<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<test-results xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="nunit_schema_2.5.xsd" name="Pester" total="27" errors="0" failures="0" not-run="0" inconclusive="0" ignored="0" skipped="0" invalid="0" date="2017-05-24" time="15:33:58"> <environment user="appveyor" machine-name="APPVEYOR-VM" cwd="C:\projects\pspostman" user-domain="APPVEYOR-VM" platform="Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter|C:\windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1" nunit-version="" os-version="6.3.9600" clr-version="4.0.30319.42000" /> <culture-info current-culture="en-US" current-uiculture="en-US" /> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Pester" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="3.7481" asserts="0" description="Pester"> <results> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="C:\projects\pspostman\PSPostMan.Tests.ps1" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="3.7481" asserts="0" description="C:\projects\pspostman\PSPostMan.Tests.ps1"> <results> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Module-level tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.054" asserts="0" description="Module-level tests"> <results> <test-case description="should validate the module manifest" name="Module-level tests.should validate the module manifest" time="0.5455" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should pass all error-level script analyzer rules" name="Module-level tests.should pass all error-level script analyzer rules" time="0.4655" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should have nuget.exe included" name="Module-level tests.should have nuget.exe included" time="0.043" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="New-PmModulePackage" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.9994" asserts="0" description="New-PmModulePackage"> <results> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when PassThru is used" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6826" asserts="0" description="when PassThru is used"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="New-PmModulePackage.when PassThru is used.should should return the same object in OutputType: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6826" asserts="0" description="should should return the same object in OutputType: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should should return the same object in OutputType: Mandatory parameters" name="New-PmModulePackage.when PassThru is used.should should return the same object in OutputType: Mandatory parameters" time="0.6826" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when PassThru is not used" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1317" asserts="0" description="when PassThru is not used"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="New-PmModulePackage.when PassThru is not used.returns nothing: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1317" asserts="0" description="returns nothing: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" name="New-PmModulePackage.when PassThru is not used.returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" time="0.1317" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="New-PmModulePackage.should create the package with the expected parameters: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1851" asserts="0" description="should create the package with the expected parameters: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should create the package with the expected parameters: Mandatory parameters" name="New-PmModulePackage.should create the package with the expected parameters: Mandatory parameters" time="0.1365" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should create the package with the expected parameters: Mandatory parameters" name="New-PmModulePackage.should create the package with the expected parameters: Mandatory parameters" time="0.0486" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Publish-PmPackage" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6704" asserts="0" description="Publish-PmPackage"> <results> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no timeout specified" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4389" asserts="0" description="when no timeout specified"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmPackage.when no timeout specified.should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4389" asserts="0" description="should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.when no timeout specified.should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: Mandatory parameters" time="0.4389" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a timeout is specified" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0619" asserts="0" description="when a timeout is specified"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmPackage.when a timeout is specified.should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0619" asserts="0" description="should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.when a timeout is specified.should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: Mandatory parameters" time="0.0619" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when nuget.exe does not return a success indicator" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1259" asserts="0" description="when nuget.exe does not return a success indicator"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmPackage.when nuget.exe does not return a success indicator.should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1259" asserts="0" description="should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.when nuget.exe does not return a success indicator.should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: Mandatory parameters" time="0.1052" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.when nuget.exe does not return a success indicator.should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: Mandatory parameters" time="0.0207" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmPackage.returns nothing: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0437" asserts="0" description="returns nothing: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" time="0.0226" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" name="Publish-PmPackage.returns nothing: Mandatory parameters" time="0.021" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Publish-PmModule" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.0242" asserts="0" description="Publish-PmModule"> <results> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when not all modules provided can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2036" asserts="0" description="when not all modules provided can be found"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.when not all modules provided can be found.should throw an exception: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2036" asserts="0" description="should throw an exception: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should throw an exception: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.when not all modules provided can be found.should throw an exception: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.1758" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should throw an exception: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.when not all modules provided can be found.should throw an exception: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0278" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when called with a module name" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1178" asserts="0" description="when called with a module name"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.when called with a module name.should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1178" asserts="0" description="should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should find the module with the expected name: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.when called with a module name.should find the module with the expected name: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.1178" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when called with a folder path" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0689" asserts="0" description="when called with a folder path"> <results> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.when called with a folder path.should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0689" asserts="0" description="should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should find the module with the expected name: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.when called with a folder path.should find the module with the expected name: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0689" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when the module has dependent modules" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0" asserts="0" description="when the module has dependent modules"> <results /> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.should return nothing: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1473" asserts="0" description="should return nothing: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should return nothing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should return nothing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.105" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should return nothing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should return nothing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0423" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected module folder to create package: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1198" asserts="0" description="should use the expected module folder to create package: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should use the expected module folder to create package: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected module folder to create package: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0532" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should use the expected module folder to create package: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected module folder to create package: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0666" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the created package to publish: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1746" asserts="0" description="should use the created package to publish: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should use the created package to publish: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the created package to publish: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.1233" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should use the created package to publish: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the created package to publish: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0513" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected URL for publishing: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1212" asserts="0" description="should use the expected URL for publishing: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should use the expected URL for publishing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected URL for publishing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0551" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should use the expected URL for publishing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected URL for publishing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0662" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected API key for publishing: <TestName>" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0711" asserts="0" description="should use the expected API key for publishing: <TestName>"> <results> <test-case description="should use the expected API key for publishing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected API key for publishing: Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.0371" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> <test-case description="should use the expected API key for publishing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" name="Publish-PmModule.should use the expected API key for publishing: Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters" time="0.034" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" /> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> </results> </test-suite> </test-results> |