
function New-PowerPlanReport {
        Export a Power Plan statistics report
        Export a Power Plan statistics and analysis report
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
        Path where report file will be created. File name is "powerplanreport_COMPUTERNAME.ext"
        Where "ext" is based on the -Format option
    .PARAMETER Format
        Format for report file: HTML, XML or JSON
        If HTML is chosen,and -PassThru is used, report is opened in default web browser
        If XML is chosen with -PassThru, XML DOM data is returned from file content
        If JSON is chosen with -PassThru, JSON content is convert into PSObject output
        Number of days to analyze power usage. Default is 3 (days)
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Return report data to console pipeline (except HTML)
        New-PowerPlanReport -OutputFolder c:\temp -Format XML -Days 7
        Report file is saved to output path but no content is returned to pipeline
        New-PowerPlanReport -OutputFolder c:\temp -Format XML -Days 7 -PassThru
        Report file is saved to output path and content is returned to pipeline as XML DOM
        New-PowerPlanReport -OutputFolder c:\temp -Format JSON -Days 7 -PassThru
        Report file is saved to output path and content is returned to pipeline as PSObject data

    param (
        [parameter()][string][ValidateSet('HTML','XML','JSON')]$Format = 'HTML',
        [parameter()][int]$Days = 3,
    $filepath = Join-Path $OutputFolder "powerplanreport_$($env:COMPUTERNAME).$($Format.ToLower())"
    switch ($Format) {
        'HTML' {
            if ((Test-Path $FilePath) -and $PassThru) {
                Start-Process $FilePath
                Write-Host "file: $FilePath"
        'XML' {
            if ((Test-Path $FilePath) -and $PassThru) {
                [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath)
                Write-Host "file: $FilePath"
        'JSON' {
            if ((Test-Path $FilePath) -and $PassThru) {
                Get-Content -Path $FilePath | ConvertFrom-Json
                Write-Host "file: $FilePath"