#Requires -Version 5.0 [cmdletbinding()] param() $BasePath = $PSScriptRoot # load assemblies if ($PSEdition -in $null, 'Desktop') { # PowerShell Desktop Edtion Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Drawing' } elseif ($PSEdition -eq 'core') { # PowerShell Core Edition(Win,Linux,Mac) # pre-installation of libgdiplus is required on linux/mac Add-Type -AssemblyName (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'lib\CoreCompat.System.Drawing.dll') } $DependentModules = 'az.Profile', 'az.CognitiveServices', 'az.Resources' $installed = Get-Module $DependentModules -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $ -In $DependentModules } $missing = $DependentModules | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ } if ($missing) { Write-Verbose "Module dependencies not found [$Missing]. Attempting to install." Install-Module $missing -Force -AllowClobber } $dependencies = @( 'Enum', 'Hashtable' ) # define class sequence $classList = @( 'ValidateFile', 'ValidateImage', 'ValidateMarket', 'ComputerVision', 'Face', 'TextAnalytics', 'ContentModerator', 'BingSearchV7', 'BingEntitySearch', 'BingImageSearch' ) # importing enumerators and hashtables sequentially foreach ($item in $dependencies) { Write-Verbose "Dot sourcing '$item.ps1'" . ([IO.Path]::Combine($BasePath, 'Classes', "$item.ps1")) } # importing classes sequentially foreach ($class in $classList) { Write-Verbose "Dot sourcing class '$class'" . ([IO.Path]::Combine($BasePath, 'Classes', "$class.ps1")) } # dot dourcing files $FolderNames = @( 'Private', 'Public' ) Get-ChildItem $($FolderNames.ForEach( { Join-Path $BasePath $_ })) -Recurse -Filter *.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } |