Function convertFrom-epoch { <# .Synopsis Convert from epoch time to human .Description Convert from epoch time to human .Example convertFrom-epoch 1295113860 .Example convertFrom-epoch 1295113860 | convertTo-epoch #> [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$epochdate) if (!$psboundparameters.count) {help -ex convertFrom-epoch | Out-String | Remove-EmptyLines; return} if (("$epochdate").length -gt 10 ) {(Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970").AddMilliseconds($epochdate)} else {(Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970").AddSeconds($epochdate)} } Function convertTo-epoch { <# .Synopsis Convert time to epoch .Description Convert time to epoch .Example convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/24/2015 17:05") .Example convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/24/2015 17:05") | convertFrom-epoch .Example (get-date -date "05/24/2015 17:05") | convertTo-epoch .Example get-date | convertTo-epoch .Example convertTo-epoch (get-date).ToUniversalTime() .Example convertTo-epoch (get-date).ToUniversalTime() | convertFrom-epoch .Example convertTo-epoch ((get-date).AddHours(2) #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$date ) if (!$psboundparameters.count) {help -ex convertTo-epoch | Out-String | Remove-EmptyLines; return} $date=$date -f "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970") -End $date).TotalSeconds } |