
Function ConvertTo-FilterString {
Converts Hashtable Key-Value pairs to a string for use as a Filter value

When given a hashtable as input, converts key value pairs to filter string.
Returns single key hashtable, with string as value of the "filter" key.
If an input key is `modificationTime` (from Get-PASAccount), it is expected to have a datetime value;
this will be converted to unixtime, the operator for the filter value will be 'gte' rather than 'eq'.

.PARAMETER Parameters
Hashtable containing parameter names and values to include in output

$input | ConvertTo-FilterString

Joins Key & Value with "eq"
Joins Multiple Key Value pairs with ' AND '
Output: @{"filter" = "Key eq Value AND Key eq Value"}

@{modificationTime=(Get-Date)} | ConvertTo-FilterString

@{"filter" = "modificationTime eq 12345678"}

Returns datetime as unixtime, with `gte` operator.


    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'FilterList', Justification = 'False Positive')]
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

    Begin {


    Process {

        If ($Parameters) {

            $Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {

                $FilterList = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@()

            } {
                switch ($PSItem) {

                    modificationTime {

                        $null = $FilterList.Add("modificationTime gte $($Parameters[$PSItem] | ConvertTo-UnixTime)")


                    default {

                        $null = $FilterList.Add("$PSItem eq $($Parameters[$PSItem])")


            } {

                If ($FilterList.count -gt 0) {

                    @{'filter' = $FilterList -join ' AND ' }




    End { }
