$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $DefaultsFile = "$here\PSPRTG.Pester.Defaults.json" # Load defaults from file (merging into $global:LeanKitPesterTestDefaults if(Test-Path $DefaultsFile){ $defaults = if($global:PRTGPesterDefaults){$global:PRTGPesterDefaults}else{@{}}; (Get-Content $DefaultsFile | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) | %{$defaults."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value} # Prompt for credentials $defaults.PasswordHash = if($defaults.PasswordHash){$defaults.PasswordHash}else{Read-Host "PasswordHash"} $global:PRTGPesterDefaults = $defaults }else{ Write-Error "$DefaultsFile does not exist. Created example file. Please populate with your values"; # Write example file @{ prtgURL = ''; Username = "yourprtgusername"; Hostname = "myserver"; TestGroupID = 33948; } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $DefaultsFile return; } Remove-Module PSPRTG -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module $here\PSPRTG.psd1 Describe "PSPRTG" { It "Set-PRTGCredentials Works"{ Set-PRTGCredentials -UserName $Defaults.Username -PassHash $Defaults.PasswordHash -prtgURL $Defaults.prtgURL | Should Be $true } It "Get-PRTGDeviceByHostname Works"{ $script:Device = Get-PRTGDeviceByHostname -hostname $defaults.Hostname $| Should Be $defaults.Hostname } It "Copy-PRTGObject Works"{ $script:CopiedObject = Copy-PRTGObject -ObjectId $Device.objid -TargetID $defaults.TestGroupID -Name "Test2100" -Type 'device'; $ | Should Be "Test2100" } It "Set-PRTGObjectProperty Works"{ $result = Set-PRTGObjectPRoperty -ObjectId $CopiedObject.objid -PropertyName 'host' -PropertyValue ""; $result | Should Be $true } It "Set-PRTGObjectUnpaused Works"{ Set-PRTGObjectUnpaused -objectID $CopiedObject.objid | Should Be $True } It "Set-PRTGObjectPaused Works"{ Set-PRTGObjectPaused -objectID $CopiedObject.objid -PauseLength 5 | SHould Be $True } It "Get-PRTGObjectStatus Works"{ $result = Get-PRTGObjectStatus -ObjectId $CopiedObject.objid $result.status_raw -gt 0 | Should Be $true } It "Remove-PRTGObject Works"{ Remove-PRTGObject -ObjectId $CopiedObject.objid | Should Be $true } } |