
#Generated at 04/15/2024 10:04:49 by Stephane van Gulick

Class AnsibleInventoryEntry {

    $GroupMemberShip = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    AnsibleInventoryEntry() {}

    AnsibleInventoryEntry([String]$NodeName) {
        $this.NodeName = $NodeName

    AnsibleInventoryEntry($NodeName, $GroupMemberShip) {
        $this.GroupMemberShip = $GroupMemberShip
        $this.NodeName = $NodeName

    AddToGroup([String]$Group) {

    [String]ToString() {
        Return "{0} {1} {2}" -f $this.NodeName, "->", ($this.GroupMemberShip -join ",")

    [Bool]IsInGroup([String]$GroupName) {
        Return ($this.GroupMemberShip.contains($GroupName))


Class AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection {
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] $Entries = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]]::new()

    AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection() {}

    AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection([AnsibleInventoryEntry[]]$Entry) {



    AddEntry($Entry) {
        foreach ($ent in $Entry) {

    [AnsibleInventoryEntry] GetEntry([String]$NodeName) {
        Return ($this.Entries | ? { $_.NodeName -eq $NodeName })

    [String] ToString() {
        Return "TotalEntries: {0}" -f $this.Entries.Count

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] GetEntries() {
        return $this.Entries

    [AnsibleInventoryGrouping[]]CreateGrouping() {
        $Groupings = @{}
        Foreach ($entry in $This.Entries) {

            foreach ($groupName in $entry.GroupMemberShip) {
                If (!($groupings.ContainsKey($groupName))) {
                    $groupings.$GroupName = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()


                If (!($groupings.$GroupName.Contains($entry.NodeName))) {

        $ansgrp = @()
        foreach ($grpkey in $Groupings.Keys) {
            $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $grpkey -Members $Groupings.$grpkey
            $ansgrp += $g
            $g = $null

        return $ansgrp

Class AnsibleInventoryGrouping {
    $members = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    AnsibleInventoryGrouping() {


    AnsibleInventoryGrouping([string]$Name) {
        $this.Name = $Name

    AnsibleInventoryGrouping([String]$Name, [Array]$Members) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Members = $Members

    AddMember([String[]]$Members) {
        foreach ($member in $members) {
            write-verbose "Adding member $($member)"

    [array] GetMembers() {
        return $this.members

    [bool]HasMember([string]$MemberName) {
        return $this.members.Contains($MemberName)

    [String] ToIni() {
        $string = ""

            $String += "[{0}:{1}]`n" -f $this.Name,"children"
            $String += "[{0}]`n" -f $this.Name

        foreach ($member in $this.members) {
            $String += "$($member)`n"
        $string += "`n"

        return $String

    [void]SetHasChildren([bool]$HasChildren) {
        $this.HasChildren = $HasChildren

Class AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection {
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryGrouping]]$Groups = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryGrouping]]::new()

    AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection() {

    AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection($Groups) {

    AddGrouping($Grouping) {
        foreach ($group in $grouping) {

                $GroupAlreadyExisting = $this.groups | ? {$_.Name -eq $group.Name}

                if(($GroupAlreadyExisting) -and (!($GroupAlreadyExisting.hasChildren))){
                    #Group is NOT an arch group, and group is already present. adding members to the group.
                    Foreach($member in $group.members){
                    #New group (not the first one)
                #New and first group

    [String]GetGroupNames() {
        return ($This.Groups.Name -join ",")

    [String]ToString() {
        Return $This.Groups.Name -join ","

    [string]ConvertToIni() {
        $String = ""
        Foreach ($group in $this.Groups) {
            $String += $Group.ToIni()

        return $String

Class AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry {
   [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Children = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()


   AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry($Parent) {
       $This.Parent = $Parent

   AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry($Parent, $Children) {

       $this.Parent = $Parent

   [void] AddChild([string[]]$children) {
       foreach ($child in $children) {


   [Bool] HasChild([string]$Child) {
       return $this.Children.Contains($Child)

   [String] ConvertToIni() {
       $FullString = ""
       $FullString += "[$($this.Parent):children]`n"
       Foreach ($Child in $this.children) {
           $FullString += "$($Child)`n"

       $FullString += "`n"

       Return $FullString

   [String] ToString() {
       Return  "{0} -> {1}" -f $this.Parent, ($this.Children -join ",")

Class AnsibleInventoryHierarchyCollection {

   $Entries = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry[]]]::new()

   AnsibleInventoryHierarchyCollection() {

   AnsibleInventoryHierarchyCollection([AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry[]]$Entry) {

   AddEntry($Entry) {
       foreach ($ent in $Entry) {

   [string]ConvertToIni() {
       $String = ""
       Foreach ($arch in $this.Entries) {
           $String += $arch.ConvertToIni()

       return $String

   [AnsibleInventoryGrouping[]]CreateGrouping() {
       $Groupings = @{}

       $ansgrp = @()
       #Working on parent elements
       Foreach($archelement in $this.Entries){
           $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $archelement.parent -Members $archelement.children -HasChildren
           $ansgrp += $g
           $g = $null

       #Working on the children
       Foreach ($entry in $This.Entries) {

           foreach($child in $entry.Children){

                   $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $child
                   $ansgrp += $g
                   $g = $null

       return $ansgrp

Enum AnsibleInventoryOutputType {

Class AnsibleInventory {
    [AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection]$EntryCollection = [AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection]::New()
    [AnsibleInventoryHierarchyCollection] $Hierarchy = [AnsibleInventoryHierarchyCollection]::New()
    [AnsibleVariableCollection]$VariableCollection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New()
    [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]$GroupCollection = [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::New()
    [AnsibleInventoryOutputType]$OutputType = "INI"

    AnsibleInventory() {


    AnsibleInventory([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$p) {


        If($p.Extension -eq '.ini'){
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$p = [System.IO.FileInfo]$p.FullName

        If (!($p.Exists)) {
            Throw "File $($p.FullName) does not exists"

        if($p.Extension -eq ".ini"){
            #Is file

            #Is directory
            $invFile = gci -Path $p.FullName -Filter "*inventory.ini"

                Throw "File $($invFile.FullName) does not exists"

        #$IniContentRaw = Get-Content -Path $Path.FullName -Raw
        #$IniContent = $IniContentRaw -split '\r?\n'
        $IniContent = Get-Content -Path $this.Path.FullName 
        #As members are added only when an empty string is found, the file MUST end with an empty line. If not the case, I add one.
        If ($IniContent[-1] -ne "") {
            $IniContent += ""
        $AllRecords = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
        $AllEntries = @{}
        $record = $null
        $GroupName = $null
        switch -Regex ($IniContent) {
            '\[([^:\]]+)' {
                $record = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Name        = $matches[1]
                    HasChildren = $false
                    Members     = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
                $GroupName = $matches[1]
            ':children' { $record.HasChildren = $true }
            '^[a-z0-9\._]+$' { 
                if ($record.HasChildren -eq $false) {

                    If (!($AllEntries.ContainsKey($_))) {
                        $AllEntries.$_ = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
            '^$' {
        Foreach ($Item in $AllRecords) {
            If ($null -eq $Item) {
            If ($Item.HasChildren) {
                $arch = New-AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry -ParentName $Item.Name -Children $Item.Members
                $arch = $null
            else {
                $Grouping = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $item.Name -Members $Item.Members
                $Grouping = $null


        Foreach ($KeyEntry in $AllEntries.Keys) {
            $Entry = New-AnsibleInventoryEntry -NodeName $KeyEntry
            foreach ($grp in $AllEntries.$KeyEntry) {

            $Entry = $null

        #Getting variables

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$group_vars_folder = join-Path -Path (Split-Path $this.Path.FullName -Parent) -ChildPath "group_vars"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$hosts_vars_folder = join-Path -Path (Split-Path $this.Path.FullName -Parent) -ChildPath "hosts_vars"


        If ($group_vars_folder.Exists) {
            $GroupVarFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $group_vars_folder.FullName

            Foreach ($groupvarfile in $GroupVarFiles) {

                $ContainerName = $groupvarfile.BaseName
                $GroupVarFileContent = get-content -Path $groupvarfile.FullName
                switch -Regex ($GroupVarFileContent){
                        $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Group -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $matches.VariableName -Value $matches.VariableValue
                        $var = $null

                $data = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (gc $groupvarfile.FullName -raw ) | sort name
                foreach ($key in $data.keys ) {
                    $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Group -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $Key -Value $data.$key
                    $var = $null
                $data = $null

        If ($hosts_vars_folder.Exists) {

            $hostVarFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $hosts_vars_folder.FullName

            Foreach ($Hostvarfile in $hostVarFiles) {

                $ContainerName = $Hostvarfile.BaseName
                $HostvarfileFileContent = get-content -Path $Hostvarfile.FullName
                switch -Regex ($HostvarfileFileContent){
                        $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Host -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $matches.variableName -Value $matches.VariableValue
                        $var = $null

                $data = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (gc $Hostvarfile.FullName -raw ) | sort name
                foreach ($key in $data.keys ) {
                    $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type host -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $Key -Value $data.$key
                    $var = $null

                $Data = $null



    AnsibleInventory($Entries, $Hierarchy) {


    AddHierarchy($Hierarchy) {

    AddInventoryEntry([AnsibleInventoryEntry[]]$Entries) {
        Foreach ($ent in $entries) {


    [void] SetOutputType([AnsibleInventoryOutputType]$OutputType){
        $this.OutputType = $OutputType

    [String]ConvertArchToInI() {

        $FullString = ""
        Foreach ($hier in $this.Hierarchy.Entries) {
            $FullString += "[$($hier.Parent):children]`n"
            Foreach ($Child in $hier.children) {
                $FullString += "$($Child)`n"

            $FullString += "`n"

        Return $FullString

    AddGrouping($Grouping) {

        #Will change to AnsibleInventoryItem once class is there.
        Foreach($var in $Variable){

    [Object]GetGroups() {

        return $this.GroupCollection

    [String]ConvertGroupsToIni() {
        return $this.GroupCollection.ConvertToIni()


    [string]ConvertToIni() {
        #$All = $this.ConvertArchToInI() Not needed anymore, as arch tree is generated in groupCollection. All child groups (even empty ones)
        # will be created
        $All += $this.ConvertGroupsToIni()
        Return $All

    SetVariableCollection([AnsibleVariableCollection]$VariableCollection) {
        $This.VariableCollection = $VariableCollection

    SetGroupingCollection([AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]$GroupingCollection) {
        $this.GroupCollection = $GroupingCollection

    SetPath([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) {
        $this.Path = $Path
        If ($this.VariableCollection) {

    Export() {


        If (!($this.Path.Exists)) {

        if($this.OutputType -eq "INI"){
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$InventoryFile = Join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "inventory.ini"
            If (!($InventoryFile.Exists)) {
                $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $InventoryFile.FullName -Force

            $IniContent = $this.ConvertToIni()
            Set-Content -Path $InventoryFile.FullName -Value $IniContent -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM #utf8NoBOM is Only available on PS7

            if ($this.VariableCollection) {
        }elseif ($this.OutputType -eq "JSON") {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$InventoryFile = Join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "inventory.json"
            $RootHashTable = @{}

            $RootHashTable._meta = @{
                host_vars = ""

            foreach($Group in ${
                $RootHashTable.$Group = @{}
                if(($this.GroupCollection.Groups | ?{$ -eq $Group} | select members).members -gt 0){
                    $RootHashTable.$Group.hosts = ($this.GroupCollection.Groups | ?{$ -eq $Group} | select members).members
                if($this.Hierarchy.Entries.Parent -contains $Group){
                    foreach($Hierarchyentry in $this.Hierarchy.Entries){
                        if($null -eq $Hierarchyentry.children){
                            $RootHashTable.$($Hierarchyentry.Parent) = @{}
                            $RootHashTable.$($Hierarchyentry.Parent).children = @()
                            $RootHashTable.$($Hierarchyentry.Parent).children = ($this.Hierarchy.Entries | ?{$_.Parent -eq $($Hierarchyentry.Parent)}).Children 

            $JsonContent = $RootHashTable | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Set-Content -Path $InventoryFile.FullName -Value $JsonContent -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM #utf8NoBOM is Only available on PS7


    [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] GetEntries() {
        return $this.EntryCollection.GetEntries()

        $AllGroups = @()
        $AllGroups += $this.Hierarchy.CreateGrouping()
        $AllGroups += $this.EntryCollection.CreateGrouping()
        $GroupingCollection = [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::new()
        foreach($grp in $AllGroups){

Enum AnsibleVarType {

Class AnsibleVar {

    AnsibleVar() {}

    AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $This.Value = $Value

    AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value, [AnsibleVarType]$VarType) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $This.Value = $Value

    AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value, [AnsibleVarType]$VarType, [String]$ContainerName) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $This.Value = $Value

    SetVarType([AnsibleVarType]$VarType) {
        $this.VarType = $VarType

    SetContainerName([String]$ContainerName) {
        $this.ContainerName = $ContainerName

    [string] ToString() {
        return "[{0}] {1}:{2}" -f $this.ContainerName, $this.Name, $this.Value

Class AnsibleVariableCollection {

    AnsibleVariableCollection() {}

    AnsibleVariableCollection([AnsibleVar[]]$Variables) {

    AddVariable([AnsibleVar[]]$Variable) {
        $this.Variables += $Variable

    SetVariables([AnsibleVar[]]$Variables) {
        $This.Variables = $Variables

    [Object]GetGrouping() {
        Return $This.Variables | Group-Object -Property 'ContainerName'

    SetPath([System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Path) {
        $This.Path = $Path

    Export() {
        If (!($this.Path.Exists)) {
        If ($this.Path.Exists) {
            #Exporting Group_vars

            [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$GroupVarsFolder = join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "group_vars"
            If (!($GroupVarsFolder.Exists)) {
                $Null = New-Item -Path $GroupVarsFolder.FullName -ItemType Directory

            [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$HostVarsFolder = join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "host_vars"

            If (!($HostVarsFolder.Exists)) {
                $Null = New-Item -Path $HostVarsFolder.FullName -ItemType Directory


            Foreach ($gvar in $this.GetGroupVariables() | Group-Object ContainerName) {
                $GroupVarFile = $Null
                [System.IO.FileInfo]$GroupVarFile = Join-Path -Path $GroupVarsFolder.FullName -ChildPath ($gvar.Name + ".yml")
                If (!($GroupVarFile.Exists)) {
                    $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $GroupVarFile.FullName

                $gvar.Group | ConvertTo-Yaml -OutFile $GroupVarFile.FullName -Force

                $GroupVarData = ""
                $GroupVarData += "---`n"
                foreach($gv in $gvar.Group){
                    $GroupVarData += $gv.Name + ": " + $gv.Value + "`n"
                Set-Content -Path $GroupVarFile.FullName -Value $GroupVarData -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM


            Foreach ($hvar in $this.GetHostVariables() | Group-Object ContainerName) {
                $HostVarFile = $Null
                [System.IO.FileInfo]$HostVarFile = Join-Path -Path $HostVarsFolder.FullName -ChildPath ($hvar.Name + ".yml")
                If (!($HostVarFile.Exists)) {
                    $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $HostVarFile.FullName

                $hvar.Group | ConvertTo-Yaml -OutFile $HostVarFile.FullName -Force
                $HostVarData = ""
                $HostVarData += "---`n"
                foreach($hv in $hvar.Group){
                    $HostVarData += $hv.Name + ": " + $hv.Value + "`n"
                 Set-Content -Path $HostVarFile.FullName -Value $HostVarData -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM # Should be created without bom

                    $MyRawString = Get-Content -Raw $MyPath
                    $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
                    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($MyPath, $MyRawString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)


        else {
            Throw "Error: $($this.Path.FullNAme) Does not exists"

    [AnsibleVar[]]GetGroupVariables() {
        $AllGroupVariables = [AnsibleVar[]]@()
        $AllGroupVariables = $This.Variables | ? { $_.VarType -eq 'Group' }
        Return $AllGroupVariables

    [AnsibleVar[]]GetHostVariables() {
        $AllGroupVariables = @()
        $AllGroupVariables = $This.Variables | ? { $_.VarType -eq 'Host' }
        Return $AllGroupVariables

    [AnsibleVar[]]GetVariable([String]$Name) {
        $TempVars = @()
        $TempVars = $This.Variables | ? { $_.Name -eq $Name } | Sort-Object ContainerName
        Return $TempVars

    [AnsibleVar[]] GetVariableFromContainer($ContainerName) {
        $TempVars = @()
        $TempVars = $This.Variables | ? { $_.ContainerName -eq $ContainerName }
        Return $TempVars
Function Export-AnsibleInventory {
Exports an Ansible inventory to a specified directory in the specified format.
This function exports an Ansible inventory to the specified directory in the specified format. It allows users to customize the output format and directory path.
Specifies the directory where the Ansible inventory file will be exported. This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the format of the exported inventory file. Default is "INI". This parameter is optional.
.PARAMETER Inventory
Specifies the Ansible inventory object to be exported. This parameter is mandatory.
Export-AnsibleInventory -Path "C:\Ansible\Inventory" -OutputType "YAML" -Inventory $MyInventory
Exports the Ansible inventory object $MyInventory to the directory "C:\Ansible\Inventory" in YAML format.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [AnsibleInventoryOutputType]$OutputType = "INI",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


Function Import-AnsibleInventory {

    $inv = [AnsibleInventory]::New($Path)

    REturn $Inv
Function Import-AnsibleInventoryHierarchy {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    If (($Path.Exists) -and ($path.Extension -eq '.csv')) {
        $rawData = import-csv -Path $Path.FullName -Delimiter ';'
        $Arch = @()
        Foreach ($Line in $rawData) {
            $Arch += New-AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry -ParentName $Line.Parent -Children ($Line.Children -split ",")

        return $Arch
    else {
        throw "either the file does not exists, or it is not a .csv file."
Function New-AnsibleInventory {

    return [AnsibleInventory]::New()
Function New-AnsibleInventoryEntry {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Entry = [AnsibleInventoryEntry]::new()
    $Entry.NodeName = $NodeName

    if ($group) {


    return $Entry
Function New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $Grouping = [AnsibleInventoryGrouping]::New($Name)
    If ($Members) {

    If ($HasChildren) {

    Return $Grouping
Function New-AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection {

    return [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::New()
Function New-AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


    $h = [AnsibleInventoryHierarchyEntry]::New($ParentName)

    If ($Children) {

    Return $h

Function New-AnsibleInventoryVariable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Host", "Group")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $var = [AnsibleVar]::New()
    $var.Name = $Name
    $Var.Value = $Value
    $var.VarType = $Type
    $var.ContainerName = $ContainerName
    Return $var

Function New-AnsibleInventoryVariableCollection {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    If ($Variables) {
        $collection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New($Variables)
    else {
        $Collection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New()

    Return $collection
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