Function New-Appointment { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'medium')] param() Begin {} Process { function global:Stop-Appointment([switch] $NonDestructive) { if (Test-Path function:_old_virtual_prompt) { $function:prompt = $function:_old_virtual_prompt Remove-Item function:\_old_virtual_prompt } if ($env:Appointment) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Appointment', $null) } if (!$NonDestructive) { # Self destruct! Remove-Item function:Stop-Appointment -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item function:deactivate -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } function global:deactivate([switch] $NonDestructive) { if (Test-Path function:_old_virtual_prompt) { $function:prompt = $function:_old_virtual_prompt Remove-Item function:\_old_virtual_prompt } if ($env:Appointment) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Appointment', $null) } if (!$NonDestructive) { # Self destruct! Remove-Item function:Stop-Appointment -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item function:deactivate -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } function global:_old_virtual_prompt { "" } $function:_old_virtual_prompt = $function:prompt $env:Appointment = [DateTime]::Now function global:prompt { # Add a prefix to the current prompt, but don't discard it. $previous_prompt_value = & $function:_old_virtual_prompt $appointment = if ($(New-Timespan $env:Appointment $([DateTime]::Now)).TotalHours -lt 1) { @{ Time = "$($(New-Timespan $env:Appointment $([DateTime]::Now)).TotalMinutes)"; Color = 'blue'; Letter = 'm'; } } else { @{ Time = "$($(New-Timespan $env:Appointment $([DateTime]::Now)).TotalHours)"; Color = 'red'; Letter = 'h'; } } $new_prompt_value = Write-Host "[$([Math]::Round($appointment.Time,2))$($appointment.Letter)] " -ForegroundColor $appointment.Color -NoNewline ($new_prompt_value + $previous_prompt_value) } } End {} } |