function Invoke-Task { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes another task in the current build script. .DESCRIPTION This is a function that will allow you to invoke a Task from within another Task in the current build script. .PARAMETER taskName The name of the task to execute. .EXAMPLE Invoke-Task "Compile" This example calls the "Compile" task. .LINK Assert .LINK Exec .LINK FormatTaskName .LINK Framework .LINK Get-PSakeScriptTasks .LINK Include .LINK Invoke-psake .LINK Properties .LINK Task .LINK TaskSetup .LINK TaskTearDown #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$taskName ) Assert $taskName ($msgs.error_invalid_task_name) $taskKey = $taskName.ToLower() $currentContext = $psake.context.Peek() if ($currentContext.aliases.Contains($taskKey)) { $taskName = $currentContext.aliases.$taskKey.Name $taskKey = $taskName.ToLower() } Assert ($currentContext.tasks.Contains($taskKey)) ($msgs.error_task_name_does_not_exist -f $taskName) if ($currentContext.executedTasks.Contains($taskKey)) { return } Assert (!$currentContext.callStack.Contains($taskKey)) ($msgs.error_circular_reference -f $taskName) $currentContext.callStack.Push($taskKey) $task = $currentContext.tasks.$taskKey $precondition_is_valid = & $task.Precondition if (!$precondition_is_valid) { WriteColoredOutput ($msgs.precondition_was_false -f $taskName) -foregroundcolor Cyan } else { if ($taskKey -ne 'default') { if ($task.PreAction -or $task.PostAction) { Assert ($null -ne $task.Action) ($msgs.error_missing_action_parameter -f $taskName) } if ($task.Action) { $stopwatch = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch try { foreach($childTask in $task.DependsOn) { Invoke-Task $childTask } $stopwatch.Start() $currentContext.currentTaskName = $taskName try { & $currentContext.taskSetupScriptBlock try { if ($task.PreAction) { & $task.PreAction } if ($currentContext.config.taskNameFormat -is [ScriptBlock]) { $taskHeader = & $currentContext.config.taskNameFormat $taskName } else { $taskHeader = $currentContext.config.taskNameFormat -f $taskName } WriteColoredOutput $taskHeader -foregroundcolor Cyan foreach ($variable in $task.requiredVariables) { Assert ((Test-Path "variable:$variable") -and ($null -ne (Get-Variable $variable).Value)) ($msgs.required_variable_not_set -f $variable, $taskName) } & $task.Action } finally { if ($task.PostAction) { & $task.PostAction } } } finally { & $currentContext.taskTearDownScriptBlock } } catch { if ($task.ContinueOnError) { "-"*70 WriteColoredOutput ($msgs.continue_on_error -f $taskName,$_) -foregroundcolor Yellow "-"*70 [void]$currentContext.callStack.Pop() } else { throw $_ } } finally { $task.Duration = $stopwatch.Elapsed } } else { # no action was specified but we still execute all the dependencies foreach($childTask in $task.DependsOn) { Invoke-Task $childTask } } } else { foreach($childTask in $task.DependsOn) { Invoke-Task $childTask } } Assert (& $task.Postcondition) ($msgs.postcondition_failed -f $taskName) } $poppedTaskKey = $currentContext.callStack.Pop() Assert ($poppedTaskKey -eq $taskKey) ($msgs.error_corrupt_callstack -f $taskKey,$poppedTaskKey) $currentContext.executedTasks.Push($taskKey) } |