Function Get-IdoItObjectTypeCategory { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-IdoItObjectTypeCategory .DESCRIPTION Calling this Cmdlet you retreive all the available Categories for this object type .PARAMETER Type Defines the type id you wan't to retreive the configured categories .EXAMPLE PS> Get-IdoItObjectTypeCategory -Type 'C__OBJTYPE__SERVER' This will get all aategories that are assigned to the ObjectType 'Server' .NOTES Version 0.1.0 29.12.2017 CB initial release #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] Param ( [Parameter ( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, Position = 0 )] [Alias("TypeId")] $Type ) Process { $Params = @{} $Params.Add("type", $Type) $ResultObj = Invoke-IdoIt -Method "" -Params $Params #idoit delivers two arrays, depending of global or specific categories. From a PowerShell #point of view this is ugly - so we flatten the result into one PSObject. $ModifiedResultObj = @() ForEach ($o In $ResultObj.PSObject.Properties) { ForEach ($p In $ResultObj.($o.Name)) { $TempObj = $p $TempObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "type" -Value $o.Name $ModifiedResultObj += $TempObj } } $ModifiedResultObj = $ModifiedResultObj | Add-ObjectTypeName -TypeName 'IdoIt.ObjectTypeCategory' Return $ModifiedResultObj } } |