
Function New-ZabbixSession {
        Create new Zabbix session
        Create new Zabbix session
    .Parameter PSCredential
    .Parameter IPAddress
        Accept IP adress or domain name
    .Parameter noSSL
        Connect to Zabbix server with plain http
        Connect to Zabbix server
        Connect-Zabbix -IPAddress -noSSL
        Connect to Zabbix server with noSSL (http)
        Connect-Zabbix -User admin -Password zabbix -IPAddress
        Connect to Zabbix server

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        jsonrpc = "2.0"
        method = "user.login"
        params = @{
            user = $PSCredential.UserName
            password = $PSCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        id = 1
        auth = $null

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if (!(test-connection $IPAddress -Quiet -Count 1)) {write-host "$IPAddress is not available.`n" -f red; return}
    if ($noSSL) {
        write-warning "You're going to connect via insecure HTTP protocol. Consider to use HTTPS."
    elseif ($useSSL) {
    else {
    $URL = $Protocol+"://$IPAddress/zabbix"
    try {if (!$global:zabSession) {
        $global:zabSession=Invoke-RestMethod ("$URL/api_jsonrpc.php") -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post |
            Select-Object jsonrpc,@{Name="session";Expression={$_.Result}},id,@{Name="URL";Expression={$URL}}
    catch {
        write-host "Seems SSL certificate is self signed. Trying with no SSL validation..." -f yellow
    finally {
        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
        $global:zabSession=Invoke-RestMethod ("$URL/api_jsonrpc.php") -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post |
            Select-Object jsonrpc,@{Name="session";Expression={$_.Result}},id,@{Name="URL";Expression={$URL}}
    if ($zabsession.session) {
        write-host "`nConnected to $IPAddress." -f green
        write-host "Zabbix Server version: " -f green -nonewline
        Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams
        write-host 'Usage: Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams' -f yellow
        write-host 'Usage: Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams Hostname/IP' -f yellow
    else {write-host "ERROR: Not connected. Try again." -f red; $zabsession}

Function Get-ZabbixSession {
        Get Zabbix session
        Get Zabbix session
        Get Zabbix session
        Get Zabbix session

    param ()
    if (!($global:zabSession -and $global:zabSessionParams)) {
        write-host "`nDisconnected form Zabbix Server!`n" -f red; return
    elseif ($global:zabSession -and $global:zabSessionParams -and ($ZabbixVersion=Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams)) {
    else {write-host "`nDisconnected form Zabbix Server!`n" -f red; return}

Function Remove-ZabbixSession {
        Remove Zabbix session
        Remove Zabbix session
        Disconnect-Zabbix @zabSessionParams
        Disconnect from Zabbix server
        Remove-Zabbixsession @zabSessionParams
        Disconnect from Zabbix server

    Param (
    if (Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "user.logout"
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
        $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
        write-verbose $BodyJSON
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result | out-null} else {$a.error}
        $global:zabSession = ""
        $global:zabSessionParams = ""
        if (!(Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams)) {}
    else {Get-ZabbixSession}

Function Get-ZabbixVersion {
        Get Zabbix server version
        Get Zabbix server version
        Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams
        Get Zabbix server version

    Param (
    if (!($global:zabsession -or $global:zabSessionParams)) {write-host "`nDisconnected from Zabbix Server!`n" -f red; return}
    if ($global:zabsession -and $global:zabSessionParams) {
    if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-ZabbixVersion @zabSessionParams; return}

        $Body = @{
            method = "apiinfo.version"
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
        $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
        write-verbose $BodyJSON
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {return $a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixHost {
        Get hosts
        Get hosts
    .Parameter HostName
        To filter by HostName of the host (case sensitive)
    .Parameter HostID
        To filter by HostID of the host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams
        Get all hosts
        Get-ZabbixHost -HostName HostName @zabSessionParams
        Get host by name (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | select hostid,host,status,available,httptests
        Get host(s) by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | select -ExpandProperty interfaces -Property name | sort name
        Get hosts' interfaces by host name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match os | Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | select templateid,name -Unique
        Get templates by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? status -eq 1 | select hostid,name
        Get only disabled hosts
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "" | ? jmx_available -match 1 | select hostid,name
        Get host(s) with JMX interface(s) active
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? parentTemplates -match "jmx" | select hostid,name,available,jmx_available
        Get host(s) with JMX Templates and get their connection status
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? status -eq 0 | ? available -eq 0 | select hostid,name,status,available,jmx_available | ft -a
        Get hosts, which are enabled, but unreachable
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -GroupID (Get-ZabbixGroup @zabSessionParams -GroupName "GroupName").groupid | select hostid,host,status,available,httptests
        Get host(s) by host group, match name "GroupName" (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -hostname HostName | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -WebItems -ItemKey web.test.error -ea silent | select name,key_,lastclock
        Get Items for the host (HostName is case sensitive)
        (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host)
        Get templates linked to the host by hostname match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? parentTemplates -match "jmx" | select name -Unique
        Get hosts with templates, by template name match
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -WebItems -ItemKey web.test.error -ea silent | select name,key_,@{n='lastclock';e={convertFrom-epoch $_.lastclock}}
        Get Items for the host. Item lastclock (last time it happened in UTC)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -hostname HostName | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -ea silent | select httptestid,name,steps
        Get host (case sensitive) and it's HttpTests
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -hostname HostName | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -ea silent | select -ExpandProperty steps | ft -a
        Get host (case sensitive) and it's HttpTests
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName | select host -ExpandProperty interfaces | ? port -match 10050
        Get interfaces for the host(s)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostsName | %{$n=$; Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid} | select @{n="name";e={$n}},hostid,interfaceid,ip,port | sort name | ft -a
        Get interface(s) for the host(s)

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "host.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectGroups = @(
            selectParentTemplates = @(
            selectInterfaces = @(
            selectHttpTests = @(
            selectTriggers = @(
            filter = @{
                host = $HostName
            hostids = $HostID
            groupids = $GroupID
            httptestid = $HttpTestID
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function New-ZabbixHost {
        Create new host
        Create new host
    .Parameter HostName
        HostName of the host as it will appear in zabbix
    .Parameter IP
        IP adress of the host
    .Parameter DNSName
        Domain name of the host
    .Parameter Port
        Port to connect to the host (default 10050)
    .Parameter GroupID
        ID of the group host will belong to
    .Parameter TemplateID
        ID/IDs of the templates to link to the host
    .Parameter MonitorByDNSName
        If used, domain name of the host will used to connect
        New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -GroupID 8 -TemplateID "10081","10166"
        Create new host (case sensitive), with two linked Templates
        New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -GroupID 8 -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host").parentTemplates.templateid -status 0
        Create new host (case sensitive), with multiple attached Templates and enable it (-status 0)
        New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -GroupID 8 -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host").parentTemplates.templateid -status 1
        Create new host (case sensitive), with multiple attached Templates and leave it disabled (-status 1)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match SourceHost | New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP
        Clone host with single interface
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match SourceHost | New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "SourceHost").parentTemplates.templateid -status 1
        Clone host, while new host will be disabled
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match SourceHost | New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHostName -IP -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "SourceHost").parentTemplates.templateid -Interfaces (Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName SourceHost).hostid) -status 1
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match NewHost | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -Port $_.port -HostID $_.hostid}
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match NewHost | %{$n=$; Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid} | ft -a @{n="name";e={$n}},hostid,interfaceid,ip,port
        Clone the host with multiple interfaces, then update interfaces with new IP, then check the interfaces

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$Port = 10050,

    Switch ($MonitorByDNSName.IsPresent) {
        $False {$ByDNSName = 1} # = ByIP
        $True {$ByDNSName = 0} # = ByDomainName
    if ($TemplateID.count -gt 5) {write-host "`nOnly up to 5 templates are allowed." -f red -b yellow; return} 
    if ($GroupID) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.create"
            params = @{
                host = $HostName
                interfaces = @{
                    type = 1
                    main = 1
                    useip = $ByDNSName
                    ip = $IP
                    dns = $DNSName
                    port = $Port
                groups = @{
                    groupid = $GroupID
                status = $Status
                templates = @(
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[0]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[1]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[2]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[3]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[4]}
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            auth = $session
            id = $id
    elseif ($interfaces) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.create"
            params = @{
                host = $HostName
                interfaces = $Interfaces
                groups = $Groups
                status = $Status
                templates = @(
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[0]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[1]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[2]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[3]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[4]}
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            auth = $session
            id = $id
    else {
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.create"
            params = @{
                host = $HostName
                interfaces = @{
                    type = 1
                    main = 1
                    useip = $ByDNSName
                    ip = $IP
                    dns = $DNSName
                    port = $Port
                groups = $groups
                status = $Status
                templates = @(
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[0]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[1]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[2]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[3]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[4]}
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            auth = $session
            id = $id
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Set-ZabbixHost {
        Set/update host settings
        Set/update host settings
    .Parameter HostID
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "host" | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -status 0
        Enable host (-status 0)
        (1..9) | %{(Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "host0$_") | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -status 1}
        Disable multiple hosts (-status 1)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hostName" | %{Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -status 1 -HostID $_.hostid -parentTemplates $_.parenttemplates}
        Disable multiple hosts
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -removeTemplates -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName "Host").parentTemplates.templateid
        Unlink(remove) templates from host (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName SourceHost).parentTemplates.templateid
        Link(add) templates to the host, according config of other host (case sensitive)
        (1..9) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName "Host0$_" | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -TemplateID ((Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "sourcehost").parenttemplates.templateid)}
        Link(add) templates to multiple hosts, according config of other host
    Param (
    if ($TemplateID.count -gt 5) {write-host "`nOnly up to 5 templates are allowed." -f red -b yellow; return}
    if ($removeTemplates) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.update"
            params = @{
                hostid = $HostID
                status = $status
                host = $HostName
                templates_clear = @(
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[0]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[1]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[2]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[3]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[4]}

            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    elseif ($TemplateID) { 
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.update"
            params = @{
                hostid = $HostID
                status = $status
                templates = @(
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[0]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[1]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[2]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[3]}
                    @{templateid = $TemplateID[4]}
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    else {
        $Body = @{
            method = "host.update"
            params = @{
                hostid = $HostID
                status = $status
                parenttemplates = $parenttemplates
                proxy_hostid = $proxy_hostid
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Remove-ZabbixHost {
        Delete/Remove selected host
        Delete/Remove selected host
    .Parameter HostID
        To filter by ID/IDs
        Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "RetiredHosts").hostid -WhatIf
        Remove host(s) by name match (case insensitive) (check only: -WhatIf)
        Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "RetiredHosts").hostid
        Remove host(s) by name match (case insensitive)
        Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID "10001","10002"
        Remove hosts by IDs
        Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostRetired).hostid
        Remove single host by name (exact amtch, case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq HostName | Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -WhatIf
        Remove single host (check only: -WhatIf)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq HostName | Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams
        Remove single host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "HostName-0[1-8]" | %{Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid}
        Delete multiple hosts

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "host.delete"
        params = @($HostID)
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($HostID,"Delete")){  
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixTemplate {
        Get templates
        Get templates
    .Parameter TemplateName
        To filter by name of the template (case sensitive)
    .Parameter TemplateID
        To filter by id of the template
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams
        Get all templates
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | select name,hosts
        Get templates and hosts
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams -TemplateName "Template OS Windows"
        Get template by name (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match os | Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | select templateid,name -Unique
        Get templates by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? {$ -match "host"} | select templateid,name
        Get templates linked to host by hostname.

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "template.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectHosts = "extend"
            filter = @{
                host = $TemplateName
            templateids = $TemplateID
            hostids = $HostID
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixMaintenance {
        Get maintenance
        Get maintenance
    .Parameter MaintenanceName
        To filter by name of the maintenance (case sensitive)
    .Parameter MaintenanceID
        To filter by id of the maintenance
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select maintenanceid,name
        Get maintenance
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceName MaintenanceName
        Get maintenance by name (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match maintenance
        Get maintenance by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "" | select @{n="MaintenanceName";e={$}} -ExpandProperty groups | ft -a
        Get maintenance by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceID 10123
        Get maintenance by ID
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select maintenanceid,name,@{n="Active_since(UTC-5)";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.active_since).addhours(-5)}},@{n="Active_till(UTC-5)";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.active_till).addhours(-5)}},@{n="TimeperiodStart(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.timeperiods.start_date).addhours(-5)}},@{n="Duration(hours)";e={$_.timeperiods.period/3600}} | ft -a
        Get maintenance and it's timeperiod
        (Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceName MaintenanceName).timeperiods
        Get timeperiods from maintenance (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select -Property @{n="MaintenanceName";e={$}} -ExpandProperty timeperiods | ft -a
        Get timeperiods from maintenance
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select -Property @{n="MaintenanceName";e={$}} -ExpandProperty timeperiods | select MaintenanceName,timeperiodid,timeperiod_type,@{n="start_date(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.start_date}},@{n="period(Hours)";e={$_.period/3600}} | ft -a
        Get timeperiods maintenance and timeperiods (Time in UTC)
        (Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceName MaintenanceName)
        Get hosts from maintenance (case sensitive)
        (Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceName MaintenanceName).hostid
        Get HostIDs of hosta from maintenance (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match maintenance | select Name,@{n="TimeperiodStart";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.timeperiods.start_date).addhours(-5)}},@{n="Duration(hours)";e={$_.timeperiods.period/3600}}
        Get timeperiods from maintenance (case insensitive), display name, timeperiod (according UTC-5) and duration

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "maintenance.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectGroups = "extend"
            selectHosts = "extend"
            selectTimeperiods = "extend"
            filter = @{
                name = $MaintenanceName
            maintenanceids = $MaintenanceID

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function New-ZabbixMaintenance {
        Create new maintenance
        Create new maintenance
    .Parameter MaintenanceName
        Maintenance name (case sensitive)
    .Parameter MaintenanceDescription
        Maintenance Description
    .Parameter ActiveSince
        Maintenance start time (epoch time format)
    .Parameter ActiveTill
        Maintenance end time (epoch time format)
    .Parameter MaintenanceType
        Maintenance maintenance type (0 - (default) with data collection; 1 - without data collection)
    .Parameter TimeperiodType
        Maintenance TimeperiodType (0 - (default) one time only; 2 - daily; 3 - weekly; 4 - monthly)
    .Parameter TimeperiodStartTime
        Maintenance timeperiod's start time (epoch time format)
    .Parameter TimeperiodPeriod
        Maintenance timeperiod's period/duration (epoch time format)
        New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hosts").hostid -MaintenanceName "NewMaintenance" -ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime()) -ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(7)).ToUniversalTime()) -TimeperiodPeriod (4*3600)
        Create new maintenance for few hosts (time will be according Zabbix server time). Maintenance will be active for 7 hours from now, with Period 4 hours, which will start immediately
        New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID "10109","10110","10111","10112","10113","10114" -MaintenanceName NewMaintenanceName -MaintenanceDescription NewMaintenanceDescription -ActiveSince 1432584300 -ActiveTill 1432605900 -TimeperiodStartTime 1432584300 -TimeperiodPeriod 25200
        Create new maintenance (time (epoch format) will be according your PC (client) local time). Name and Description are case sensitive
        New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match otherhost).hostid -MaintenanceName NewMaintenanceName -MaintenanceDescription NewMaintenanceDescription -ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 07:05")) -ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 17:05")) -TimeperiodPeriod (7*3600) -TimeperiodStartDate (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 09:05"))
        Create new, future maintenance (case sensitive) (time will be sent in UTC). Will be set on Zabbix server according it's local time.
        $hosts=Get-Zabbixhost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host|anotherhost"
        $groups=(Get-ZabbixGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "group")
        New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID $hosts.hostid -GroupID $groups.groupid -MaintenanceName "NewMaintenanaceName" -ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime()) -ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(+4)).ToUniversalTime()) -TimeperiodPeriod (3*3600)
        Create new maintenance for few hosts (time will be according current Zabbix server time). Maintenanace Active from now for 4 hours, and Period with duration of 3 hours, sarting immediately

    Param (
        #Type of maintenance. Possible values: 0 - (default) with data collection; 1 - without data collection.
        #epoch time
        #epoch time
        #Possible values: 0 - (default) one time only; 2 - daily; 3 - weekly; 4 - monthly.
        #Time of day when the maintenance starts in seconds. Required for daily, weekly and monthly periods. (epoch time)
        #Date when the maintenance period must come into effect. Required only for one time periods. Default: current date. (epoch time)
        #epoch time
    if (!($GroupID -or $HostID)) {write-host "`nYou need to provide GroupID or HostID as parameter`n" -f red; return}
    if ($GroupID) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "maintenance.create"
            params = @{
                name = $MaintenanceName
                description = $MaintenanceDescription
                active_since = $ActiveSince
                active_till = $ActiveTill
                maintenance_type = $MaintenanceType
                timeperiods = @(
                        timeperiod_type = $TimeperiodType
                        #start_time = $TimeperiodStartTime
                        start_date = $TimeperiodStartDate
                        period = $TimeperiodPeriod
                groupids = @($groupid)
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    if ($HostID) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "maintenance.create"
            params = @{
                name = $MaintenanceName
                description = $MaintenanceDescription
                active_since = $ActiveSince
                active_till = $ActiveTill
                maintenance_type = $MaintenanceType
                timeperiods = @(
                        timeperiod_type = $TimeperiodType
                        start_date = $TimeperiodStartDate
                        #start_time = $TimeperiodStartTime
                        period = $TimeperiodPeriod
                hostids = @($hostid)
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 4
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Remove-ZabbixMaintenance {
        Delete/Remove maintenance
        Delete/Remove maintenance
    .Parameter MaintenanceID
        To filter by ID/IDs of the maintenance
        Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceID "3","4"
        Remove maintenance by IDs
        Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceID (Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Maintenance|Name").maintenanceid -WhatIf
        Remove multiple maintenances (check only: -WhatIf)
        Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceID (Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Maintenance|Name").maintenanceid
        Remove multiple maintenances
        Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq name | Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams
        Remove single maintenance by name

    Param (
     $Body = @{
        method = "maintenance.delete"
        params = @($MaintenanceID)
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($HostID,"Delete")){  
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
Function Export-ZabbixConfig {
        Export configuration
        Export configuration
    .Parameter GroupID
        GroupID: groups - (array) IDs of host groups to export.
    .Parameter HostID
        HostID - (array) IDs of hosts to export
    .Parameter TemplateID
        TemplateID - (array) IDs of templates to export.
    .Parameter Format
        Format: XML (default) or JSON.
        Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid
        Export hosts configuration
        Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | clip
        Capture to clipboard exported hosts configurarion
        Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | sc c:\zabbix-hosts-export.xml
        Export hosts configuration to xml file
        Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match TemplateName).templateid | sc c:\zabbix-templates-export.xml
        Export template configuration to xml file

    Param (
        $Body = @{
        method = "configuration.export"
        params = @{
            options = @{
                hosts = @($HostID)
                templates = @($TemplateID)
                groups = @($GroupID)
        format = $format
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixAlert { 
        Get alerts
    .Parameter HostID
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match email | select @{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.clock}},alertid,sendto,subject
        Get alarms from last 5 hours (default). Time display in UTC/GMT (default)
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match email | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(+1)}},alertid,subject
        Get alarms from last 5 hours (default). Time display in UTC+1
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match email | select @{n="Time(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
        Get alarms from last 5 hours (default). Time display in UTC-5
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match email | ? subject -match OK | select @{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.clock}},alertid,sendto,subject
        Get alerts with OK status
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -TimeFrom (convertTo-epoch (((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).addhours(-10))) -TimeTill (convertTo-epoch (((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).addhours(-2))) | ? sendto -match mail | ? subject -match "" | select @{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.clock}},alertid,sendto,subject
        Get alerts within custom timewindow of 8 hours (-timeFrom, -timeTill in UTC/GMT). Time display in UTC/GMT (default)
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -TimeFrom (convertTo-epoch (((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).addhours(-5))) -TimeTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).addhours(0)) | ? sendto -match mail | select @{n="Time UTC";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.clock}},alertid,sendto,subject
        Get alerts for last 5 hours
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "server-01" | Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match mail | select @{n="Time(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
        Works for single host (name case insensitive). Get alerts for host from last 5 hours (default). Display time in UTC-5
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName "Server-01" | Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -ea silent | ? sendto -match email | select @{n="Time(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
        Works for single host (name case sensitive). Get alerts for host from last 5 hours (default). Display time in UTC-5
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Host|OtherHost").hostid | ? sendto -match email | select @{n="Time(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
        Works for multiple hosts. Get alerts for hosts from last 5 hours (default). Display time in UTC-5
        Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -TimeFrom (convertTo-epoch ((get-date -date "05/25/2015 9:00").ToUniversalTime()).addhours(0)) -TimeTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date -date "05/25/2015 14:00").ToUniversalTime()).addhours(0)) | ? sendto -match mail | select @{n="Time(UTC)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(0)}},alertid,subject
        Get alerts between two dates (in UTC), present time in UTC

    Param (
        #epoch time
        #"Time from to display alerts. Default: -2, from three hours ago. Time is in UTC/GMT"
        $TimeFrom=(convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(-5)).ToUniversalTime()),
        #epoch time
        #"Time until to display alerts. Default: till now. Time is in UTC/GMT"
        $TimeTill=(convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime()),
        [array] $SortBy="clock",
    $Body = @{
        method = "alert.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            time_from = $timeFrom
            time_till = $timeTill
            selectMediatypes = "extend"
            selectUsers = "extend"
            selectHosts = @(
            hostids = $HostID
            sortfield = @($sortby)

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Get-ZabbixUser { 
        Get users
    .Parameter SortBy
        Sort output by (userid, alias (default)), not mandatory
    .Parameter getAccess
        Adds additional information about user permissions (default=$true), not mandatory
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | select userid,alias,attempt_ip,@{n="attempt_clock(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.attempt_clock}},@{n="usrgrps";e={$}}
        Get user
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match alias | select userid,alias,attempt_ip,@{n="attempt_clock(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.attempt_clock}},@{n="usrgrps";e={$}}
        Get user
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | select name, alias, attempt_ip, @{n="attempt_clock (UTC-5)"; e={((convertfrom-epoch $_.attempt_clock)).addhours(-5)}},@{n="usrgrps";e={$}} | ft -a
        Get user

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "user.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectMedias = "extend"
            selectMediatypes = "extend"
            selectUsrgrps = "extend"
            sortfield = @($sortby)
            getAccess = $getAccess

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Remove-ZabbixUser { 
        Remove/Delete users
    .Parameter UserID
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -eq "alias" | Remove-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -WhatIf
        Delete one user
        Remove-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -UserID (Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "alias").userid
        Delete multiple users by alias match

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "user.delete"
        params = @($UserID)
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserID,"Delete")){  
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Set-ZabbixUser { 
        Set user properties
    .Parameter UserID
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "alias" | Set-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -rows_per_page 100
        Set user properties
        Get-Zabbixuser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "alias" | Set-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -usrgrps (Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match disable).usrgrpid
        Disable user (by moving him to usrgrp Disabled)
    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "user.update"
        params = @{
            userid = $UserID
            name = $Name
            surname = $Surname
            alias = $Alias
            passwd = $Passwd
            usrgrps = $usrgrps
            rows_per_page = $Rows_Per_Page
            medias = $medias
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function New-ZabbixUser { 
        Create new users
    .Parameter UserID
        New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -Alias first.surname -passwd "123456" -sendto -MediaActive 0 -rows_per_page 100 -Refresh 300 -usrgrps (Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "disabled|administrator").usrgrpid
        Create new user
        Import-Csv C:\zabbix-users.csv | %{New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name $_.Name -Surname $_.Surname -Alias $_.alias -passwd $_.passwd -sendto $_.sendto -MediaActive $_.MediaActive -rows_per_page $_.rows_per_page -Refresh $_.refresh -usrgrps (Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "guest").usrgrpid}
        Mass create new users
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "SourceUser" | New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -Alias first.last -passwd "123456" -sendto -MediaActive 0 -rows_per_page 100 -Refresh 300
        Clone user. Enable media (-UserMediaActive 0)
        Get-Zabbixuser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "SourceUser" | New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -Alias first.last -passwd "123456"
        Clone user
        Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "User" | New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -Alias first.last -passwd "123456" -usrgrps (Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match disabled).usrgrpid
        Clone user, but disable it (assign to usrgrp Disabled)
    Param (
    if (!$sendto -or !$MediaActive) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "user.create"
            params = @{
                name = $name
                surname = $surname
                alias = $alias
                passwd = $passwd
                usrgrps = $usrgrps
                rows_per_page = $rows_per_page
                refresh = $refresh
                getAccess = $getAccess
                medias = $medias
                mediatypes = $mediaTypes
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    else {
        $Body = @{
            method = "user.create"
            params = @{
                name = $name
                surname = $surname
                alias = $alias
                passwd = $passwd
                usrgrps = $usrgrps
                rows_per_page = $rows_per_page
                refresh = $refresh
                getAccess = $getAccess
                user_medias = @(
                        #mediaid = "1"
                        mediatypeid = "1"
                        sendto = $Sendto
                        active = $MediaActive
                        severity = $Severity
                        period = $Period
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixUserGroup { 
        Get user groups
        Get user groups
    .Parameter SortBy
        Sort output by (usrgrpid, name (default)), not mandatory
    .Parameter getAccess
        adds additional information about user permissions (default=$true), not mandatory
        Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | select usrgrpid,name
        Get groups
        (Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match administrators).users | select alias,users_status
        Get users in group.

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "usergroup.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectUsers = "extend"
            userids = $userids
            status = $status
            sortfield = @($sortby)
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Get-ZabbixTrigger {
        Get triggers
        Get triggers
    .Parameter TriggerID
        To filter by ID of the trigger
        Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams | ? status -eq 0 | ? expression -match fs.size | select status,description,expression | sort description
        Get enabled triggers
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "TemplateName" | Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams | select description,expression
        Get triggers from template
        Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match Template).templateid -ExpandDescription -ExpandExpression | ft -a status,description,expression
        Get triggers by templateid (-ExpandDescription and -ExpandExpression will show full text instead of ID only)
        Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -ExpandDescription -ExpandExpression | ? description -match "Template" | select description,expression
        Get triggers where description match the string (-ExpandDescription and -ExpandExpression will show full text instead of ID only)
        Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Template").templateid | select description,expression
        Get list of triggers from templates
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -ea silent | ? status -match 0 | ft -a status,templateid,description,expression
        Get triggers for host (status 0 == enabled, templateid 0 == assigned directly to host, not from template)

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "trigger.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectFunctions = "extend"
            selectLastEvent = "extend"
            selectGroups = "extend"
            selectHosts = "extend"
            expandDescription = $ExpandDescription
            expandExpression = $ExpandExpression
            triggerids = $TriggerID
            templateids = $TemplateID
            hostids = $HostID
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Set-ZabbixTrigger {
        Set/Update trigger settings
        Set/Update trigger settings
    .Parameter TriggerID
        Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-zabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Template Name").templateid | ? description -match "trigger description" | Set-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -status 1
        Disable trigger
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Template" | Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams | ? description -match triggerDescription | set-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -status 0
        Enable trigger

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "trigger.update"
        params = @{
            triggerid = $TriggerID
            status = $status
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-host $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixAction { 
        Get actions
        Get actions
        Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams
        Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | select name
        Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | ? name -match action | select name,def_longdata,r_longdata

    Param (
        [array] $SortBy="name",
    $Body = @{
        method = "action.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectOperations = "extend"
            selectFilter = "extend"
            sortfield = @($sortby)

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Set-ZabbixAction { 
        Set/Update action settings
        Set/Update action settings
        Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | ? name -match actionName | Set-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams -status 1
        Disable action by name match

    Param (
        [array] $SortBy="name",
    $Body = @{
        method = "action.update"
        params = @{
            actionid = $ActionID
            status = $status

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixApplication {
        Get applications
        Get applications
    .Parameter HostID
        Get by HostID
    .Parameter TemplateID
        Get by TemplateID
        Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "appname" | ft -a applicationid,name,hosts
        Get applications by name match
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams -ea silent | ft -a applicationid,name,hosts
        Get applications by hostname (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "appname" | ? hosts -match host | ft -a applicationid,name,hosts
        Get applications by name and by hostname matches
        Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match templateName).templateid | ? name -match "" | ft -a applicationid,name,hosts
        Get applications by TemplateID
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match TemplateName | %{Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams -TemplateID $_.templateid } | ft -a applicationid,name,hosts
        Same as above one: Get applications by TemplateID
        Get-ZabbixGroup @zabSessionParams -GroupName "GroupName" | Get-ZabbixApplication @zabSessionParams
        Get applications by GroupName

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "application.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectHosts = @(
            sortfield = "name"
            hostids = $HostID
            groupids = $GroupID
            templateids = $TemplateID

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Get-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Get host interface
        Get host interface
        Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName ThisHost).hostid
        Get interface(s) for single host (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid
        Get interface(s) for multiple hosts (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams
        Get interface(s) for single host (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostsName | %{$n=$; Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid} | select @{n="name";e={$n}},hostid,interfaceid,ip,port | sort name | ft -a
        Get interface(s) for the host(s)

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            hostids = $HostID

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Set-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Set host interface
        Set host interface
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -HostID $_.hostid -Port $_.port}
        Set new IP to multiple host interfaces

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.update"
        params = @{
            hostid = $HostID
            interfaceid = $InterfaceID
            port = $Port
            ip = $IP

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixHttpTest {
        Get web/http tests
        Get web/http tests
    .Parameter HttpTestName
        To filter by name of the http test
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams
        Get web/http tests
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTest | select httptestid,name
        Get web/http test by name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTest | select steps | select -first 1 | fl *
        Get web/http test by name match, first occurrence
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -like "test*Name" | ? {$ -match "Template name"}) | select name,@{e={$_.steps.url}},@{n='host';e={$}} -Unique | sort host
        Get web/http test by name (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID 96
        Get web/http test by ID
        (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName HttpTestName)
        Get hosts with web/http test by name match (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | select name,steps
        Get web/http tests by hostname match (case insensitive)
        (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams ) | ? name -eq "Template Name" | get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | select name,steps
        Get web/http tests by template name
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | select name
        Get web/http tests for hostname match (works for single host)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq hostnname).hostid | ? name -match "httpTest" | fl httptestid,name,steps
        Get web/http test for host by name (case insensitive), and filter web/hhtp test by test name match (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest -HttpTestName SomeHTTPtest @zabSessionParams | select -Unique
        Get web/http test by name (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest -HttpTestName HTTPTestName @zabSessionParams | select name,@{n="host";e={$}}
        Get web/http test by name (case sensitive) and hosts it is assigned to
        (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "HTTPtestName") | sort
        Get hosts by web/http test's name (case insensitive)
        (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "httpTestName") | ? {$_ -notmatch "template"} | sort
        Get only hosts by web/http test name, sorted (templates (not hosts) are sortrd out)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTestName | select name, @{n="required";e={$_.steps.required}} -Unique
        Get web/http test name and field required
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTestName | select name, @{n="url";e={$_.steps.url}} -Unique
        Get web/http test name and field url

    Param (
    if (!$hostid) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "httptest.get"
            params = @{
                output = "extend"
                selectHosts = "extend"
                selectSteps = "extend"
                httptestids = $HttpTestID
                templateids = $TemplateID
                filter = @{
                    name = $HttpTestName
            selectHosts = @(
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    if ($HostID) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "httptest.get"
            params = @{
                output = "extend"
                selectHosts = "extend"
                selectSteps = "extend"
                httptestids = $HttpTestID
                hostids = @($hostid)
                filter = @{
                    name = $HttpTestName
            selectHosts = @(
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function New-ZabbixHttpTest {
        Create web/http test
        Create web/http test
    .Parameter HttpTestName
        web/http test name
        New-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName NewHttpTest -HttpTestStepURL "http://{HOST.CONN}:30555/health-check/do" -HttpTestStepRequired "version" -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName).hostid
        Create new web/http test for server/template
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "Template Name" | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTestSource | New-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName NewHttpName
        Clone web/http test in template

    Param (
    if ($steps) {
        $Body = @{
            method = "httptest.create"
            params = @{
                name = $HttpTestName
                hostid = $HostID
                templateid = $TemplateID
                applicationid = $applicationid
                status = $status
                steps = $steps
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    else {
        $Body = @{
            method = "httptest.create"
            params = @{
                name = $HttpTestName
                hostid = $HostID
                templateid = $TemplateID
                applicationid = $applicationid
                status = $status
                steps = @(
                        name = $HttpTestStepName
                        url = $HttpTestStepURL
                        status_codes = $StatusCodes
                        required = $HttpTestStepRequired
                        follow_redirects = 1
                        timeout = $Timeout
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Set-ZabbixHttpTest {
        Set/Update web/http test
        Set/Update web/http test
    .Parameter HttpTestName
        web/http test name
        Set-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName TestOldName ).httptestid -HttpTestName "testNewName" -status 0
        Enable (-status 0) web/http test and rename it (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName httpTest | Set-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -status 1
        Disable web/http test (-status 1)
        Set-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName testName).httptestid -UpdateSteps -HttpTestStepName (Get-ZabbixHttpTest -HttpTestName testName) -HttpTestStepURL (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName SourceHttpTestName).steps.url
        Replace test steps' URL by other URL, taken from "othertest"
        Set-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID (Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -like "test*Name" | ? {$ -match "Template"}).httptestid -UpdateSteps -HttpTestStepName "NewTestName" -HttpTestStepURL ""
        Edit web/http test, update name and test url

    Param (
    if ($UpdateSteps) 
        $Body = @{
            method = "httptest.update"
            params = @{
                httptestid = $HttpTestID
                status = $status
                name = $HttpTestName
                steps = @(
                        name = $HttpTestStepName
                        url = $HttpTestStepURL
                        status_codes = 200
                        required = $HttpTestStepRequired
                        follow_redirects = 1
                        timeout = 15
            jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
            id = $id
            auth = $session
        $Body = @{
        method = "httptest.update"
        params = @{
            httptestid = $HttpTestID
            status = $status
            name = $HttpTestName
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Remove-ZabbixHttpTest {
        Delete web/http test
        Delete web/http test
    .Parameter HttpTestName
        web/http test name
        Remove-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "Template Name" | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTests).httptestid
        Delete web/http tests
        Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "Template Name" | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTest | %{Remove-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID $_.HttpTestID}
        Delete web/http tests

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "httptest.delete"
        params = @($HttpTestID)
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 3
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($HostID,"Delete")){  
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Get host interface
        Get host interface
        Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName TheseHosts).hostid
        Get Hosts interfaces
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName host-01 | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ft -a
        Get single host interface information
         Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | ft -a
         Get multiple hosts interface information
        Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName ThisHost).hostid
        Get interface(s) for single host (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid
        Get interface(s) for multiple hosts (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams
        Get interface(s) for single host (case sensitive)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostsName | %{$n=$; Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid} | ft -a @{n="name";e={$n}},hostid,interfaceid,ip,port
        Get interface(s) for the host(s)

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            hostids = $HostID

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Set-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Set host interface
        Set host interface
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -Verbose -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -HostID $_.hostid -Port $_.port}
        Modify interface settings for the host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -IP -Port $_.port -HostID $_.hostid}
        (1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ? port -match 31721 | Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -main 1}

    Param (
        #Main: Possible values are: 0 - not default; 1 - default.
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.update"
        params = @{
            hostid = $HostID
            interfaceid = $InterfaceID
            port = $Port
            ip = $IP
            main = $main

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function New-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Create host interface
        Create host interface
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -port 31721
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host01" | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -Port 31721 -type 4 -main 1 -ip (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host01").interfaces.ip
        (1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -Port 31702 -type 4 -main 1 -ip (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_").interfaces.ip}
        (1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -Port 31721 -type 4 -main 0 -ip (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_").interfaces.ip[0]}
        (1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ? port -match 31751 | Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -main 0}
        Make existing JMX port not default
        (1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -Port 31771 -type 4 -main 1 -ip (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_").interfaces.ip[0]}
        Create new JMX connection and set it default
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "one|two|three|four").hostid | ? key_ -match "version" | ? key_ -notmatch "VmVersion" | ? lastvalue -ne 0 | ? applications -match "app1|app2|app3|app3" | select @{n="host";e={$}},@{n="Application";e={$}},lastvalue,key_,interfaces | sort host,application | ft -a
        Check whether new settings are working

    Param (
        #Main: Possible values are: 0 - not default; 1 - default.
        #Type: Possible values are: 1 - agent; 2 - SNMP; 3 - IPMI; 4 - JMX.
        #UseIP: Possible values are: 0 - connect using host DNS name; 1 - connect using host IP address for this host interface.
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.create"
        params = @{
            hostid = $HostID
            main = $main
            dns = $dns
            port = $Port
            ip = $IP
            useip = $useIP
            type = $type

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Remove-ZabbixHostInterface { 
        Remove host interface
        Remove host interface
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host02" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ? port -Match 31721 | Remove-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams
        Remove single host interface
        Remove-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -interfaceid (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host02" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams).interfaceid
        Remove all interfaces from host

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "hostinterface.delete"
        params = @($interfaceid)

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session
    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {
        #$a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($HostID,"Delete")){  
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
    if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}

Function Get-ZabbixItem { 
        Retrieves items
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid | select name,key_,lastvalue
        Get Items for host (case insensitive)
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemName 'RAM Utilization (%)' -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "dc1").hostid | select @{n="hostname";e={$}},name,key_,@{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},status,prevvalue,@{n="lastvalue";e={[decimal][math]::Round($_.lastvalue,3)}} | sort lastvalue -desc | ft -a
        Get Items with name 'RAM Utilization (%)' for hosts by match
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemName 'Memory Total' -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "").hostid | select @{n="hostname";e={$}},name,key_,@{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},prevvalue,@{n="lastvalue";e={[decimal][math]::round(($_.lastvalue/1gb),2)}} | sort lastvalue -desc | ft -a
        Get Items with name 'Memory Total' for hosts by match
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | ? key_ -match "/mnt/reporter_files,[used,free]" | ? lastvalue -ne 0 | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},@{n="host";e={$}},@{n="lastvalue";e={[decimal][math]::round(($_.lastvalue/1gb),2)}},key_,description | sort host | ft -a
        Get Items for host(s) with key_ match
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "myTemplates").templateid | ? history -ne 7 | select @{n="Template";e={$}},history,name -Unique | sort Template
        Get Items for templates, where history not 7 days
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid | ? key_ -match "Version|ProductName" | ? key_ -notmatch "vmver" | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},@{n="host";e={$}},lastvalue,name,key_ | sort host,key_ | ft -a
        Get Items by host match, by key_ match/notmatch
        Get-ZabbixHost -hostname hostName @zabSessionParams | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -SortBy status -ItemKey pfree | select name, key_,@{n="Time(UTC)"e={convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock}},lastvalue,status | ft -a
        Get Items (disk usage(%) information) for single host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hostName" | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemName 'RAM Utilization (%)' | select @{n="hostname";e={$}},name,key_,@{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},prevvalue,lastvalue | ft -a
        Get Items for single host by match
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -SortBy status -ItemKey pfree -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid | select @{n="hostname";e={$}},@{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock}},status,key_,lastvalue,name | sort hostname,key_ | ft -a
        Get Items (disk usage(%) info) for multiple hosts
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -SortBy status -ItemKey pfree -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match hostName).hostid | ? key_ -match "c:" | select @{n="hostname";e={$}},@{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock}},status,key_,lastvalue,name | sort hostname,key_ | ft -a
        Get Items (disk usage info) according disk match for multiple hosts
        (1..8) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams hostName-0$_ | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemKey 'java.lang:type=Memory' | ? status -match 0 | select key_,interfaces}
        Get Items and their interface
        (1..8) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams hostName-0$_ | Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemKey 'MemoryUsage.used' | ? status -match 0 | select @{n="Host";e={$}},@{n="If.IP";e={$_.interfaces.ip}},@{n="If.Port";e={$_.interfaces.port}},@{n="Application";e={$}},key_ } | ft -a
        Get Items and interfaces
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -ItemKey 'version' -ItemName "Version of zabbix_agent(d) running" -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -notmatch "DC2").hostid | ? status -match 0 | select @{n="host";e={$}},@{n="Application";e={$}},key_,lastvalue | sort host
        Get Zabbix agent version
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hostName").hostid | ? key_ -match "version" | ? key_ -notmatch "VmVersion" | ? lastvalue -ne 0 | ? applications -match "" | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},@{n="host";e={$}},@{n="Application";e={$}},lastvalue,key_,@{n="If.IP";e={$_.interfaces.ip}},@{n="If.Port";e={$_.interfaces.port}} | sort host | ft -a
        Get Java application versions via JMX
        Get-ZabbixItem @zabSessionParams -HostId (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hostName").hostid | ? key_ -match "HeapMemoryUsage.committed" | ? lastvalue -ne 0 | ? applications -match "application" | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.lastclock).addhours(+1)}},@{n="host";e={$}},@{n="Application";e={$}},lastvalue,key_,@{n="If.IP";e={$_.interfaces.ip}},@{n="If.Port";e={$_.interfaces.port}} | sort host | ft -a
        Get JVM memory usage via JMX

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "item.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            triggerids = $TriggerID
            templateids = $TemplateID
            hostids = @($HostID)
            groupids = $GroupID
            selectInterfaces = "extend"
            selectTriggers = "extend"
            selectApplications = "extend"
            selectHosts = @(
            sortfield = $sortby
            search = @{
                key_ = $ItemKey
                name = $ItemName
        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Get-ZabbixGraph { 
        Get graph
        Get graph
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams | select name
        Get graphs for single host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -expandName | ? name -match 'RAM utilization' | select name
        Get graphs for single host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -expandName | ? name -match 'RAM utilization' | select name -ExpandProperty gitems | ft -a
        Get graphs for single host
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -expandName | ? {!$_.graphDiscovery} | select name -ExpandProperty gitems | ft -a
        Get graphs for single host
        Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "multipleHosts").hostid | select @{n="host";e={$}},name | ? host -match "host0[5,6]"| ? name -notmatch Network | sort host
        Get graphs for multiple hosts

    Param (
    $Body = @{
        method = "graph.get"
        params = @{
            output = "extend"
            selectTemplates = "extend"
            selectHosts = @(
            selectItems = "extend"
            selectGraphItems = "extend"
            selectGraphDiscovery = "extend"
            expandName = $expandName
            hostids = $HostID
            graphids = $GraphID
            templateids = $TemplateID
            itemids = $ItemID
            sortfield = "name"

        jsonrpc = $jsonrpc
        id = $id
        auth = $session

    $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
    write-verbose $BodyJSON
    try {
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post
        if ($a.result) {$a.result} else {$a.error}
    } catch {
        Write-Host "$_"
        Write-Host "Too many entries to return from Zabbix server. Check/reduce filters." -f cyan

Function Save-ZabbixGraph {
        Save graph
        Save graph
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams | ? name -match 'CPU utilization' | Save-ZabbixGraph -verbose
        Save single graph (default location: $env:TEMP\psbbix)
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams | ? name -match 'CPU utilization' | Save-ZabbixGraph -sTime (convertTo-epoch (get-date).AddMonths(-3)) -fileFullPath $env:TEMP\psbbix\graphName.png -show
        Save single graph and show it
        Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq 'RAM utilization (%)' | Save-ZabbixGraph -sTime (convertto-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 00:00").ToUniversalTime()) -show
        Save single graph, time sent as UTC, and will appear as local Zabbix server time
        (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "singleHost" | Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams | ? name -match 'RAM utilization | CPU utilization').graphid | %{Save-ZabbixGraph -GraphID $_ -sTime (convertto-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 00:00")) -fileFullPath $env:TEMP\psbbix\graphid-$_.png -show}
        Save and show graphs for single host
        (Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "multipleHosts").hostid | ? name -match 'RAM utilization | CPU utilization').graphid | %{Save-ZabbixGraph -GraphID $_ -sTime (convertto-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 00:00")) -verbose -show}
        Save multiple grpahs for multiple hosts
        (Get-ZabbixGraph @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "multipleHosts").hostid | ? name -match 'RAM utilization | CPU utilization').graphid | %{Save-ZabbixGraph -GraphID $_ -sTime (convertto-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 00:00")) -show -mail -from "" -to -smtpserver -proprity High}
        Save and send by email multiple grpahs, for multiple hosts

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$sTime=(convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addmonths(-1)).ToUniversalTime()),
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$Period=(convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime())-$sTime,
    if (!$fileFullPath) {
        if (!(test-path $psbbixTmpDir)) {mkdir $psbbixTmpDir}
    write-verbose "Graph files locateted here: $psbbixTmpDir"
    try {invoke-webrequest "$gurl/chart2.php?graphid=$graphid`&width=$Width`&hight=$Hight`&stime=$sTime`&period=$Period" -OutFile $fileFullPath}
    catch {write-host "$_"}
    if ($show) {
        if (test-path "c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") {&"c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -incognito $fileFullPath}
        elseif (test-path "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe") {&"c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" $fileFullPath}
        else {start "file:///$fileFullPath"}
    if ($mail) {
        if (!$from) {$from=""}
        if (!$subject) {$subject="Zabbix: graphid: $GraphID"}
        if ($body) {Send-MailMessage -from $from -to $to -subject $subject -body $body -Attachments $fileFullPath -SmtpServer $SMTPServer}
        else {Send-MailMessage -from $from -to $to -subject $subject -Attachments $fileFullPath -SmtpServer $SMTPServer}