function Export-SwaggerAsOcelot { param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int]$Porta, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Chave, [switch]$Prod, [switch]$ReturnAsObject ) begin { $url = "" if (!$Prod) { $url = "" } # Define the OpenAPI endpoint URL $openApiUrl = "http://$($url):$($Porta)/swagger/v1/swagger.json" # Output JSON file $outputFile = "$Chave.json" } process { # Fetch the OpenAPI JSON schema try { Write-Host "Fetching OpenAPI schema from $openApiUrl..." $openApiSchema = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $openApiUrl -Method GET } catch { Throw "Failed to fetch OpenAPI schema: $_" } # Extract paths and format them $formattedPaths = @() foreach ($path in $openApiSchema.paths.PSObject.Properties) { $methods = @() foreach ($method in $path.Value.PSObject.Properties) { $methods += $method.Name.ToUpper() } $formattedPaths += @{ DownstreamPathTemplate = $path.Name; "DownstreamScheme" = "http"; "DownstreamHostAndPorts" = @( @{ "Host" = $url; "Port" = $Porta } ); UpstreamPathTemplate = $path.Name; UpstreamHttpMethod = $methods; SwaggerKey = $Chave; "RateLimitOptions" = @{ "ClientWhitelist" = @(); # array of strings "EnableRateLimiting" = $true; "Period" = "1s"; # seconds; minutes; hours; days "PeriodTimespan" = 30; # only seconds "Limit" = 15; "QuotaExceededMessage" = "Limite de consultas por segundo excedida! Aguarde e tente novamente mais tarde."; } } } $dictionary = [PSCustomObject]@{ Routes = $formattedPaths; SwaggerEndPoints = @{ Key = $Chave; Config = @(@{ Name = $Chave; Version = "v1"; Url = $openApiUrl; }) } } } end { # Convert to JSON $jsonOutput = $dictionary | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress if ($ReturnAsObject) { return $dictionary } # Write the JSON output to a file try { Set-Content -Path $outputFile -Value $jsonOutput -Force Write-Host "Formatted paths written to $outputFile" } catch { Throw "Failed to write to file: $_" } } } |