function Notify { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows a notification .DESCRIPTION Shows a notification modal on terminal, allowing to use as alert. .Parameter <Title> The modal title .Parameter <Message> The modal message .Parameter <Quiet> Allows to run silently .EXAMPLE notify -Title "Title" -Message "Some usefull message" .EXAMPLE notify -Title Title -Message Usefull_message .EXAMPLE notify Title "Some usefull message" #> param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = "Please, enter the message title")][string]$Title, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = "Please, inform the message")][string]$Message, [parameter(HelpMessage = "Allows to run quietly")][Alias('s', 'q')][Switch]$Quiet # [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = "Please, inform the notification type")][ValidateSet("Warning", "Info", "Error")][string]$Type ) Begin { [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') } Process { if (!$Title) { $Title = "Alerta !!" } if (!$Message) { $Message = "Terminei algo!" } #$msgBody = "Reboot the computer now?" # $msgTitle = "Confirm Reboot" # $msgButton = 'YesNoCancel' # $msgImage = 'Question' # $Result = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($msgBody,$msgTitle,$msgButton,$msgImage) # Write-Host "The user chose: $Result [" ($result).value__ "]" if (-not $Quiet) { # [console]::beep(440, 1000) (New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer "C:\Windows\Media\chimes.wav").Play() } [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $Title, 0, 0) } } |