function Update-PSRepositoryCache { # updates local package cache, downloads and extracts file # priority 1: expected run time is couple of seconds (1-5 seconds), together with download and extract [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) # function begin phase $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Log -Message "$FunctionName starting" -TimeStampFormat 'G' # # Prevent too fast updates # try { $Age = [int](((Get-Date) - (Get-Item $IP.Commands -ea Stop).LastWriteTime).TotalSeconds) } catch { $Age = 11 } if ($Age -lt 10) { Write-Log -Message "Skipping download, as index file is $Age seconds old" } else { # # get a file to $TP.Index # CreateTempFolder Write-Log -Message "Downloading index from the Internet" # temporary remove ProgressBar, $OldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Verbose:$false -OutFile $TP.Index -PassThru $ProgressPreference = $OldProgressPreference try { [string]$AgeString = [int](((Get-Date)-[datetime]($Response.Headers.'Last-Modified')).TotalMinutes) } catch { $AgeString = 'unknown' } Write-Log -Message "Downloading completed, index file is $(size $TP.Index)MB large and $AgeString minutes old" # # unzip # Write-Log -Message "Expanding archive to $($Config.IndexPath)" Expand-Archive $TP.Index -DestinationPath $Config.IndexPath -Force Write-Log -Message "expanded total $((Get-ChildItem $Config.IndexPath).Count) files" # FIXME: This lists also old files from folder # # Touch one file to prevent too fast/double updates # (Get-Item $IP.Commands).LastWriteTime = Get-Date # the end RemoveTempFolder } Write-Log -Message "$FunctionName completed" -TimeStampFormat 'G' } Set-Alias -Name 'psaptgetupdate' -Value Update-PSRepositoryCache |