Function Get-IdoItCacheFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the content of a cache file in the users local app data directory .DESCRIPTION Gets the content of a cache file in the users local app data directory .PARAMETER CacheType CacheType defines wich type of cache to be written. .EXAMPLE PS> Gew-IdoItCacheFile -CacheType Constant This will the cache for idoit constants .NOTES Version 0.1.0 20.01.2018 CB initial release #> [CmdletBinding ()] Param ( [Parameter ( Mandatory = $True )] [ValidateSet('Constant','Config')] [String]$CacheType ) Begin { # $VerbosePreference = Continue $CachePath = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+"\.psidoit" $CacheFile = $CachePath + "\$CacheType.json" #CacheFile = $CachePath + "\Constant.json" } Process { # More work needed :-) Try { If ( (Test-Path $CacheFile ) ) { Return (Get-Content -Path $CacheFile -Raw -Encoding Default | ConvertFrom-Json).Data.Value } } Catch [Exeption] { Throw $_ } } } |