
Function Get-IniContent {  
        Gets the content of an INI file
        Gets the content of an INI file and returns it as a hashtable
        Author : Oliver Lipkau <>
        Blog :
        Source :
        Version : 1.0 - 2010/03/12 - Initial release
                      1.1 - 2014/12/11 - Typo (Thx SLDR)
                                         Typo (Thx Dave Stiff)
        #Requires -Version 2.0
    .Parameter FilePath
        Specifies the path to the input file.
        $FileContent = Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini"
        Saves the content of the c:\myinifile.ini in a hashtable called $FileContent
        $inifilepath | $FileContent = Get-IniContent
        Gets the content of the ini file passed through the pipe into a hashtable called $FileContent
        C:\PS>$FileContent = Get-IniContent "c:\settings.ini"
        Returns the key "Key" of the section "Section" from the C:\settings.ini file
        #[ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".ini")})]
        {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function started"}  
        if ($FilePath)
        {  }
            if ($_ -isnot [Array])
                $content = $_ -split "`r`n"

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Processing file: $Filepath"  
        $ini = @{}  
        switch -regex -file $FilePath  
        #switch -regex ($content)
            "^\[(.+)\]$" # Section
                $section = $matches[1]  
                $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $CommentCount = 0  
            "^(;.*)$" # Comment
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $value = $matches[1]  
                $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1  
                $name = "Comment" + $CommentCount  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
            "(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" # Key
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $name,$value = $matches[1..2]  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Finished Processing file: $FilePath"  
        Return $ini  
        {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function ended"}  