
function Include {
        Include the functions or code of another powershell script file into the current build script's scope
        A build script may declare an "includes" function which allows you to define a file containing powershell code to be included
        and added to the scope of the currently running build script. Code from such file will be executed after code from build script.
        .PARAMETER fileNamePathToInclude
        A string containing the path and name of the powershell file to include
        A sample build script is shown below:
        Include ".\build_utils.ps1"
        Task default -depends Test
        Task Test -depends Compile, Clean {
        Task Compile -depends Clean {
        Task Clean {
        The script above includes all the functions and variables defined in the ".\build_utils.ps1" script into the current build script's scope
        Note: You can have more than 1 "Include" function defined in the build script.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Assert (test-path $fileNamePathToInclude -pathType Leaf) ($msgs.error_invalid_include_path -f $fileNamePathToInclude)

    $psake.context.Peek().includes.Enqueue((Resolve-Path $fileNamePathToInclude));