
function Get-PASGroup {
List groups from the vault

Returns a list of all existing user groups.

The user performing this task:
- Must have Audit users permissions in the Vault.
- Can see groups either only on the same level, or lower in the Vault hierarchy.

.PARAMETER groupType
Search for groups which are from a configured Directory or from the Vault.

Filter according to REST standard.
*depreciated parameter in psPAS - filter value will automatically be set with if groupType specified.

Search will match when ALL search terms appear in the group name.


Returns all existing groups

Get-PASGroup -groupType Directory

Returns all existing Directory groups

Get-PASGroup -groupType Vault

Returns all existing Vault groups

Get-PASGroup -filter 'groupType eq Directory'

Returns all existing Directory groups

Get-PASGroup -search "Vault Admins"

Returns all groups matching all search terms

Get-PASGroup -search "Vault Admins" -groupType Directory

Returns all existing Directory groups matching all search terms

All parameters can be piped by property name

psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Group Object

Minimum Version 10.5


    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "groupType")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "groupType"
        [ValidateSet("Directory", "Vault")]

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "filter"
        [ValidateSet("groupType eq Directory", "groupType eq Vault")]

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

    BEGIN {
        Assert-VersionRequirement -RequiredVersion 10.5


        #Create URL for request
        $URI = "$Script:BaseURI/API/UserGroups"

        #Get Parameters to include in request
        $boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | Get-PASParameter -ParametersToRemove groupType
        $filterProperties = $PSBoundParameters | Get-PASParameter -ParametersToKeep groupType
        $FilterString = $filterProperties | ConvertTo-FilterString

        If ($null -ne $FilterString) {

            $boundParameters = $boundParameters + $FilterString


        #Create Query String, escaped for inclusion in request URL
        $queryString = $boundParameters | ConvertTo-QueryString

        if ($null -ne $queryString) {

            #Build URL from base URL
            $URI = "$URI`?$queryString"


        #send request to web service
        $result = Invoke-PASRestMethod -Uri $URI -Method GET -WebSession $Script:WebSession

        If ($null -ne $result) {

            $result.value | Add-ObjectDetail -typename psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Group



    END { }#end
