Function Get-IdoItCategoryInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-IdoItCategoryInfo .DESCRIPTION Get-IdoItCategoryInfo lets you discover all available category properties for a given category id .PARAMETER Category This parameter takes a constant name of a specific category .PARAMETER CatgId With CatgId you can pass an id of a global category from table isysgui_catg .PARAMETER CatsId With CatsId you can pass an id of a specific catgeory from table isysgui_cats .EXAMPLE PS>Get-IdoitCategoryInfo -Category 'C__CATG__CPU' Gives you detailed Info for the category 'C___CATG__CPU' .NOTES Version 0.1.0 29.12.2017 CB initial release #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="Category")] [String]$Category, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="CatgId")] [int]$CatgId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="CatsId")] [int]$CatsId ) $Params = @{} Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Category" { $Params.Add("category", $Category); break } "CatgId" { $Params.Add("catgID",$CatgId); break } "CatsId" { $Params.Add("catsID",$CatsId); break } } $ResultObj = Invoke-IdoIt -Method "cmdb.category_info" -Params $Params $ResultObj = $ResultObj | Add-ObjectTypeName -TypeName 'Idoit.Category.Info' Return $ResultObj } |