.SYNOPSIS Returns Windows power plans. .DESCRIPTION Returns all Windows power plans or just the active power plan. .PARAMETER ID Optional GUID for a specific power plan (default is to return all power plans) .PARAMETER ComputerName Optional name of a remote computer. Default is local computer. .PARAMETER IsActive Optional. Return only the active power plan .EXAMPLE Get-PowerPlan Returns all power plans defined on the local computer .EXAMPLE Get-PowerPlan -IsActive Returns the current power plan for the local computer .EXAMPLE Get-PowerPlan -IsActive -ComputerName WS123 Returns the current power plan for computer WS123 .LINK #> function Get-PowerPlan { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter()][string]$ID = "", [parameter()][string]$ComputerName = "", [parameter()][switch]$IsActive ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ID)) { $params = @{ Class = "Win32_PowerPlan" Namespace = "root\cimv2\power" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ComputerName)) { $params.Add("ComputerName", $ComputerName) } if ($IsActive) { Get-WmiObject @params | Where-Object {$_.IsActive -eq $True} | Select-Object @{l='ID';e={$_.InstanceID.Split('\\')[1].Substring(1,36)}},ElementName,Description,IsActive } else { Get-WmiObject @params | Select-Object @{l='ID';e={$_.InstanceID.Split('\\')[1].Substring(1,36)}},ElementName,Description,IsActive } } else { POWERCFG -QUERY $($ID).Trim() } } |