function Set-PRTGCredentials{



    $Global:PRTGURL = "https://$prtgURL";
    $Global:PRTGUserName = $Username
    $Global:PRTGPassHash = $PassHash
    return $true

function Get-PRTGTable{
        [int]$numResults = 99999,

    $SortDirectionPRTGStyle = if($SortDirection -eq "Desc"){"-"}else{''}

    $body =  @{

    foreach($FilterName in $Filters.keys){
    # Try to get the PRTG device tree
        $prtgDeviceTree = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/table.xml" -Method Get -Body $Body)
        Write-Error "Failed to get PRTG Device tree $($_.exception.message)";
        return $false;
    return $prtgDeviceTree

function Get-PRTGGroups{
    return Get-PRTGTable -content "groups" -columns "objid,probe,group,name,downsens,partialdownsens,downacksens,upsens,warnsens,pausedsens,unusualsens"

function Get-PRTGDevices{
    return Get-PRTGTable -content "devices" -columns "objid,probe,group,device,host,downsens,partialdownsens,downacksens,upsens,warnsens,pausedsens,unusualsens,undefinedsens"

function Get-PRTGDeviceByHostname{
        [string]$hostname = $env:computername

    # Try to get the PRTG device tree
        $prtgDeviceTree = Get-PRTGTable -content "devices";
        Write-Error "Failed to get PRTG Device tree $($_.exception.message)";
        return $false;
    $fqdn = $null;
    $ipAddress = $null;

        $fqdn = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($hostname).HostName;
        Write-Warning "Unable to get the FQDN for $hostname, match likelihood reduced";
        $ipAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($fqdn) | ?{$_.addressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"}; # Where IP address is ipv4
        Write-Warning "Unable to get the IP for $hostname, match likelihood reduced";

    # Search for a PRTG device that matches either the hostname, the IP, or the FQDN
    $nameSearch = $prtgDeviceTree.devices.item | ?{
        $ -like $hostname -or 
        $ -eq $ipAddress -or 
        $ -like $fqdn

    if(($nameSearch|Measure-Object).Count -eq 1){
        Write-Verbose "Found PRTG device #$($nameSearch.objid) - $($nameSearch.device)";

        return $nameSearch
        Write-Error "There were $(($nameSearch|Measure-Object).Count) matches for this device in PRTG, need exactly 1";

Function Copy-PRTGObject {
        # ID of the object to copy
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        # ID of the target parent object

        # Name of the newly cloned object
        # Type of the object to copy


     $body =  @{

    # Pluralise the type
    $TypePlural = $Type+'s';
    # Try to clone the object
        $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/duplicateobject.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)
        Write-Error "Failed to clone object $($_.exception.message)";
        return $false;

    # Fetch the ID of the object we just added
    $result = (Get-PRTGTable -numResults 100 -columns "objid,name" -SortBy "objid" -content $TypePlural -Filters @{"filter_name"=$Name}).$TypePlural.item | Sort-Object objid | select -First 1

    return $result

function Remove-PRTGObject{
        # ID of the object to delete
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]

    $body =  @{
    # Try to clone the object
        $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/deleteobject.htm " -Method Get -Body $Body)
        Write-Error "Failed to delete object $($_.exception.message)";
        return $false;
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200){
        return $true
        Write-Error "Failed to delete object";
        return $Result.Content


function Set-PRTGObjectPaused{
        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        # Length of time in minutes to pause the object, $null for indefinite
        # Message to associate with the pause event
        [string]$PauseMessage="Paused by PSPRTG"
    $body =  @{

        $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/pauseobjectfor.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)
        $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/pause.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)

    return $result

function Set-PRTGObjectUnpaused{
        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
    $body =  @{

    $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/pause.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200){
        return $true
        return $result

function Set-PRTGObjectProperty{
        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        # Name of the object's property to set

        # Value to which to set the property of the object
    $body =  @{

    $Result =(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/setobjectproperty.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200){
        return $true
        return $result


function Get-PRTGObjectProperty{
        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        # Name of the object's property to get
    $body =  @{

    $Result = ([xml](Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$prtgURL/api/getobjectstatus.htm" -Method Get -Body $Body)).prtg.result
    return $result

Function Get-PRTGObjectStatus{
        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]

    $StatusMapping = @{
        6="No Probe"
        7="Paused by User"
        8="Paused by Dependency"
        9="Paused by Schedule"
        11="Not Licensed" 
        12="Paused Until"

        $statusID = (Get-PRTGObjectProperty -ObjectId $ObjectId -PropertyName 'status' -ErrorAction Stop)
        Write-Error "Unable to get object status`r`n$($_.exception.message)";
        return $false;
    $result = @{'objid'=$ObjectId;"status"=$StatusMapping[[int]$statusID];"status_raw"=$statusID}
    return $result