function New-CognitiveServiceAccount { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Cognitive service account type [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Bing.Search.v7', 'Bing.EntitySearch', 'ComputerVision', 'Face', 'ContentModerator', 'TextAnalytics')] [String[]] $AccountType, [String] $ResourceGroupName, [Location] $Location, [ValidateSet('F0','F1','S0','S1','S2','S3','S4','S5','S6','S7','S8')] [String] $SKUName ) process { try{ if(Test-AzureRMLogin){ Write-Verbose "Logged in." if(!$ResourceGroupName){ Write-Verbose "Fetching AzureRM Resource groups" $ResourceGroupArray = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup| ForEach-Object ResourceGroupName do{ Write-host "Select a AzureRM 'Resource Group' to create new Cognitive Service Account type: '$AccountType'" -ForegroundColor Yellow for($i=1;$i -le $ResourceGroupArray.Count;$i++){ if($ResourceGroupArray.Count -gt 1){ " [{0}] {1}" -f ($i), $ResourceGroupArray[$i-1] } } $ResourceGroupChoice = $(Read-Host "`nEnter your choice [1-$($ResourceGroupArray.count)]") - 1 $ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupArray[$ResourceGroupChoice] } while(-not($ResourceGroupChoice -in 0..$($ResourceGroupArray.count-1))) } } if(!$Location){ $LocationArray = $Matrix[$AccountType]['AvailableLocations'] do{ if($LocationArray.count -gt 1){ Write-host "Select a AzureRM 'Location' to create new Cognitive Service Account type: '$AccountType'" -ForegroundColor Yellow for($i=1;$i -le $LocationArray.Count;$i++){ if($LocationArray.Count -gt 1){ " [{0}] {1}" -f ($i), $LocationArray[$i-1] } } $LocationChoice = $(Read-Host "`nEnter your choice [1-$($LocationArray.count)]") - 1 $Location = $LocationArray[$LocationChoice] } elseif($LocationArray.count -eq 1){ $Location = 'Global' Write-Host "Choosing default and only Location: 'Global'" break } } while(-not($LocationChoice -in $(0..$($LocationArray.count-1)))) } if(!$SKUName){ $SKUNameArray = $Matrix[$AccountType]['PriceTiers'] do{ Write-host "Select a AzureRM 'PriceTier' to create new Cognitive Service Account type: '$AccountType'" -ForegroundColor Yellow for($i=1;$i -le $SKUNameArray.Count;$i++){ if($SKUNameArray.Count -gt 1){ " [{0}] {1} - {2}" -f ($i), $SKUNameArray[$i-1] , $PriceTiers[$SKUNameArray[$i-1][0].ToString()] } } $SKUNameChoice = $(Read-Host "`nEnter your choice [1-$($SKUNameArray.count)]") - 1 $SKUName = $SKUNameArray[$SKUNameChoice] } while(-not($SKUNameChoice -in 0..$($SKUNameArray.count-1))) } $splat = @{ ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName Name = "{0}-{1}" -f $AccountType.Replace('.','') , $Location SkuName = $SKUName Location = $Location Type = $AccountType } New-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccount @splat -Confirm:$false -Force -Verbose -WarningAction Ignore } catch{ throw $_.exception.message } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-CognitiveServiceAccount #New-CognitiveServiceAccount -AccountType 'Bing.Search.v7' -Verbose |