
function Invoke-Command {



    Invoke command


    Invokes a command on a docker container.
    Wraps the docker [command exec](


    Specifies the name of the docker container to run the command on.

    .PARAMETER Command

    Specifies the command to run on the docker container.

    .PARAMETER ArgumentList

    Specifies the list of arguments of the command.

    .PARAMETER Timeout

    Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the command to finish.

    .PARAMETER StringOutput

    Specifies if the output of the container command should be returned as string.


    PS C:\> $container = New-DockerContainer -Image 'microsoft/iis' -Detach
    PS C:\> Invoke-DockerCommand -Name $container.Name -Command "hostname" -StringOutput


    param (



        $Timeout = 30,


    [string[]] $arguments = @( 'exec', $Name, $Command ) + $( if ( $ArgumentList ) { $ArgumentList } )

    Invoke-ClientCommand `
        -ArgumentList $arguments `
        -StringOutput:$StringOutput `
        -Timeout $Timeout

    Write-Verbose "Command on Docker container executed."