#Generated at 09/03/2021 13:09:05 by Stephane van Gulick Class AnsibleInventoryEntry { [String]$NodeName $GroupMemberShip = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() AnsibleInventoryEntry() {} AnsibleInventoryEntry([String]$NodeName) { $this.NodeName = $NodeName } AnsibleInventoryEntry($NodeName, $GroupMemberShip) { $this.GroupMemberShip = $GroupMemberShip $this.NodeName = $NodeName } AddToGroup([String]$Group) { $this.GroupMemberShip.Add($Group) } [String]ToString() { Return "{0} {1} {2}" -f $this.NodeName, "->", ($this.GroupMemberShip -join ",") } [Bool]IsInGroup([String]$GroupName) { Return ($this.GroupMemberShip.contains($GroupName)) } } Class AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection { [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] $Entries = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]]::new() AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection() {} AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection([AnsibleInventoryEntry[]]$Entry) { $this.AddEntry($Entry) } AddEntry($Entry) { foreach ($ent in $Entry) { $this.Entries.add($ent) } } [AnsibleInventoryEntry] GetEntry([String]$NodeName) { Return ($this.Entries | ? { $_.NodeName -eq $NodeName }) } [String] ToString() { Return "TotalEntries: {0}" -f $this.Entries.Count } [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] GetEntries() { return $this.Entries } [AnsibleInventoryGrouping[]]CreateGrouping() { $Groupings = @{} Foreach ($entry in $This.Entries) { foreach ($groupName in $entry.GroupMemberShip) { If (!($groupings.ContainsKey($groupName))) { $groupings.$GroupName = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() } If (!($groupings.$GroupName.Contains($entry.NodeName))) { $groupings.$GroupName.Add($Entry.NodeName) } } } $ansgrp = @() foreach ($grpkey in $Groupings.Keys) { $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $grpkey -Members $Groupings.$grpkey $ansgrp += $g $g = $null } return $ansgrp } } Class AnsibleInventoryGrouping { [String]$Name $members = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() [Bool]$HasChildren AnsibleInventoryGrouping() { } AnsibleInventoryGrouping([string]$Name) { $this.Name = $Name } AnsibleInventoryGrouping([String]$Name, [Array]$Members) { $this.Name = $Name $this.Members = $Members } AddMember([String[]]$Members) { foreach ($member in $members) { write-verbose "Adding member $($member)" $this.members.add($member) } } [array] GetMembers() { return $this.members } [bool]HasMember([string]$MemberName) { return $this.members.Contains($MemberName) } [String] ToIni() { $string = "" if($this.HasChildren){ $String += "[{0}:{1}]`n" -f $this.Name,"children" }else{ $String += "[{0}]`n" -f $this.Name } foreach ($member in $this.members) { $String += "$($member)`n" } $string += "`n" return $String } [void]SetHasChildren([bool]$HasChildren) { $this.HasChildren = $HasChildren } } Class AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection { [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryGrouping]]$Groups = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryGrouping]]::new() AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection() { } AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection($Groups) { $this.AddGrouping($Groups) } AddGrouping($Grouping) { foreach ($group in $grouping) { if($this.Groups){ $GroupAlreadyExisting = $this.groups | ? {$_.Name -eq $group.Name} if(($GroupAlreadyExisting) -and (!($GroupAlreadyExisting.hasChildren))){ #Group is NOT an arch group, and group is already present. adding members to the group. Foreach($member in $group.members){ $GroupAlreadyExisting.AddMember($member) } }else{ #New group (not the first one) $this.Groups.Add($group) } }else{ #New and first group $this.Groups.Add($group) } } } [String]GetGroupNames() { return ($This.Groups.Name -join ",") } [String]ToString() { Return $This.Groups.Name -join "," } [string]ConvertToIni() { $String = "" Foreach ($group in $this.Groups) { $String += $Group.ToIni() } return $String } } Class AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry { $Parent [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Children = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry(){} AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry($Parent) { $This.Parent = $Parent } AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry($Parent, $Children) { $this.Parent = $Parent $this.AddChild($Children) } [void] AddChild([string[]]$children) { foreach ($child in $children) { $this.Children.Add($Child) } } [Bool] HasChild([string]$Child) { return $this.Children.Contains($Child) } [String] ConvertToIni() { $FullString = "" $FullString += "[$($this.Parent):children]`n" Foreach ($Child in $this.children) { $FullString += "$($Child)`n" } $FullString += "`n" Return $FullString } [String] ToString() { Return "{0} -> {1}" -f $this.Parent, ($this.Children -join ",") } } Class AnsibleInventoryHiearchyCollection { $Entries = [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry[]]]::new() AnsibleInventoryHiearchyCollection() { } AnsibleInventoryHiearchyCollection([AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry[]]$Entry) { $this.Entries.Add($Entry) } AddEntry($Entry) { foreach ($ent in $Entry) { $this.Entries.add($ent) } } [string]ConvertToIni() { $String = "" Foreach ($arch in $this.Entries) { $String += $arch.ConvertToIni() } return $String } [AnsibleInventoryGrouping[]]CreateGrouping() { $Groupings = @{} $ansgrp = @() #Working on parent elements Foreach($archelement in $this.Entries){ $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $archelement.parent -Members $archelement.children -HasChildren $ansgrp += $g $g = $null } #Working on the children Foreach ($entry in $This.Entries) { foreach($child in $entry.Children){ If(!($ansgrp.Name.contains($child))){ $g = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $child $ansgrp += $g $g = $null } } } return $ansgrp } } Class AnsibleInventory { [AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection]$EntryCollection = [AnsibleInventoryEntryCollection]::New() [AnsibleInventoryHiearchyCollection] $Hiearchy = [AnsibleInventoryHiearchyCollection]::New() [AnsibleVariableCollection]$VariableCollection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New() [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]$GroupCollection = [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::New() AnsibleInventory() { } AnsibleInventory([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$p) { If($p.Extension -eq '.ini'){ [System.IO.FileInfo]$p = [System.IO.FileInfo]$p.FullName } If (!($p.Exists)) { Throw "File $($p.FullName) does not exists" } if($p.Extension -eq ".ini"){ #Is file $this.SetPath($p.FullName) }else{ #Is directory $invFile = gci -Path $p.FullName -Filter "*inventory.ini" if(!($invFile.Exists)){ Throw "File $($invFile.FullName) does not exists" } $this.SetPath($invFile.FullName) } #$IniContentRaw = Get-Content -Path $Path.FullName -Raw #$IniContent = $IniContentRaw -split '\r?\n' $IniContent = Get-Content -Path $this.Path.FullName #As members are added only when an empty string is found, the file MUST end with an empty line. If not the case, I add one. If ($IniContent[-1] -ne "") { $IniContent += "" } $AllRecords = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() $AllEntries = @{} $record = $null $GroupName = $null switch -Regex ($IniContent) { '\[([^:\]]+)' { $record = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $matches[1] HasChildren = $false Members = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() } $GroupName = $matches[1] } ':children' { $record.HasChildren = $true } '^[a-z0-9\._]+$' { $record.Members.Add($_) if ($record.HasChildren -eq $false) { If (!($AllEntries.ContainsKey($_))) { $AllEntries.$_ = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() } $AllEntries.$_.add($GroupName) } } '^$' { $AllRecords.Add($record) } } Foreach ($Item in $AllRecords) { If ($null -eq $Item) { continue } If ($Item.HasChildren) { $arch = New-AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry -ParentName $Item.Name -Children $Item.Members $this.AddHiearchy($arch) $arch = $null } else { $Grouping = New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping -Name $item.Name -Members $Item.Members $this.AddGrouping($Grouping) $Grouping = $null } } Foreach ($KeyEntry in $AllEntries.Keys) { $Entry = New-AnsibleInventoryEntry -NodeName $KeyEntry foreach ($grp in $AllEntries.$KeyEntry) { $Entry.AddToGroup($grp) } $this.AddInventoryEntry($Entry) $Entry = $null } #Getting variables [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$group_vars_folder = join-Path -Path $this.Path.Directory -ChildPath "group_vars" [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$hosts_vars_folder = join-Path -Path $this.Path.Directory -ChildPath "hosts_vars" If ($group_vars_folder.Exists) { $GroupVarFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $group_vars_folder.FullName Foreach ($groupvarfile in $GroupVarFiles) { $ContainerName = $groupvarfile.BaseName <# $GroupVarFileContent = get-content -Path $groupvarfile.FullName switch -Regex ($GroupVarFileContent){ "---"{ continue } "^(?<VariableName>.+):\s?(?<VariableValue>.+)"{ $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Group -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $matches.VariableName -Value $matches.VariableValue $this.VariableCollection.AddVariable($var) $var = $null } } #> $data = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (gc $groupvarfile.FullName -raw ) | sort name foreach ($key in $data.keys ) { $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Group -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $Key -Value $data.$key $this.VariableCollection.AddVariable($var) $var = $null } $data = $null } } If ($hosts_vars_folder.Exists) { $hostVarFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $hosts_vars_folder.FullName Foreach ($Hostvarfile in $hostVarFiles) { $ContainerName = $Hostvarfile.BaseName <# $HostvarfileFileContent = get-content -Path $Hostvarfile.FullName switch -Regex ($HostvarfileFileContent){ "---"{ continue } "^(?<VariableName>.+):\s?(?<VariableValue>.+)"{ $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type Host -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $matches.variableName -Value $matches.VariableValue $this.VariableCollection.AddVariable($var) $var = $null } } #> $data = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (gc $Hostvarfile.FullName -raw ) | sort name foreach ($key in $data.keys ) { $var = New-AnsibleInventoryVariable -Type host -ContainerName $ContainerName -Name $Key -Value $data.$key $this.VariableCollection.AddVariable($var) $var = $null } $Data = $null } } } AnsibleInventory($Entries, $Hiearchy) { $this.AddInventoryEntry($Entries) $this.Hiearchy.AddEntry($Hiearchy) } AddHiearchy($Hiearchy) { $this.Hiearchy.AddEntry($Hiearchy) } AddInventoryEntry([AnsibleInventoryEntry[]]$Entries) { Foreach ($ent in $entries) { $This.EntryCollection.addEntry($entries) } } [String]ConvertArchToInI() { $FullString = "" Foreach ($hier in $this.Hiearchy.Entries) { $FullString += "[$($hier.Parent):children]`n" Foreach ($Child in $hier.children) { $FullString += "$($Child)`n" } $FullString += "`n" } Return $FullString } AddGrouping($Grouping) { $this.GroupCollection.AddGrouping($Grouping) } AddVariable([object]$Variable){ #Will change to AnsibleInventoryItem once class is there. Foreach($var in $Variable){ $this.VariableCollection.AddVariable($Variable) } } [Object]GetGroups() { return $this.Groups } [String]ConvertGroupsToIni() { return $this.GroupCollection.ConvertToIni() } [string]ConvertToIni() { #$All = $this.ConvertArchToInI() Not needed anymore, as arch tree is generated in groupCollection. All child groups (even empty ones) # will be created $All += $this.ConvertGroupsToIni() Return $All } SetVariableCollection([AnsibleVariableCollection]$VariableCollection) { $This.VariableCollection = $VariableCollection } SetGroupingCollection([AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]$GroupingCollection) { $this.GroupCollection = $GroupingCollection } SetPath([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) { $this.Path = $Path If ($this.VariableCollection) { $this.VariableCollection.SetPath($Path) } } Export() { $this.CreateGroupings() If (!($this.Path.Exists)) { $this.path.Create() $this.Path.Refresh() } [System.IO.FileInfo]$InventoryFile = Join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "inventory.ini" If (!($InventoryFile.Exists)) { $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $InventoryFile.FullName -Force $InventoryFile.Refresh() } $IniContent = $this.ConvertToIni() Set-Content -Path $InventoryFile.FullName -Value $IniContent -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM #utf8NoBOM is Only available on PS7 if ($this.VariableCollection) { $This.VariableCollection.Export() } } [System.Collections.Generic.List[AnsibleInventoryEntry]] GetEntries() { return $this.EntryCollection.GetEntries() } CreateGroupings(){ $AllGroups = @() $AllGroups += $this.Hiearchy.CreateGrouping() $AllGroups += $this.EntryCollection.CreateGrouping() $GroupingCollection = [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::new() foreach($grp in $AllGroups){ $GroupingCollection.AddGrouping($grp) } $this.SetGroupingCollection($GroupingCollection) } } Enum AnsibleVarType { Group Host } Class AnsibleVar { [String]$Name [object]$Value [AnsibleVarType]$VarType [String]$ContainerName AnsibleVar() {} AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value) { $this.Name = $Name $This.Value = $Value } AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value, [AnsibleVarType]$VarType) { $this.Name = $Name $This.Value = $Value $this.SetVarType($VarType) } AnsibleVar([String]$Name, [Object]$Value, [AnsibleVarType]$VarType, [String]$ContainerName) { $this.Name = $Name $This.Value = $Value $this.SetVarType($VarType) $this.SetContainerName($ContainerName) } SetVarType([AnsibleVarType]$VarType) { $this.VarType = $VarType } SetContainerName([String]$ContainerName) { $this.ContainerName = $ContainerName } [string] ToString() { return "[{0}] {1}:{2}" -f $this.ContainerName, $this.Name, $this.Value } } Class AnsibleVariableCollection { [AnsibleVar[]]$Variables [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path AnsibleVariableCollection() {} AnsibleVariableCollection([AnsibleVar[]]$Variables) { $this.SetVariables($Variables) } AddVariable([AnsibleVar[]]$Variable) { $this.Variables += $Variable } SetVariables([AnsibleVar[]]$Variables) { $This.Variables = $Variables } [Object]GetGrouping() { Return $This.Variables | Group-Object -Property 'ContainerName' } SetPath([System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Path) { $This.Path = $Path $this.Path.Refresh() } Export() { If (!($this.Path.Exists)) { $this.Path.Create() $this.path.Refresh() } If ($this.Path.Exists) { #Exporting Group_vars [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$GroupVarsFolder = join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "group_vars" If (!($GroupVarsFolder.Exists)) { $Null = New-Item -Path $GroupVarsFolder.FullName -ItemType Directory } [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$HostVarsFolder = join-Path -Path $This.Path.FullName -ChildPath "host_vars" If (!($HostVarsFolder.Exists)) { $Null = New-Item -Path $HostVarsFolder.FullName -ItemType Directory } Foreach ($gvar in $this.GetGroupVariables() | Group-Object ContainerName) { $GroupVarFile = $Null [System.IO.FileInfo]$GroupVarFile = Join-Path -Path $GroupVarsFolder.FullName -ChildPath ($gvar.Name + ".yml") If (!($GroupVarFile.Exists)) { $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $GroupVarFile.FullName } $gvar.Group | ConvertTo-Yaml -OutFile $GroupVarFile.FullName -Force <# $GroupVarData = "" $GroupVarData += "---`n" foreach($gv in $gvar.Group){ $GroupVarData += $gv.Name + ": " + $gv.Value + "`n" } Set-Content -Path $GroupVarFile.FullName -Value $GroupVarData -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM #> } Foreach ($hvar in $this.GetHostVariables() | Group-Object ContainerName) { $HostVarFile = $Null [System.IO.FileInfo]$HostVarFile = Join-Path -Path $HostVarsFolder.FullName -ChildPath ($hvar.Name + ".yml") If (!($HostVarFile.Exists)) { $Null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $HostVarFile.FullName } $hvar.Group | ConvertTo-Yaml -OutFile $HostVarFile.FullName -Force <# $HostVarData = "" $HostVarData += "---`n" foreach($hv in $hvar.Group){ $HostVarData += $hv.Name + ": " + $hv.Value + "`n" } Set-Content -Path $HostVarFile.FullName -Value $HostVarData -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM # Should be created without bom #> <# $MyRawString = Get-Content -Raw $MyPath $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($MyPath, $MyRawString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding) #> } } else { Throw "Error: $($this.Path.FullNAme) Does not exists" } } [AnsibleVar[]]GetGroupVariables() { $AllGroupVariables = [AnsibleVar[]]@() $AllGroupVariables = $This.Variables | ? { $_.VarType -eq 'Group' } Return $AllGroupVariables } [AnsibleVar[]]GetHostVariables() { $AllGroupVariables = @() $AllGroupVariables = $This.Variables | ? { $_.VarType -eq 'Host' } Return $AllGroupVariables } [AnsibleVar[]]GetVariable([String]$Name) { $TempVars = @() $TempVars = $This.Variables | ? { $_.Name -eq $Name } | Sort-Object ContainerName Return $TempVars } [AnsibleVar[]] GetVariableFromContainer($ContainerName) { $TempVars = @() $TempVars = $This.Variables | ? { $_.ContainerName -eq $ContainerName } Return $TempVars } } Function Import-AnsibleInventory { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path ) $inv = [AnsibleInventory]::New($Path) REturn $Inv } Function Import-AnsibleInventoryHiearchy { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path ) If (($Path.Exists) -and ($path.Extension -eq '.csv')) { $rawData = import-csv -Path $Path.FullName -Delimiter ';' $Arch = @() Foreach ($Line in $rawData) { $Arch += New-AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry -ParentName $Line.Parent -Children ($Line.Children -split ",") } return $Arch } else { throw "either the file does not exists, or it is not a .csv file." } } Function New-AnsibleInventory { return [AnsibleInventory]::New() } Function New-AnsibleInventoryEntry { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$NodeName, [String[]]$Group ) $Entry = [AnsibleInventoryEntry]::new() $Entry.NodeName = $NodeName if ($group) { $Entry.AddToGroup($Group) } return $Entry } Function New-AnsibleInventoryGrouping { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, $Members, [Switch]$HasChildren ) $Grouping = [AnsibleInventoryGrouping]::New($Name) If ($Members) { $Grouping.AddMember($Members) } If ($HasChildren) { $Grouping.SetHasChildren($True) } Return $Grouping } Function New-AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection { [CmldetBinding()] Param( ) return [AnsibleInventoryGroupingCollection]::New() } Function New-AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry { [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ParentName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Array]$Children ) $h = [AnsibleInventoryHiearchyEntry]::New($ParentName) If ($Children) { $h.AddChild($Children) } Return $h } Function New-AnsibleInventoryVariable { [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Host", "Group")] [AnsibleVarType]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ContainerName ) $var = [AnsibleVar]::New() $var.Name = $Name $Var.Value = $Value $var.VarType = $Type $var.ContainerName = $ContainerName Return $var } Function New-AnsibleInventoryVariableCollection { [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] $Variables ) If ($Variables) { $collection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New($Variables) } else { $Collection = [AnsibleVariableCollection]::New() } Return $collection } #Post Content |