;
        AUTO : Sets the device to manage fan speed to keep the target climate.
        SILENT : Sets the fan speed to minimize noise.
        Level_1 -> Level_5 : Sets the fan speed to the target level.
    .PARAMETER FanDirection
        Specifies how the direction of airflow is controlled. Allowed values are
        Stopped, VerticalSwing, HorizontalSwing and BothSwing
        Set-DaikinAirCon -HostName -PowerOn:$true -Temp 19 -Mode AUTO -FanSpeed AUTO -FanDirection Stopped
        This example configures the aircon device to the specified parameter values.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidInvokingEmptyMembers', '', Justification = 'asd')]
    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support
        [ValidateRange(10, 41)][int]$Temp,
        [ValidateSet('AUTO', 'DRY', 'COLD', 'HEAT', 'FAN')]$Mode,
        [ValidateSet('AUTO', 'SILENT', 'Level_1', 'Level_2', 'Level_3', 'Level_4', 'Level_5')]$FanSpeed,
        [ValidateSet('Stopped', 'VerticalSwing', 'HorizontalSwing', 'BothSwing')]$FanDirection

        $ModeTranslation = @{
            'AUTO' = '1'
            'DRY'  = '2'
            'COLD' = '3'
            'HEAT' = '4'
            'FAN'  = '6'
        $FanSpeedTranslation = @{
            'AUTO'    = 'A'
            'SILENT'  = 'B'
            'Level_1' = 'lvl_1'
            'Level_2' = 'lvl_2'
            'Level_3' = 'lvl_3'
            'Level_4' = 'lvl_4'
            'Level_5' = 'lvl_5'

        $FanDirectionTranslation = @{
            'Stopped'         = '0'
            'VerticalSwing'   = '1'
            'HorizontalSwing' = '2'
            'BothSwing'       = '3'

        $CurrentSettings = Get-DaikinControlInfo -Hostname:$Hostname -Raw
        $NewSettings = [ordered]@{
            'pow'    = $CurrentSettings.pow
            'mode'   = $CurrentSettings.mode
            'stemp'  = $CurrentSettings.stemp
            'shum'   = $CurrentSettings.shum
            'f_rate' = $CurrentSettings.f_rate
            'f_dir'  = $CurrentSettings.f_dir

        foreach ($Key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
            if ($Key -eq 'HostName') 
            switch ($Key)
                    $NewSettings.stemp = $PSBoundParameters.$Key 
                    $NewSettings.pow = $PSBoundParameters.$Key 
                    $NewSettings.mode = $ModeTranslation.($PSBoundParameters.$Key) 
                    $NewSettings.f_rate = $FanSpeedTranslation.($PSBoundParameters.$Key) 
                    $NewSettings.f_dir = $FanDirectionTranslation.($PSBoundParameters.$Key) 
        if ($NewSettings.stemp -eq '--')
            $NewSettings.stemp = $CurrentSettings.('dt{0}' -f $NewSettings.Mode)
        if ($NewSettings.shum -eq '--')
            $NewSettings.shum = $CurrentSettings.('dh{0}' -f $NewSettings.Mode)

        $String = @()
        foreach ($Key in $NewSettings.Keys)
            $String += ('{0}={1}' -f $Key, $NewSettings.$Key)
        $PropertyString = $String -join '&'
        $URI = ('http://{0}/aircon/set_control_info?{1}' -f $HostName, $PropertyString)
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method post
        $Result = Convert-DaikinResponse -String $Result

        switch ($Result.ret)
                Write-Host -Object 'Success' -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Error -Message ('Unknown message returned: {0}' -f $PSItem) -ErrorAction Stop
